- Update to version 1.4.10 (bsc#974705)
+ feature:Lambda: Added support for setting the function runtime as
nodejs4.3, as well as updating function configuration to set the runtime.
+ feature:DS: Added support for Directory Service Conditional Forwarder APIs.
+ feature:Elasticbeanstalk: Adds support for three additional elements in
AWS Elasticbeanstalk's DescribeInstancesHealthResponse: Deployment,
AvailabilityZone, and InstanceType. Additionally adds support for
increased EnvironmentName length from 23 to 40.
+ bugfix:Paginator: Allow non-specified input tokens in old starting
token format.
- From 1.4.9
+ feature:APIGateway: Added support for API Import
+ feature:Route53: Added support for metric-based health checks and
regional health checks.
+ feature:STS: Added support for GetCallerIdentity, which returns details
about the credentials used to make the API call. The details include
name and account, as well as the type of entity making the call, such
as an IAM user vs. federated user.
+ feature:S3: Added support for VersionId in PutObjectAcl (issue 856)
+ bugfix:S3: Add validation to enforce S3 metadata only contains ASCII.
(issue 861)
+ bugfix:Exceptions: Consistently parse errors with no body (issue 859)
+ bugfix:Config: Handle case where S3 config key is not a dict (issue 858)
+ bugfix:Examples: Account for empty input shape in examples (issue 855)
- From 1.4.8
+ feature:ACM: Update client to latest version
+ feature:CloudFormation: Update client to latest version
+ feature:CodeDeploy: Update client to latest version
+ feature:DMS: Update client to latest version
+ feature:ElastiCache: Update client to latest version
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/386424
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/python-botocore?expand=0&rev=13