2010-01-15 19:17:42 +00:00
Wed Jan 13 23:15:16 UTC 2010 - jw@novell.com
- updated to 2.17
* fixed a problem caused by JSON::XS backend and support_by_pp option
(rt#52842, rt#52847 by ikegami)
* made compatible with JSON::XS 2.27
* patched decode for incr_parse (rt#52820 by ikegami)
* relaxed option caused an infinite loop in some condition.
2009-07-25 17:38:55 +00:00
Sat Jul 25 19:38:51 CEST 2009 - chris@computersalat.de
- spec mods
* removed ^----------
* removed ^#---------
2009-06-20 17:21:29 +00:00
Sat Jun 20 19:09:23 CEST 2009 - chris@computersalat.de
- update to 2.15
- added perl-macros
o autogen filelist with perl_gen_filelist
- spec mods
o added header
o fixed deps