Accepting request 917290 from devel:languages:python:aws
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:e1f984ceae81ee6b5978d62b4801398619cda38f1da5b0de5759437270d116ad
size 408557
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
oid sha256:9c2a79b2538a453a881ba153ae8adaa95bb4c3f8e5549ad4d4f9111f6295fb8b
size 395640
@ -1,3 +1,378 @@
Wed Sep 1 14:19:19 UTC 2021 - Michal Vyskocil <>
- Update to version 1.18.33
* sync python-botocore dependency with
* api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Added
Create/Update/Delete/Describe/List APIs for a new IoT resource named
FleetMetric. Added a new Fleet Indexing query API named
GetBucketsAggregation. Added a new field named DisconnectedReason in
Fleet Indexing query response. Updated their related documentations.
* api-change:``polly``: [``botocore``] Amazon Polly adds new South
African English voice - Ayanda. Ayanda is available as Neural voice
* api-change:``compute-optimizer``: [``botocore``] Documentation
updates for Compute Optimizer
* api-change:``sqs``: [``botocore``] Amazon SQS adds a new queue
attribute, RedriveAllowPolicy, which includes the dead-letter queue
redrive permission parameters. It defines which source queues can
specify dead-letter queues as a JSON object.
* api-change:``memorydb``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for
- from version 1.18.32
* api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for
* api-change:``firehose``: [``botocore``] This release adds the
Dynamic Partitioning feature to Kinesis Data Firehose service for S3
* api-change:``kms``: [``botocore``] This release has changes to KMS
nomenclature to remove the word master from both the "Customer master
key" and "CMK" abbreviation and replace those naming conventions with
"KMS key".
* api-change:``cloudformation``: [``botocore``] AWS CloudFormation
allows you to iteratively develop your applications when failures are
encountered without rolling back successfully provisioned resources.
By specifying stack failure options, you can troubleshoot resources in
- from version 1.18.31
* api-change:``s3``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon
* api-change:``emr``: [``botocore``] Update emr client to latest
* api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] This release adds the BootMode
flag to the ImportImage API and showing the detected BootMode of an
ImportImage task.
- from version 1.18.30
* api-change:``transcribe``: [``botocore``] This release adds support
for batch transcription in six new languages - Afrikaans, Danish,
Mandarin Chinese (Taiwan), New Zealand English, South African English,
and Thai.
* api-change:``rekognition``: [``botocore``] This release added new
attributes to Rekognition RecognizeCelebities and GetCelebrityInfo API
* api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Support added for resizing VPC
prefix lists
* api-change:``compute-optimizer``: [``botocore``] Adds support for 1)
the AWS Graviton (AWS_ARM64) recommendation preference for Amazon EC2
instance and Auto Scaling group recommendations, and 2) the ability to
get the enrollment statuses for all member accounts of an
- from version 1.18.29
* api-change:``fms``: [``botocore``] AWS Firewall Manager now supports
triggering resource cleanup workflow when account or resource goes out
of policy scope for AWS WAF, Security group, AWS Network Firewall, and
Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall policies.
* api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Support added for IMDS IPv6
* api-change:``datasync``: [``botocore``] Added include filters to
CreateTask and UpdateTask, and added exclude filters to
StartTaskExecution, giving customers more granular control over how
DataSync transfers files, folders, and objects.
* api-change:``events``: [``botocore``] AWS CWEvents adds an enum of
EXTERNAL for EcsParameters LaunchType for PutTargets API
- from version 1.18.28
* api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] AWS Elemental
MediaConvert SDK has added MBAFF encoding support for AVC video and
the ability to pass encryption context from the job settings to S3.
* api-change:``polly``: [``botocore``] Amazon Polly adds new New
Zealand English voice - Aria. Aria is available as Neural voice only.
* api-change:``transcribe``: [``botocore``] This release adds support
for feature tagging with Amazon Transcribe batch jobs.
* api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Updated Parameter Store property
for logging improvements.
* api-change:``iot-data``: [``botocore``] Updated Publish with support
for new Retain flag and added two new API operations:
GetRetainedMessage, ListRetainedMessages.
- from version 1.18.27
* api-change:``dms``: [``botocore``] Amazon AWS DMS service now
support Redis target endpoint migration. Now S3 endpoint setting is
capable to setup features which are used to be configurable only in
extract connection attributes.
* api-change:``frauddetector``: [``botocore``] Updated an element of
the DescribeModelVersion API response (LogitMetrics -> logOddsMetrics)
for clarity. Added new exceptions to several APIs to protect against
unlikely scenarios.
