2010-07-19 18:44:42 +00:00
Fri Jul 16 13:31:55 UTC 2010 - chris@computersalat.de
- update to 4.016
* Disabled mysql_bind_type_guessing due to one performance issue
querying on a indexed character column unquoted will mean the index
is not used
* Fixed int types that should be bools
- 2010-07-09 Patrick Galbraith <patg@patg.net> (4.015)
* BUG #56664 fixed t/40blobs.t skip_all logic (W. Phillip Moore)
* BUG #57253 Fixed iteration past end of string (crash). (Chris Butler)
* Added a new parameter for old behavior- mysql_bind_comment_placeholders which
will make it possible to have placeholders bound for those who really
want that behavior.
* Fixed bind_type_guessing - always on now
- recreated by cpanspec 1.78
2010-07-17 15:52:56 +00:00
Fri Apr 16 20:48:04 UTC 2010 - chris@computersalat.de
- update to 4.014
* BUG 30033 Fixed handling of comments to allow comments that
contain characters that might otherwise cause placeholder
detection to not work properly
* BUG 53844, Fix for memory leak in stats. (Gregory Burmistrov)
* BUG 49719, Fix for handling of NULLs in prepared statements
(Gert Pache)
* BUG 55627, Fix for testing failure due to strict mode (Yves)
* BUG 51784, Fix for mysqladmin on Windows in Makefile
(Zeeshan Muhammad)
* BUG 41630, Typo in Makefile
* Had to define true and false in dbdimp.h. Didn't work out of
the box on Linux
- cleanup spec
* recreated with cpanspec
* disabled old Provides/Obsoletes
mysqperl perl-Msql-Mysql-modules
* added eg to doc
- rpmlint
* file permission
o chmod a-x on several files
2010-01-18 16:31:17 +00:00
Fri Jan 15 16:18:47 CET 2010 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 4.013
* #49484: PATCH add support for MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND to
DBD::mysql - Thanks Peter John Edwards ?
* #48242: 'mysql_bind_type_guessing' doesn't work correctly
with minus sign - Thanks Serguei Trouchelle!
* #45616: t/40blobs.t cannot pass without database access -
ServerError() not declared
2009-08-03 17:38:25 +00:00
2010-01-12 11:19:53 +00:00
Sun Jan 10 15:43:32 CET 2010 - jengelh@medozas.de
- enable parallel build
2009-08-03 17:38:25 +00:00
Mon Aug 3 16:12:06 CEST 2009 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 4.012
* Patch to bind_type_guessing from Craigslist,
Thanks to Chris! Happiness is no quoted numbers.
Fixed ChopBlanks to work with bind_type_guessing
* Patch for win32 strawberry build
Thanks to Curtis Jewell! Windows needs love
* Patch for auto-reconnect to set active flag
Thanks to Doug Fischer!
* Fixed bug 32464 http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=32464.
See https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=46308
Add connection flag mysql_no_autocommit_cmd which users of
MySQL Proxy can use to prevent 'set autocommit=#' from being
issued by the driver. 'perldoc DBD::mysql' to see how to use
this new flag
* Added bind-type-guessing options to Makefile.PL so the entire
test suite can be run with bind_type_guessing set.
2009-04-14 22:18:00 +00:00
Tue Apr 14 11:31:47 CEST 2009 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 4.011
* Renamed unsafe_bind_type_guessing, fixed some of the logic.
* Fix issue of binding sever side integer parameters (server-side
prepare statements) resulting in corrupt data
* Updated documentation, cruft cleanup (as always)
2009-01-21 01:34:55 +00:00
Tue Jan 20 15:57:57 CET 2009 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 4.010
* Fix to dbd_bind_ph() for uninitialized value 'buffer_length'
* Fix to re-enable TAKE_IMP_DATA_VERSION. Still have to ensure DBI
version 1.607 or higher
* Fix to escaped single quotes throwing off bind param detection.
2008-06-23 22:47:53 +00:00
2008-09-12 16:09:01 +00:00
Wed Sep 10 17:02:40 CEST 2008 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 4.008
* Multi statement patch
* Disabled TAKE_IMP_DATA_VERSION because segfault with DBI < 1.607
* #29528: bind_param(..., SQL_FLOAT) ignores exponents - fixed
* Cleanups to make mysqlEmb work under Cygwin
* Modified and disabled tests for MySQL version < 4.1
for unsupported features
2008-06-23 22:47:53 +00:00
Thu Jun 19 16:39:07 CEST 2008 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 4.007
* Took out mysql_server_init call where not needed
* Complete re-write of test suit to use Test::More -
tons of cleanups!
