diff --git a/pulseaudio-4.0-270-g9490a.tar.xz b/pulseaudio-4.0-270-g9490a.tar.xz
deleted file mode 100644
index 4346045..0000000
--- a/pulseaudio-4.0-270-g9490a.tar.xz
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:f0d3475c149762bbcedaafdffbb4d751674ae9566344cf87d56f6a4b4b9bbbf7
-size 1394604
diff --git a/pulseaudio-4.99.2.tar.xz b/pulseaudio-4.99.2.tar.xz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9611d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pulseaudio-4.99.2.tar.xz
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:0bda5219f1cdc6212b6cd977ce40790fc72e1850436dae212d6358cd9ea0287b
+size 1453788
diff --git a/pulseaudio-introspect-Fix-ABI-break.patch b/pulseaudio-introspect-Fix-ABI-break.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 27fd88e..0000000
--- a/pulseaudio-introspect-Fix-ABI-break.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-From 85e7fbc196f4424f68e530c2e3a01d9b941f293e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@intel.com>
-Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 17:41:22 +0000
-Subject: introspect: Fix ABI break introduced by b98a2e1
-The size of pa_card_profile_info cannot change even if it just a field
-appended to end because each entry is appended to a contiguous memory
-and accessed by offset this may lead clients to access invalid data.
-To fix a new struct called pa_card_profile_info2 is introduced and shall
-be used for now on while pa_card_profile_info shall be considered
-deprecated but it is still mantained for backward compatibility.
-A new field called profiles2 is introduced to pa_card_info, this new field
-is an array of pointers to pa_card_profile_info2 so it should be possible
-to append new fields to the end of the pa_card_profile_info2 without
-breaking binary compatibility as the entries are not accessed by offset.
-diff --git a/src/pulse/introspect.c b/src/pulse/introspect.c
-index 45e0115..2d54fdb 100644
---- a/src/pulse/introspect.c
-+++ b/src/pulse/introspect.c
-@@ -769,6 +769,15 @@ static void card_info_free(pa_card_info* i) {
-     pa_xfree(i->profiles);
-+    if (i->n_profiles) {
-+        uint32_t j;
-+        for (j = 0; j < i->n_profiles; j++)
-+             pa_xfree(i->profiles2[j]);
-+        pa_xfree(i->profiles2);
-+    }
-     if (i->ports) {
-         uint32_t j;
-@@ -776,6 +785,8 @@ static void card_info_free(pa_card_info* i) {
-             if (i->ports[j]) {
-                 if (i->ports[j]->profiles)
-                     pa_xfree(i->ports[j]->profiles);
-+                if (i->ports[j]->profiles2)
-+                    pa_xfree(i->ports[j]->profiles2);
-                 if (i->ports[j]->proplist)
-                     pa_proplist_free(i->ports[j]->proplist);
-             }
-@@ -829,6 +840,7 @@ static int fill_card_port_info(pa_context *context, pa_tagstruct* t, pa_card_inf
-         if (port->n_profiles > 0) {
-             port->profiles = pa_xnew0(pa_card_profile_info*, i->n_profiles+1);
-+            port->profiles2 = pa_xnew0(pa_card_profile_info2*, i->n_profiles+1);
-             for (k = 0; k < port->n_profiles; k++) {
-                 const char* profilename;
-@@ -839,6 +851,7 @@ static int fill_card_port_info(pa_context *context, pa_tagstruct* t, pa_card_inf
-                 for (l = 0; l < i->n_profiles; l++) {
-                     if (pa_streq(i->profiles[l].name, profilename)) {
-                         port->profiles[k] = &i->profiles[l];
-+                        port->profiles2[k] = i->profiles2[l];
-                         break;
-                     }
-                 }
-@@ -857,6 +870,41 @@ static int fill_card_port_info(pa_context *context, pa_tagstruct* t, pa_card_inf
-     return 0;
- }
-+static int fill_card_profile_info(pa_context *context, pa_tagstruct* t, pa_card_info* i) {
-+    uint32_t j;
-+    i->profiles = pa_xnew0(pa_card_profile_info, i->n_profiles+1);
-+    i->profiles2 = pa_xnew0(pa_card_profile_info2*, i->n_profiles+1);
