2017-12-21 20:23:04 +00:00
Thu Dec 21 18:32:37 UTC 2017 - arun@gmx.de
- update to version 0.8.8:
* made seed_instance return self for chainability.
* Add en_US locale for lorem. Thanks @shacker.
* fi_FI gender specific data added. Thanks @mikkhola.
* fi_FI address and job lists updated. Thanks @mikkhola.
* Add iban provider. Thanks @cdaller.
2017-11-15 13:15:13 +00:00
Wed Nov 15 07:07:39 UTC 2017 - arun@gmx.de
- update to version 0.8.7:
* Corrected some issues with the Hungarian (hu_HU) providers, such
as incorrectly capitalized company suffixes, street/road type
names and place names. Thanks @chrisvoncsefalvay.
* The Hungarian locale's providers.job.job provider now returns
Hungarian job names, taken from the Hungarian National Statistical
Office (KSH)'s 2008 survey nomenclature of employment (FEOR
'08). Thanks @chrisvoncsefalvay.
* Added he_IL locale. Thanks @bjesus.
* Fix possible infinite loop in random_sample_unique. Thanks
* Add aliases to make pt_BR address provider compatible with
en_US. Thanks @diegoholiveira.
* Fix ResourceWarning in setup.py. Thanks @jdufresne.
* Update test requirements.
2017-10-23 15:05:39 +00:00
Sun Oct 22 18:45:48 UTC 2017 - arun@gmx.de
- specfile:
* added requirement for text-unidecode
- update to version 0.8.6:
* Replace unidecode dependency in favor of text-unidecode. Faker now
requires text-unidecode.
- changes from version 0.8.5:
* Add ASCII emails. Thanks @barseghyanartur.
* Add id_ID Providers. Thanks Sidi Ahmad.
* Fix date_time.time_series() to ensure start and end bounds are
inclusive. Thanks @bijanvakili.
* Create a provider to Brazilian license plates. Thanks
* Use a proper international format for Ukrainian phone
numbers. Thanks @illia-v.
* Faker now requires Unidecode.
- changes from version 0.8.4:
* Move email_validator to test_requires and unpinned the version
* Date feature parity with datetime. Thanks @noirbizarre.
* Add MSISDN in the phone_number provider. Thanks @patrickporto.
* Add Arabic locales. Thanks @ahmedaljazzar.
* Fix datetime issue on Windows. Thanks @kungfu71186.
2017-09-11 15:41:19 +00:00
Mon Sep 11 15:22:34 UTC 2017 - jengelh@inai.de
- Rewrite description to focus on the package.
2017-09-06 17:29:51 +00:00
Wed Sep 6 16:41:21 UTC 2017 - toddrme2178@gmail.com
- Initial version