* Makefile.PL changes to use current user in 'make test' if
not defined
2008-01-07 01:53:44 +00:00
Fri Jan 4 11:49:21 CET 2008 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 4.006
* Cleanups on OS X compile
* Fixes to syntax errors on AIX
* Removed test code that was leaving trace files around
2007-03-30 14:31:31 +00:00
2007-06-11 11:08:17 +00:00
Mon Jun 11 09:35:26 CEST 2007 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 4.005
* Replaced all references to dbis to use imp_xxh
per DBI best practices
* Fix to dbd_st_destroy
* Removed all 'FindNewTable' calls in all tests.
* Better 'skip test' logic in some tests that were still
running when they shouldn't have been.
- fix permissions of various files
2007-03-30 14:31:31 +00:00
Fri Mar 30 16:01:24 CEST 2007 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 4.004
* Work around a bug in old 3.23 servers by specifying NOT NULL
for fields used as a primary key in tests.
* Add support for mysql_warning_count statement handle attribute.
* Add support for mysql_multi_statements connection option.
* UTF8-Flag not set with flag mysql_enable_utf8 and column
collation utf8_bin patch,
* Fixed do_error definition
* Conversion of test suite to Test::More
* Fix inclusion of non-primary keys in primary_key_info.
2007-03-03 13:33:00 +00:00
Fri Mar 2 15:46:31 CET 2007 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 4.002
* Rewrote table_info method to support all arguments
* Add mysql_is_auto_increment to results of column_info().
* Add implementation of foreign_key_info()
* bugfixes
2007-01-10 16:56:35 +00:00
Tue Jan 9 18:51:27 CET 2007 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 4.001
* Fix handling of unsigned integer values in result sets when
using server-side prepared statements.
* Do not tell Perl that the contents of binary fields are UTF-8.
* Fix double-free of bound parameters when freeing statements.
* Make sure to handle "magical" values in a couple of places.
* Update the hints about what to do when zlib is found missing
while linking.
* Explicitly initialize the MySQL client library to avoid
possible race conditions in a multithreaded application.
* Fix warning when no connection attributes are passed
to the connect method.
* Removed redundant warnings when commit or rollback
is called while AutoCommit is enabled.
* Report correct type for decimal columns from MySQL 5.0 and later
* Fix t/40bindparam.t to work when ANSI_QUOTES SQL_MODE is set.
* Return a statement handle with an error when column_info is
called on a table that does not exist.
* Fix handling of table names with characters that did not
match /\w/ in the column_info method.
* Fix handling of negative integers bound to a column marked
* Add support for the primary_key_info method.
* Fixed Bundle::DBD::mysql to only include modules required
for using DBD::mysql, not the old Mysql package.
* Updated Makefile.PL to not include files in .svn directories
* Fixed various compile warnings in mysql.xs (ISO C)
* Cleaned up stored procedure examples, made strict
* Fixed bug that blew away subsequent result sets if you
fetched all rows, only in result sets that had more
than one row.
* Added test for bug #14979
* Tested with ALL mysql versions, fixed 40types, 40bind_param
tests to work with 4.0, 4.1
* Fixed dbdimp.c to not test for MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED
unless >= mysql 5.0
2007-01-04 01:06:31 +00:00
Tue Jan 2 14:41:33 CET 2007 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 4.00
* fixed varying number of columns in multiple result sets
* reworked patch for sqlstate
* cleaned up much code that failed between versions
* Tested this with 5.1, 5.0, 4.1, 4.0.
* added fbind and bind alloc to dbd_st_describe. This was
causing a crash when using with mod_perl
Thu Oct 19 17:01:15 CEST 2006 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 3.0008
* Added multiple fixes to dbd_st_prepare which fixed variable
overwrite and unset increment counter. Also improved loop which
checks statements for presence of "LIMIT" by using a pointer
as opposed to char array increment variable.
* Fixed declaration of "row" in mysql_st_internal_execute
which caused compile errors on some platforms
* Fixed casting of num_params to unsigned int in calls to NewZ
in mysql.xs
Wed Sep 13 11:20:36 CEST 2006 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 3.0007
* bugfixes
* Cleaned up tests to make sure test table is dropped
at end of test.
Thu Jul 13 11:19:24 CEST 2006 - anicka@suse.cz
- update to 3.0006
* many bugfixes
Wed Jan 25 21:39:36 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
Wed Sep 28 22:08:48 CEST 2005 - dmueller@suse.de
- add norootforbuild
Fri Jul 29 19:51:33 CEST 2005 - mjancar@suse.cz
- update to 3.0002
Thu Aug 19 11:58:46 CEST 2004 - mjancar@suse.cz
- update to 2.9004
Wed Mar 31 16:28:31 CEST 2004 - kukuk@suse.de
- Replace perl-Msql-Mysql-modules
Mon Mar 08 17:49:33 CET 2004 - mjancar@suse.cz
- new package to replace perl-Msql-Mysql-modules