------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Apr 30 15:18:28 UTC 2011 - coolo@opensuse.org - updated to 1.04 - Fixed #67522 have_compiler returns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 1 05:35:33 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com - update to 1.03 - Trying for a much more advanced can_xs() alternative to can_cc() to deal with the situation where a host has a superficially working compiler, but completely screwed up headers. - Adding some fallback strategies to deal with cases where these same machines don't support configure_requires. - Adopt Chorny's eumm-upgrade style for the Makefile.PL. - Allow the Makefile.PL to build it's own META.yml now. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 1 13:34:18 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com - switch to perl_requires macro ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Apr 4 17:57:21 UTC 2010 - chris@computersalat.de - spec mods - fixed HEADER - updated Url - fixed perl-macros deps ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Mar 21 17:57:30 UTC 2010 - lars@linux-schulserver.de - update to 1.01: + Fixed can_cc() bug in Makefile.PL where it was checking an existence of PATH directory rather than executables. RT#55668 (DGOLDEN, MIYAGAWA) - build parallel ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 4 10:38:55 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com - readd whitespace removed by autobuild ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jul 25 19:41:14 CEST 2009 - chris@computersalat.de - spec mods * removed ^---------- * removed ^#--------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jun 21 20:27:19 CEST 2009 - chris@computersalat.de - update to 1.00 o 1.00 Sun 31 May 2009 - Now all known XS bugs are worked out, I've removed the experimental flags and set that as the first 1+ release. - Fixed XS implementation of _*LIKE and _INSTANCE - Added test for a negative custom isa returning ('') - Improving the 'clean' file list in a Makefile.PL o 0.38 Tue 17 Feb 2009 - Fix _IDENTIFIER to return false for "foo\n" (ZEFRAM) - Fix _CLASS to return false for "foo\n" (ZEFRAM) o 0.37 Wed 4 Feb 2009 - Fix _HASH for bleadperl (patch from RAFL) - Fix regex (more) for bleadperl (patch from RAFL) o 0.36 Fri 30 Jan 2009 - Fixing the overload for _REGEX - Adding the tests for _REGEX - Reorganising the Makefile.PL - Adding duplicate tests for when the XS version isn't compiled - added perl-macros o autogen filelist with perl_gen_filelist - spec mods o added header ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 30 07:39:09 CET 2008 - lars@linux-schulserver.de - initial version 0.35