------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 23 15:40:01 UTC 2017 - tbechtold@suse.com - update to 2.5.0: * Numbers: Add currency utilities and helpers (#491) (@kdeldycke) * Support PyInstaller (#500, #505) (@wodo) * Dates: Add __str__ to DateTimePattern (#515) (@sfermigier) * Dates: Fix an invalid string to bytes comparison when parsing TZ files on Py3 (#498) (@rowillia) * Dates: Formatting zero-padded components of dates is faster (#517) (@akx) * Documentation: Fix "Good Commits" link in CONTRIBUTING.md (#511) (@naryanacharya6) * Documentation: Fix link to Python gettext module (#512) (@Linkid) * Messages: Allow both dash and underscore separated locale identifiers in pofiles (#489, #490) (@akx) * Messages: Extract Python messages in nested gettext calls (#488) (@sublee) * Messages: Fix in-place editing of dir list while iterating (#476, #492) (@MarcDufresne) * Messages: Stabilize sort order (#482) (@xavfernandez) * Time zones: Honor the no-inherit marker for metazone names (#405) (@akx) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 31 19:39:32 UTC 2017 - aloisio@gmx.com - Updated to 2.4.0 - Converted to single-spec ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 30 13:45:03 UTC 2015 - aj@ajaissle.de - Split documentation into separate package to avoid build loop