-+    for (j = 0; j < i->n_profiles; j++) {
-+        if (pa_tagstruct_gets(t, &i->profiles[j].name) < 0 ||
-+            pa_tagstruct_gets(t, &i->profiles[j].description) < 0 ||
-+            pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &i->profiles[j].n_sinks) < 0 ||
-+            pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &i->profiles[j].n_sources) < 0 ||
-+            pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &i->profiles[j].priority) < 0)
-+                return -PA_ERR_PROTOCOL;
-+        i->profiles2[j] = pa_xnew0(pa_card_profile_info2, 1);
-+        i->profiles2[j]->name = i->profiles[j].name;
-+        i->profiles2[j]->description = i->profiles[j].description;
-+        i->profiles2[j]->n_sinks = i->profiles[j].n_sinks;
-+        i->profiles2[j]->n_sources = i->profiles[j].n_sources;
-+        i->profiles2[j]->priority = i->profiles[j].priority;
-+        i->profiles2[j]->available = 1;
-+        if (context->version >= 29) {
-+            uint32_t av;
-+            if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &av) < 0)
-+                return -PA_ERR_PROTOCOL;
-+            i->profiles2[j]->available = av;
-+        }
-+    }
-+    return 0;
- static void context_get_card_info_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) {
-     pa_operation *o = userdata;
-     int eol = 1;
-@@ -890,29 +938,8 @@ static void context_get_card_info_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, u
-                     goto fail;
-             if (i.n_profiles > 0) {
--                i.profiles = pa_xnew0(pa_card_profile_info, i.n_profiles+1);
--                for (j = 0; j < i.n_profiles; j++) {
--                    if (pa_tagstruct_gets(t, &i.profiles[j].name) < 0 ||
--                        pa_tagstruct_gets(t, &i.profiles[j].description) < 0 ||
--                        pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &i.profiles[j].n_sinks) < 0 ||
--                        pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &i.profiles[j].n_sources) < 0 ||
--                        pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &i.profiles[j].priority) < 0)
--                            goto fail;
--                    i.profiles[j].available = 1;
--                    if (o->context->version >= 29) {
--                        uint32_t av;
--                        if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &av) < 0)
--                            goto fail;
--                        i.profiles[j].available = av;
--                    }
--                }
--                /* Terminate with an extra NULL entry, just to make sure */
--                i.profiles[j].name = NULL;
--                i.profiles[j].description = NULL;
-+                if (fill_card_profile_info(o->context, t, &i) < 0)
-+                    goto fail;
-             }
-             i.proplist = pa_proplist_new();
-@@ -929,6 +956,7 @@ static void context_get_card_info_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, u
-                 for (j = 0; j < i.n_profiles; j++)
-                     if (pa_streq(i.profiles[j].name, ap)) {
-                         i.active_profile = &i.profiles[j];
-+                        i.active_profile2 = i.profiles2[j];
-                         break;
-                     }
-             }
-diff --git a/src/pulse/introspect.h b/src/pulse/introspect.h
-index f199a18..023b418 100644
---- a/src/pulse/introspect.h
-+++ b/src/pulse/introspect.h
-@@ -443,22 +443,31 @@ pa_operation* pa_context_kill_client(pa_context *c, uint32_t idx, pa_context_suc
- /** @{ \name Cards */
--/** Stores information about a specific profile of a card.  Please
-- * note that this structure can be extended as part of evolutionary
-- * API updates at any time in any new release. \since 0.9.15 */
-+/** \deprecated Superseded by pa_card_profile_info2 \since 0.9.15 */
- typedef struct pa_card_profile_info {
