b6917902f8Accepting request 296277 from devel:languages:perl:autoupdate
Stephan Kulow
2015-04-15 04:54:25 +00:00
5d5a09b99eAccepting request 238751 from devel:languages:perl
Stephan Kulow
2014-06-30 19:45:06 +00:00
1bd969d18eAccepting request 238739 from home:leonardocf:branches:devel:languages:perl
Stephan Kulow
2014-06-26 08:44:50 +00:00
b50174e7d2Accepting request 202225 from devel:languages:perl
Tomáš Chvátal
2013-10-06 12:55:22 +00:00
Stephan Kulow
2013-10-04 12:01:32 +00:00
82d6f2e4fbAccepting request 184546 from devel:languages:perl
Stephan Kulow
2013-07-29 15:50:15 +00:00
8db27794e7- updated to 0.35 - remove old deprecated api - remove outdated perl-Package-Stash-old_Test-More.patch
Stephan Kulow
2013-07-26 18:38:58 +00:00
9c540157feAccepting request 178577 from devel:languages:perl
Stephan Kulow
2013-06-13 16:19:02 +00:00
5f85080307- updated to 0.34 - support anonymous stashes on newer perl versions - prevent harmful effects from invalid settings for $ENV{PACKAGE_STASH_IMPLEMENTATION} - switch to Module::Implementation
Stephan Kulow
2013-06-11 18:33:06 +00:00
bff455cf70Accepting request 108539 from devel:languages:perl
Stephan Kulow
2012-03-09 20:25:56 +00:00
dacaa9fd65replace license with spdx.org variant
Stephan Kulow
2011-12-06 17:45:43 +00:00
01d802dcedUpdating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/perl-Package-Stash revision 11.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2011-12-06 17:45:43 +00:00
8e87226376Accepting request 89493 from devel:languages:perl
Stephan Kulow
2011-10-27 11:52:28 +00:00
286c865bdfAccepting request 89445 from home:tabraham1:Factory
Lars Vogdt
2011-10-27 09:31:48 +00:00
f9402a6403Accepting request 82392 from devel:languages:perl
Lars Vogdt
2011-09-19 13:10:26 +00:00
62f649c7a6- update to 0.29, see Changes: + no, *really* skip the package-stash-conflict script - fix build on distributions with old Test::More module ( perl-Package-Stash-old_Test-More.patch ) - files in /usr/bin should be executable
Lars Vogdt
2011-06-04 18:55:36 +00:00
f8dd75389aUpdating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/perl-Package-Stash revision 7.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2011-04-05 16:10:06 +00:00
04ae866e07Accepting request 66077 from devel:languages:perlMarcus Rueckert2011-04-05 16:09:56 +00:00
58a4da80f5- update to 0.28, see Changes: - META.json fixes (mst) - also skip the package-stash-conflicts script (Father Chrysostomos) - make the namespace cache lazy and weak, in case the stash is deleted - but, this doesn't work on 5.8, so disable the namespace caching entirely there - make the leak tests author-only, since some smokers run release tests - make the leak tests release-only, since they keep randomly failing on platforms i don't have access to. people are encouraged to submit patches for these if they are affected.
Stephan Kulow
2011-03-31 08:25:35 +00:00
81169a0d92sync with O:F
Stephan Kulow
2010-12-14 10:52:49 +00:00
Stephan Kulow
2010-12-14 10:52:44 +00:00
875ae0b490- update to 0.08: - oops, accidentally included some experimental changes in that last release, that break things - non-dev release - re-enable the caching of the stash, since I can't reproduce the bug at allDirk Mueller2010-10-08 10:42:06 +00:00