Antonio Larrosa 74db06d2d0 Accepting request 900215 from home:alarrosa:branches:devel:languages:python:flask
- Update to 3.4.5
  * Security Vulnerability Fix. Two CSRF vulnerabilities were
    reported: qrcode and login. This release fixes the more severe
    of the 2 - the /login vulnerability. The QRcode issue has a
    much smaller risk profile since a) it is only for two-factor
    authentication using an authenticator app b) the qrcode is only
    available during the time the user is first setting up their
    authentication app. The QRcode issue has been fixed in 4.0.
  * Fixed
    - GET on /login and /change could return the callers
      authentication_token. This is a security concern since GETs
      don't have CSRF protection. This bug was introduced in 3.3.0.
  * Backwards Compatibility Concerns. Fix CSRF vulnerability on
    /login and /change that could return the callers authentication
    token. Now, callers can only get the authentication token on
    successful POST calls.
- Update to 3.4.4
  * Fix 3 regressions and a couple other bugs
  * Fixed
    - Basic Auth broken. When the unauthenticated handler was
      changed to provide a more uniform/consistent response - it
      broke using Basic Auth from a browser, since it always
      redirected rather than returning 401. Now, if the response
      headers contain WWW-Authenticate (which is set if basic
      @auth_required method is used), a 401 is returned. See below
      for backwards compatibility concerns.
    - As part of figuring out issue 359 - a redirect loop was
      found. In release 3.3.0 code was put in to redirect to
      :py:data:`SECURITY_POST_LOGIN_VIEW` when GET or POST was
      called and the caller was already authenticated. The method

2021-07-08 06:18:37 +00:00
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