------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 22 03:06:59 UTC 2022 - Tina Müller - updated to 4.06 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON/Changes 4.06 2022-05-22 - updated backportPP with JSON::PP 4.09 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 15 03:06:30 UTC 2022 - Tina Müller - updated to 4.05 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON/Changes 4.05 2022-01-14 - removed VERSION section in pod (GH#52, abraxxa++) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Dec 18 03:07:16 UTC 2021 - Tina Müller - updated to 4.04 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON/Changes 4.04 2021-12-17 - updated backportPP with JSON::PP 4.07 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 24 18:07:39 UTC 2021 - Dirk Müller - update to 4.03: - corrected one typo in POD (James E Keenan) - updated backportPP with JSON::PP 4.06 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 23 06:16:26 UTC 2019 - Stephan Kulow - updated to 4.02 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON/Changes 4.02 2019-02-23 - fixed a test that breaks if perl is compiled with -Dquadmath (RT-128589) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 21 06:12:43 UTC 2019 - Stephan Kulow - updated to 4.01 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON/Changes 4.01 2019-01-21 - added boolean function/method that takes a scalar value and returns a boolean value (David Cantrell) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 7 06:09:14 UTC 2018 - Stephan Kulow - updated to 4.00 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON/Changes 4.00 2018-12-07 - production release 3.99_01 2018-12-03 - BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITY: As JSON::XS 4.0 changed its policy and enabled allow_nonref by default, JSON::PP, and thus JSON, also enabled allow_nonref by default - updated backportPP with JSON::PP 3.99_01 - allow PERL_JSON_PP_USE_B environmental variable to restore old number detection behavior for compatibility ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 22 06:31:11 UTC 2017 - coolo@suse.com - updated to 2.97001 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON/Changes 2.97001 2017-12-21 - updated backportPP with JSON::PP 2.97001 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 21 06:28:09 UTC 2017 - coolo@suse.com - updated to 2.97000 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON/Changes 2.97000 2017-11-21 - updated backportPP with JSON::PP 2.97000 - use 5 digit minor version number for a while to avoid confusion - fixed is_bool to use blessed() instead of ref() ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 20 06:29:28 UTC 2017 - coolo@suse.com - updated to 2.96 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON/Changes 2.96 2017-11-20 - fixed packaging issue - updated backportPP with JSON::PP 2.96 - not to use newer Test::More features (RT-122421; ilmari++) 2.95 2017-11-20 - updated backportPP with JSON::PP 2.95 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 30 05:58:03 UTC 2017 - coolo@suse.com - updated to 2.94 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON/Changes 2.94 2017-05-29 - fixed VERSION issue caused by VERSION methods added to abstract backend packages (RT-121892; ppisar++) - fixed a test for perl 5.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 19 05:55:06 UTC 2017 - coolo@suse.com - updated to 2.93 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON/Changes 2.93 2017-05-19 - add VERSION methods to (abstract) backend packages - explained backward incompatibility about backend method - updated VERSIONs of backportPP modules ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 16 05:59:33 UTC 2017 - coolo@suse.com - updated to 2.92 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON/Changes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 10 23:55:51 UTC 2014 - lchiquitto@suse.com - removed unused patch: * fix_provides.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 26 07:28:28 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - updated to 2.90 CAUTION!!! INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE JSON.pm had patched JSON::XS::Boolean and JSON::PP::Boolean internally on loading time for making these modules inherit JSON::Boolean. But since JSON::XS v3.0 it use Types::Serialiser as boolean class. Then now JSON.pm breaks boolean classe overload features and -support_by_pp if JSON::XS v3.0 or later is installed. JSON::true and JSON::false returned JSON::Boolean objects. For workaround, they return JSON::PP::Boolean objects in this version. isa_ok(JSON::true, 'JSON::PP::Boolean'); And it discards a feature: ok(JSON::true eq 'true'); In other word, JSON::PP::Boolean overload numeric only. ok( JSON::true == 1 ); ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 10 10:54:05 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - updated