-     const char *name;                   /**< Name of this profile */
-     const char *description;            /**< Description of this profile */
-     uint32_t n_sinks;                   /**< Number of sinks this profile would create */
-     uint32_t n_sources;                 /**< Number of sources this profile would create */
-     uint32_t priority;                  /**< The higher this value is, the more useful this profile is as a default. */
-+} pa_card_profile_info;
-+/** Stores information about a specific profile of a card. Please
-+ * note that this structure can be extended as part of evolutionary
-+ * API updates at any time in any new release. \since 5.0 */
-+typedef struct pa_card_profile_info2 {
-+    const char *name;                   /**< Name of this profile */
-+    const char *description;            /**< Description of this profile */
-+    uint32_t n_sinks;                   /**< Number of sinks this profile would create */
-+    uint32_t n_sources;                 /**< Number of sources this profile would create */
-+    uint32_t priority;                  /**< The higher this value is, the more useful this profile is as a default. */
-     int available;
-     /**< Is this profile available? If this is zero, meaning "unavailable",
-      * then it makes no sense to try to activate this profile. If this is
-      * non-zero, it's still not a guarantee that activating the profile will
-      * result in anything useful, it just means that the server isn't aware of
-      * any reason why the profile would definitely be useless. \since 5.0 */
--} pa_card_profile_info;
-+} pa_card_profile_info2;
- /** Stores information about a specific port of a card.  Please
-  * note that this structure can be extended as part of evolutionary
-@@ -470,9 +479,10 @@ typedef struct pa_card_port_info {
-     int available;                      /**< A #pa_port_available enum, indicating availability status of this port. */
-     int direction;                      /**< A #pa_direction enum, indicating the direction of this port. */
-     uint32_t n_profiles;                /**< Number of entries in profile array */
--    pa_card_profile_info** profiles;    /**< Array of pointers to available profiles, or NULL. Array is terminated by an entry set to NULL. */
-+    pa_card_profile_info** profiles;    /**< \deprecated Superseded by profiles2 */
-     pa_proplist *proplist;              /**< Property list */
-     int64_t latency_offset;             /**< Latency offset of the port that gets added to the sink/source latency when the port is active. \since 3.0 */
-+    pa_card_profile_info2** profiles2;  /**< Array of pointers to available profiles, or NULL. Array is terminated by an entry set to NULL. */
- } pa_card_port_info;
- /** Stores information about cards. Please note that this structure
-@@ -484,11 +494,13 @@ typedef struct pa_card_info {
-     uint32_t owner_module;               /**< Index of the owning module, or PA_INVALID_INDEX. */
-     const char *driver;                  /**< Driver name */
-     uint32_t n_profiles;                 /**< Number of entries in profile array */
--    pa_card_profile_info* profiles;      /**< Array of available profile, or NULL. Array is terminated by an entry with name set to NULL. Number of entries is stored in n_profiles. */
--    pa_card_profile_info* active_profile; /**< Pointer to active profile in the array, or NULL. */
-+    pa_card_profile_info* profiles;      /**< \deprecated Superseded by profiles2 */
-+    pa_card_profile_info* active_profile; /**< \deprecated Superseded by active_profile2 */
-     pa_proplist *proplist;               /**< Property list */
-     uint32_t n_ports;                    /**< Number of entries in port array */
-     pa_card_port_info **ports;           /**< Array of pointers to ports, or NULL. Array is terminated by an entry set to NULL. */