* api-change:``iotsitewise``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for
AWS IoT SiteWise
* api-change:``dlm``: [``botocore``] Added AMI deprecation support for
Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager EBS-backed AMI policies.
* api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Add support for Custom
* api-change:``apigateway``: [``botocore``] Adding some of the pending
releases (1) Adding WAF Filter to GatewayResponseType enum (2)
Ensuring consistent error model for all operations (3) Add missing BRE
to GetVpcLink operation
* api-change:``backup``: [``botocore``] AWS Backup - Features:
Evaluate your backup activity and generate audit reports.
- from version 1.18.26
* api-change:``eks``: [``botocore``] Adds support for EKS add-ons
"preserve" flag, which allows customers to maintain software on their
EKS clusters after removing it from EKS add-ons management.
* api-change:``comprehend``: [``botocore``] Add tagging support for
Comprehend async inference job.
* api-change:``robomaker``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for
* api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] encryptionInTransitSupported
added to DescribeInstanceTypes API
- from version 1.18.25
* api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] The ImportImage API now supports
the ability to create AMIs with AWS-managed licenses for Microsoft SQL
Server for both Windows and Linux.
* api-change:``memorydb``: [``botocore``] AWS MemoryDB SDK now
supports all APIs for newly launched MemoryDB service.
* api-change:``application-autoscaling``: [``botocore``] This release
extends Application Auto Scaling support for replication group of
Amazon ElastiCache Redis clusters. Auto Scaling monitors and
automatically expands node group count and number of replicas per node
group when a critical usage threshold is met or according to customer-
defined schedule.
* api-change:``appflow``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for
SAPOData connector and extends Veeva connector for document
- from version 1.18.24
* api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] CodeBuild now allows you to
make the build results for your build projects available to the public
without requiring access to an AWS account.
* api-change:``route53``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for
* api-change:``sagemaker-runtime``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker-
runtime client to latest version
* api-change:``route53resolver``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates
for Route 53 Resolver
* api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Amazon SageMaker now
supports Asynchronous Inference endpoints. Adds PlatformIdentifier
field that allows Notebook Instance creation with different platform
selections. Increases the maximum number of containers in multi-
container endpoints to 15. Adds more instance types to InstanceType
- from version 1.18.23
* api-change:``cloud9``: [``botocore``] Added DryRun parameter to
CreateEnvironmentEC2 API. Added ManagedCredentialsActions parameter to
UpdateEnvironment API
* api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for EC2
ED25519 key pairs for authentication
* api-change:``clouddirectory``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates
for clouddirectory
* api-change:``ce``: [``botocore``] This release is a new feature for
Cost Categories: Split charge rules. Split charge rules enable you to
allocate shared costs between your cost category values.
* api-change:``logs``: [``botocore``] Documentation-only update for
CloudWatch Logs
- from version 1.18.22
* api-change:``iotsitewise``: [``botocore``] AWS IoT SiteWise added
query window for the interpolation interval. AWS IoT SiteWise computes
each interpolated value by using data points from the timestamp of
each interval minus the window to the timestamp of each interval plus
the window.
* api-change:``s3``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon
* api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] CodeBuild now allows you to
select how batch build statuses are sent to the source provider for a
* api-change:``ds``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for
describing client authentication settings.
* api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] Update ResourceType enum with
values for Backup Plan, Selection, Vault, RecoveryPoint; ECS Cluster,
Service, TaskDefinition; EFS AccessPoint, FileSystem; EKS Cluster; ECR
Repository resources
* api-change:``license-manager``: [``botocore``] AWS License Manager
now allows end users to call CheckoutLicense API using new
CheckoutType PERPETUAL. Perpetual checkouts allow sellers to check out
a quantity of entitlements to be drawn down for consumption.
- from version 1.18.21
* api-change:``quicksight``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for
* api-change:``emr``: [``botocore``] Update emr client to latest
* api-change:``customer-profiles``: [``botocore``] This release
introduces Standard Profile Objects, namely Asset and Case which
contain values populated by data from third party systems and belong
to a specific profile. This release adds an optional parameter,
ObjectFilter to the ListProfileObjects API in order to search for
these Standard Objects.
