Tue Apr 30 10:41:47 UTC 2019 - Michael Vetter mvetter@suse.com
- Update to 1.3:
* Add require_all rule and validator argument (#417)
* The contains rule (#358)
* All fields that are defined as readonly are removed from a document when a validator has the purge_readonly flag set to True (#240)
* The validator rule is renamed to check_with. The old name is deprecated and will not be available in the next major release of Cerberus (#405)
* The rules keyschema and valueschema are renamed to keysrules and valuesrules; the old names are deprecated and will not be available in the next major release of Cerbers (#385)
* The meta pseudo-rule can be used to store arbitrary application data related to a field in a schema
* Python 3.7 officially supported (#451)
* Python 2.6 and 3.3 are no longer supported
* Fix test test_{default,default_setter}_none_nonnullable (#435)
* Normalization rules defined within the items rule are applied (#361)
* Defaults are applied to undefined fields from an allow_unknown definition (#310)
* The forbidden value now handles any input type (#449)
* The allowed rule will not be evaluated on fields that have a legit None value (#454)
* If the cerberus distribution cannot not be found, the version is set to the value unknown (#472)
* Suppress DeprecationWarning about collections.abc (#451)
* Omit warning when no schema for meta rule constraint is available (#425)
* Reformat code to match Black code-style (#402)
* Perform lint checks and fixes on staged files, as a pre-commit hook (#402)
* Change allowed rule to use containers instead of lists (#384)
* Remove Registry from top level namespace (#354)
* Check the empty rule against values of type Sized
* Various micro optimizations and 'safety belts' that were inspired by adding type annotations to a branch of the code base