to 2.59 - PUREPERL_ONLY support was not supported... and finally remove all PP options from Makefile.PL. - recommend JSON::XS instead of conditionally requiring it patched by miyagaw ( for example, $ cpanm --with-recommends JSON) - Hide more packages from PAUSE (and other stuff) patched by miyagawa - support PUREPERL_ONLY install option. (rt#84876) (PERL_ONLY and NO_XS are not yet removed) - stop installing JSON::XS automatically on Perl 5.18 - t/x17_strage_overload.t didn't work correctly. - fixed t/x17_strage_overload.t (rt#84451 by Ricardo Signes) - update JSON::BackportPP version - fixed t/19_incr.t on perl >= 5.17.10 (wyant, rt#84154) pathced by mbeijen and modified with demerphq's patch - Fixed some spelling (by briandfoy) - fixed sppeling (by Perlover) - enhanced documents (Thanks to Justin Hunter and Olof Johansson) - changed backend module loading for overloaded object behavior (reported by tokuhirom) - remove upstreamed fix_provides.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 18 13:41:56 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - update to 2.53 - made Makefile.PL skipping a installing XS question when set $ENV{PERL_ONLY} or $ENV{NO_XS} (rt#66820) - fixed to_json (pointed and patched by mmcleric in rt#68359) - backport JSON::PP 2.27200 * fixed incr_parse docodeing string more correctly (rt#68032 by LCONS) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 5 08:17:48 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com - fix provides - JSON::PP is really another module ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 08 11:45:09 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org - update to 2.51: * import JSON::PP 2.27105 as BackportPP * JSON::PP is split away JSON distributino for perl 5.14 * JSON::backportPP is included in instead ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 1 13:33:09 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com - switch to perl_requires macro ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 28 12:35:21 UTC 2010 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org - update to 2.26: * JSON::PP: cleaned up code and enhanced sort option efficiency in encode - changes from 2.25: * JSON: JSON::Backend::XS::Supportable always executed a needless process with JSON::XS backend; this made encode/decode a bit slower - changes from 2.24: * JSON::PP: + tweaked code. + optimized code in hash object encoding - changes from 2.23: * JSON::PP + modified tied object handling in encode; it made encoding speed faster (RT#61604) + modified t/e10_bignum.t for avoiding a warning in using Math::BigInt dev version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 6 08:20:25 UTC 2010 - chris@computersalat.de - update to 2.22 * added JSON::XS installing feature in Makefile.PL with cpan or cpanm (some points suggested by gfx) * check that to_json and from_json are not called as methods (CHORNY) * modified for -Duse64bitall -Duselongdouble compiled perl. 11_pc_expo.t too. (these are patched by H.Merijn Brand) - recreated by cpanspec 1.78 - noarch pkg - remove blanks from changes file ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 25 07:04:25 UTC 2010 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org - completely rewritten spec file - updated to 2.22: * check that to_json and from_json are not called as methods - changes from 2.21: * enhanced 'HOW DO I DECODE A DATA FROM OUTER AND ENCODE TO OUTER' * renamed eg/bench_pp_xs.pl to eg/bench_decode.pl * added eg/bench_encode.pl - changes from 2.20: * added eg/bench_pp_xs.pl for benchmark sample * updated 'INCREMENTAL PARSING' section * decode_prefix() didn't count a consumed text length properly * enhanced XS compatibilty in the case of decoding a white space garbaged text - changes from 2.19: * fixed typo (rt#53535 by Angel Abad) * added a recommendation refering to (en|de)code_json to pod * added 'HOW DO I DECODE A DATA FROM OUTER AND ENCODE TO OUTER' - changs from 2.18: * updated document (compatible with JSON::XS 2.29) * fixed encode an overloaded 'eq' object bug * enhanced an error message compatible to JSON::XS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 13 23:15:16 UTC 2010 - jw@novell.com - updated to 2.17 * fixed a problem caused by JSON::XS backend and support_by_pp option (rt#52842, rt#52847 by ikegami) [JSON::PP] * made compatible with JSON::XS 2.27 * patched decode for incr_parse (rt#52820 by ikegami) * relaxed option caused an infinite loop in some condition. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jul 25 19:38:51 CEST 2009 - chris@computersalat.de - spec mods * removed ^---------- * removed ^#--------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 20 19:09:23 CEST 2009 - chris@computersalat.de - update to 2.15 - added perl-macros o autogen filelist with perl_gen_filelist - spec mods o added header o fixed deps