* api-change:``elasticache``: [``botocore``] This release adds
ReplicationGroupCreateTime field to ReplicationGroup which indicates
the UTC time when ElastiCache ReplicationGroup is created
- from version 1.18.20
* api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Amazon SageMaker Autopilot
adds new metrics for all candidate models generated by Autopilot
* api-change:``apigatewayv2``: [``botocore``] Adding support for ACM
imported or private CA certificates for mTLS enabled domain names
* api-change:``apigateway``: [``botocore``] Adding support for ACM
imported or private CA certificates for mTLS enabled domain names
* api-change:``databrew``: [``botocore``] This SDK release adds
support for the output of a recipe job results to Tableau Hyper
* api-change:``lambda``: [``botocore``] Lambda Python 3.9 runtime
- from version 1.18.19
* api-change:``snow-device-management``: [``botocore``] AWS Snow
Family customers can remotely monitor and operate their connected AWS
Snowcone devices.
* api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for ECS.
* api-change:``nimble``: [``botocore``] Add new attribute 'ownedBy' in
Streaming Session APIs. 'ownedBy' represents the AWS SSO Identity
Store User ID of the owner of the Streaming Session resource.
* api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] CodeBuild now allows you to
make the build results for your build projects available to the public
without requiring access to an AWS account.
* api-change:``ebs``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon
EBS direct APIs.
* api-change:``route53``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for
- from version 1.18.18
* api-change:``chime``: [``botocore``] Add support for "auto" in
Region field of StartMeetingTranscription API request.
* enchancement:Client: [``botocore``] Improve client performance by
caching _alias_event_name on EventAliaser
- from version 1.18.17
* api-change:``wafv2``: [``botocore``] This release adds APIs to
support versioning feature of AWS WAF Managed rule groups
* api-change:``rekognition``: [``botocore``] This release adds support
for four new types of segments (opening credits, content segments,
slates, and studio logos), improved accuracy for credits and shot
detection and new filters to control black frame detection.
* api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for AWS
Systems Manager.
- from version 1.18.16
* api-change:``synthetics``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for
Visual Monitoring feature and other doc ticket fixes.
* api-change:``chime-sdk-identity``: [``botocore``] The Amazon Chime
SDK Identity APIs allow software developers to create and manage
unique instances of their messaging applications.
* api-change:``chime-sdk-messaging``: [``botocore``] The Amazon Chime
SDK Messaging APIs allow software developers to send and receive
messages in custom messaging applications.
* api-change:``connect``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for
agent status and hours of operation. For details, see the Release
Notes in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
* api-change:``lightsail``: [``botocore``] This release adds support
to track when a bucket access key was last used.
* api-change:``athena``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for
- from version 1.18.15
* api-change:``lexv2-models``: [``botocore``] Update lexv2-models
client to latest version
* api-change:``autoscaling``: [``botocore``] EC2 Auto Scaling adds
configuration checks and Launch Template validation to Instance
- from version 1.18.14
* api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] This release adds
AutomaticRestartTime to the DescribeDBInstances and DescribeDBClusters
operations. AutomaticRestartTime indicates the time when a stopped DB
instance or DB cluster is restarted automatically.
* api-change:``imagebuilder``: [``botocore``] Updated list actions to
include a list of valid filters that can be used in the request.
* api-change:``transcribe``: [``botocore``] This release adds support
for call analytics (batch) within Amazon Transcribe.
* api-change:``events``: [``botocore``] Update events client to latest
* api-change:``ssm-incidents``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates
for Incident Manager.
- from version 1.18.13
* api-change:``redshift``: [``botocore``] API support for Redshift
Data Sharing feature.
* api-change:``iotsitewise``: [``botocore``] My AWS Service
(placeholder) - This release introduces custom Intervals and offset
for tumbling window in metric for AWS IoT SiteWise.
* api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Add
ConcurrentModificationException to create-table, delete-table, create-
database, update-database, delete-database
* api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] AWS Elemental
MediaConvert SDK has added control over the passthrough of XDS
captions metadata to outputs.
* api-change:``proton``: [``botocore``] Docs only add idempotent
create apis
- from version 1.18.12
* api-change:``ssm-contacts``: [``botocore``] Added new attribute in
AcceptCode API. AcceptCodeValidation takes in two values - ENFORCE,
IGNORE. ENFORCE forces validation of accept code and IGNORE ignores it
which is also the default behavior; Corrected TagKeyList length from
200 to 50
* api-change:``greengrassv2``: [``botocore``] This release adds
support for component system resource limits and idempotent Create
operations. You can now specify the maximum amount of CPU and memory
resources that each component can use.
- from version 1.18.11
* api-change:``appsync``: [``botocore``] AWS AppSync now supports a
new authorization mode allowing you to define your own authorization
logic using an AWS Lambda function.
