------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 28 07:33:27 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 3.3.0: * Use constant time string comparisons #82 (commit1, commit2) (thanks Brendan Long!) * Edited and changed the usage of JWT, because in fact the code and documentation uses JWS tokens. #79 (commit) (thanks unuseless!) * Documentation improvements #77 (commit) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 30 10:51:31 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 3.2.4: * Various spelling fixes * Refactored HTTPAuth login_required ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 25 14:51:50 UTC 2017 - axel.braun@gmx.de - Version 3.2.3 initial OBS build