-+    pa_card_profile_info2** profiles2;    /**< Array of pointers to available profiles, or NULL. Array is terminated by an entry set to NULL. */
-+    pa_card_profile_info2* active_profile2; /**< Pointer to active profile in the array, or NULL. */
- } pa_card_info;
- /** Callback prototype for pa_context_get_card_info_...() \since 0.9.15 */
-diff --git a/src/utils/pactl.c b/src/utils/pactl.c
-index df47caa..40e6689 100644
---- a/src/utils/pactl.c
-+++ b/src/utils/pactl.c
-@@ -570,13 +570,13 @@ static void get_card_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_card_info *i, int is_
-     pa_xfree(pl);
--    if (i->profiles) {
--        pa_card_profile_info *p;
-+    if (i->n_profiles > 0) {
-+        pa_card_profile_info2 **p;
-         printf(_("\tProfiles:\n"));
--        for (p = i->profiles; p->name; p++)
--            printf("\t\t%s: %s (sinks: %u, sources: %u, priority: %u, available: %s)\n", p->name,
--                p->description, p->n_sinks, p->n_sources, p->priority, pa_yes_no(p->available));
-+        for (p = i->profiles2; *p; p++)
-+            printf("\t\t%s: %s (sinks: %u, sources: %u, priority: %u, available: %s)\n", (*p)->name,
-+                (*p)->description, (*p)->n_sinks, (*p)->n_sources, (*p)->priority, pa_yes_no((*p)->available));
-     }
-     if (i->active_profile)
-cgit v0.9.0.2-2-gbebe
diff --git a/pulseaudio.changes b/pulseaudio.changes
index 9863ed8..86564f8 100644
--- a/pulseaudio.changes
+++ b/pulseaudio.changes
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+Thu Jan 23 20:54:47 UTC 2014 - dimstar@opensuse.org
+- Update to version 5.0 RC2 (4.99.2):
+  + This is finally an officially released tarball on the road to
+    pulseaudio 5.0.
+- Drop pulseaudio-introspect-Fix-ABI-break.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Bump drvver to 4.99, following upstream.
+- Pass --disable-orc to configure in order to avoid build failures
+  due to orc files missing from the tarball.
+- Drop call to autogen.sh: no longer required, as we are building a
+  bootstrapped tarball.
 Mon Nov 25 11:20:40 CET 2013 - tiwai@suse.de
diff --git a/pulseaudio.spec b/pulseaudio.spec
index b3d34bd..68e3cef 100644
--- a/pulseaudio.spec
+++ b/pulseaudio.spec
@@ -17,10 +17,9 @@
 Name:           pulseaudio
-Version:        4.0.git.270.g9490a
+Version:        4.99.2
 Release:        0
-%define _version 4.0-270-g9490a
-%define drvver  4.0
+%define drvver  4.99
 %define soname  0
 %define _udevrulesdir %(pkg-config --variable=udevdir udev)/rules.d
 %define _fwdefdir /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2.d/services
@@ -33,8 +32,7 @@ Summary:        A Networked Sound Server
 License:        GPL-2.0+ and LGPL-2.1+
 Group:          System/Sound Daemons
 Url:            http://pulseaudio.org
-# git clone of http://cgit.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio
-Source:         %{name}-%{_version}.tar.xz
+Source:         http://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/releases/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
 Source1:        default.pa-for-gdm
 Source2:        setup-pulseaudio
 Source3:        sysconfig.sound-pulseaudio
@@ -44,8 +42,6 @@ Source99:       baselibs.conf
 Patch0:         disabled-start.diff
 Patch1:         suppress-socket-error-msg.diff
 Patch2:         pulseaudio-wrong-memset.patch
-# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM pulseaudio-introspect-Fix-ABI-break.patch bnc#851872 tiwai@suse.de
-Patch3:         pulseaudio-introspect-Fix-ABI-break.patch
 BuildRequires:  alsa-devel >= 1.0.24
 # require only minimal bluez, if we are on bluez 5 we will determine in %build phase
 BuildRequires:  bluez-devel >= 4.99
@@ -291,15 +287,14 @@ This package contains GDM integration hooks for the PulseAudio sound server.
-%setup -q -T -b0 -n %{name}-%{_version}
+%setup -q -T -b0
 %patch1 -p1
-%patch3 -p1
-NOCONFIGURE=1 ./bootstrap.sh
 %configure \
+        --disable-orc \
         --disable-static \
         --disable-rpath \
         --enable-systemd \