* api-change:``elbv2``: [``botocore``] Update elbv2 client to latest
* api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Add support for
KmsKeyIds in the ListSecretVersionIds API response
* api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] API changes with respect to
Lambda steps in model building pipelines. Adds several waiters to
async Sagemaker Image APIs. Add more instance types to AppInstanceType
- from version 1.18.10
* api-change:``savingsplans``: [``botocore``] Documentation update for
valid Savings Plans offering ID pattern
* api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for
G4ad xlarge and 2xlarge instances powered by AMD Radeon Pro V520 GPUs
and AMD 2nd Generation EPYC processors
* api-change:``chime``: [``botocore``] Adds support for live
transcription of meetings with Amazon Transcribe and Amazon Transcribe
Medical. The new APIs, StartMeetingTranscription and
StopMeetingTranscription, control the generation of user-attributed
transcriptions sent to meeting clients via Amazon Chime SDK data
* api-change:``iotsitewise``: [``botocore``] Added support for AWS IoT
SiteWise Edge. You can now create an AWS IoT SiteWise gateway that
runs on AWS IoT Greengrass V2. With the gateway, you can collect
local server and equipment data, process the data, and export the
selected data from the edge to the AWS Cloud.
* api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Increase maximum credential
duration of role alias to 12 hours.
- from version 1.18.9
* api-change:``sso-admin``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for
* api-change:``cloudformation``: [``botocore``] SDK update to support
Importing existing Stacks to new/existing Self Managed StackSet -
Stack Import feature.
- from version 1.18.8
* api-change:``route53``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for
the RECOVERY_CONTROL health check type to be used in conjunction with
Route53 Application Recovery Controller.
* api-change:``iotwireless``: [``botocore``] Add
SidewalkManufacturingSn as an identifier to allow Customer to query
WirelessDevice, in the response, AmazonId is added in the case that
Sidewalk device is return.
* api-change:``route53-recovery-control-config``: [``botocore``]
Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller's routing control -
Routing Control Configuration APIs help you create and delete
clusters, control panels, routing controls and safety rules. State
changes (On/Off) of routing controls are not part of configuration
* api-change:``route53-recovery-readiness``: [``botocore``] Amazon
Route 53 Application Recovery Controller's readiness check capability
continually monitors resource quotas, capacity, and network routing
policies to ensure that the recovery environment is scaled and
configured to take over when needed.
* api-change:``quicksight``: [``botocore``] Add support to use row-
level security with tags when embedding dashboards for users not
provisioned in QuickSight
* api-change:``iotanalytics``: [``botocore``] IoT Analytics now
supports creating a dataset resource with IoT SiteWise
MultiLayerStorage data stores, enabling customers to query industrial
data within the service. This release includes adding JOIN
functionality for customers to query multiple data sources in a
* api-change:``shield``: [``botocore``] Change name of DDoS Response
Team (DRT) to Shield Response Team (SRT)
* api-change:``lexv2-models``: [``botocore``] Update lexv2-models
client to latest version
* api-change:``redshift-data``: [``botocore``] Added structures to
support new Data API operation BatchExecuteStatement, used to execute
multiple SQL statements within a single transaction.
* api-change:``route53-recovery-cluster``: [``botocore``] Amazon Route
53 Application Recovery Controller's routing control - Routing Control
Data Plane APIs help you update the state (On/Off) of the routing
controls to reroute traffic across application replicas in a 100%
available manner.
* api-change:``batch``: [``botocore``] Add support for ListJob filters
Tue Jul 27 14:34:59 UTC 2021 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
%{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{**} python3-%{**}}
%define skip_python2 1
Name: python-boto3
Version: 1.18.7
Version: 1.18.33
Release: 0
Summary: Amazon Web Services Library
License: Apache-2.0
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ URL:
# Related test dependencies
BuildRequires: %{python_module botocore < 1.22.0}
BuildRequires: %{python_module botocore >= 1.21.7}
BuildRequires: %{python_module botocore >= 1.21.33}
BuildRequires: %{python_module mock}
BuildRequires: %{python_module nose}
BuildRequires: %{python_module s3transfer < 0.6.0}
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ BuildRequires: %{python_module six}
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: python-rpm-macros
Requires: python-botocore < 1.22.0
Requires: python-botocore >= 1.21.7
Requires: python-botocore >= 1.21.33
Requires: python-jmespath < 1.0.0
Requires: python-jmespath >= 0.7.1
Requires: python-s3transfer < 0.6.0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user