Sascha Peilicke f2868df6fb - Renamed to 'python-Sphinx', obsoletes 'python-sphinx'
- Update to version 1.0.7:
  * #347: Fix wrong generation of directives of static methods in
  * #599: Import PIL as ``from PIL import Image``.
  * #558: Fix longtables with captions in LaTeX output.
  * Make token references work as hyperlinks again in LaTeX output.
  * #572: Show warnings by default when reference labels cannot be
  * #536: Include line number when complaining about missing reference
    targets in nitpicky mode.
  * #590: Fix inline display of graphviz diagrams in LaTeX output.
  * #589: Build using in setup command.
  * Fix a bug in the inheritance diagram exception that caused base
    classes to be skipped if one of them is a builtin.
  * Fix general index links for C++ domain objects.
  * #332: Make admonition boundaries in LaTeX output visible.
  * #573: Fix KeyErrors occurring on rebuild after removing a file.
  * Fix a traceback when removing files with globbed toctrees.
  * If an autodoc object cannot be imported, always re-read the
    document containing the directive on next build.
  * If an autodoc object cannot be imported, show the full traceback
    of the import error.
  * Fix a bug where the removal of download files and images wasn't
  * #571: Implement ``~`` cross-reference prefix for the C domain.
  * Fix regression of LaTeX output with the fix of #556.
  * #568: Fix lookup of class attribute documentation on descriptors
    so that comment documentation now works.
  * Fix traceback with ``only`` directives preceded by targets.

2011-07-03 11:34:40 +00:00

24 lines
941 B

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