2009-06-03 17:17:25 +02:00
2011-05-06 14:44:31 +02:00
# spec file for package python-coverage
2009-06-03 17:17:25 +02:00
2021-02-01 23:39:33 +01:00
# Copyright (c) 2021 SUSE LLC
2009-06-03 17:17:25 +02:00
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
2011-06-09 12:24:33 +02:00
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
2011-05-06 14:44:31 +02:00
2009-06-03 17:17:25 +02:00
Accepting request 479281 from devel:languages:python:singlespec
- update for singlespec
- update to 4.3.4:
- Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would
cause a “No data to report” error, as reported in issue 549. This is now
fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.
- If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0:
or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these
statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode.
This problem, reported in issue 522, is now fixed.
- If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for
importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had
never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that
detection wasn’t performed. Now it is, closing issue 426. Thanks to Loïc
Dachary for the fix.
- If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your
process, you could crash Python with a “Fatal Python error: deallocating
None” error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.
- On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: “Trace
function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None”. This was spurious,
and has been suppressed.
- Previously, coverage.py couldn’t start on Jython, due to that
implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem
has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage
conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works
- Let’s say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output
directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing
efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py
4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left
behind. This file is now properly deleted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/479281
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-coverage?expand=0&rev=54
2017-03-14 16:42:09 +01:00
%{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{**} python3-%{**}}
2011-09-08 16:33:29 +02:00
Name : python-coverage
2021-05-10 00:28:09 +02:00
Version : 5.5
2011-09-08 16:33:29 +02:00
Release : 0
2011-05-06 14:44:31 +02:00
Summary : Code coverage measurement for Python
2015-10-08 12:38:14 +02:00
License : Apache-2.0
2018-07-17 15:32:07 +02:00
URL : https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy
Accepting request 479281 from devel:languages:python:singlespec
- update for singlespec
- update to 4.3.4:
- Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would
cause a “No data to report” error, as reported in issue 549. This is now
fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.
- If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0:
or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these
statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode.
This problem, reported in issue 522, is now fixed.
- If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for
importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had
never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that
detection wasn’t performed. Now it is, closing issue 426. Thanks to Loïc
Dachary for the fix.
- If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your
process, you could crash Python with a “Fatal Python error: deallocating
None” error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.
- On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: “Trace
function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None”. This was spurious,
and has been suppressed.
- Previously, coverage.py couldn’t start on Jython, due to that
implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem
has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage
conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works
- Let’s say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output
directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing
efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py
4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left
behind. This file is now properly deleted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/479281
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-coverage?expand=0&rev=54
2017-03-14 16:42:09 +01:00
Source : https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/c/coverage/coverage-%{version} .tar.gz
2021-05-10 00:28:09 +02:00
# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM traced_file_absolute.patch gh#nedbat/coveragepy#1161 mcepl@suse.com
# traced file names seem to be absolute now?
Patch0 : traced_file_absolute.patch
2021-05-12 11:30:53 +02:00
# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM 0001-make-data-collection-operations-thread-safe.patch gh#nedbat/coveragepy#commit-e36b42e2db46 alarrosa@suse.com
# Make data collection operations thread safe
2021-05-11 13:06:02 +02:00
Patch1 : 0001-make-data-collection-operations-thread-safe.patch
2021-05-12 11:30:53 +02:00
# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM change__file__report-dir.patch gh#nedbat/coveragepy#1161 mcepl@suse.com
# Fix yet another regression in Python 3.8.10, this time about __file__ value for directories.
Patch0 : change__file__report-dir.patch
Accepting request 479281 from devel:languages:python:singlespec
- update for singlespec
- update to 4.3.4:
- Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would
cause a “No data to report” error, as reported in issue 549. This is now
fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.
- If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0:
or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these
statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode.
This problem, reported in issue 522, is now fixed.
- If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for
importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had
never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that
detection wasn’t performed. Now it is, closing issue 426. Thanks to Loïc
Dachary for the fix.
- If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your
process, you could crash Python with a “Fatal Python error: deallocating
None” error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.
- On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: “Trace
function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None”. This was spurious,
and has been suppressed.
- Previously, coverage.py couldn’t start on Jython, due to that
implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem
has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage
conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works
- Let’s say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output
directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing
efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py
4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left
behind. This file is now properly deleted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/479281
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-coverage?expand=0&rev=54
2017-03-14 16:42:09 +01:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module devel}
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module flaky}
2020-09-30 13:21:52 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module hypothesis >= 4.57}
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module mock}
2020-09-30 13:21:52 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module pytest >= 4.6}
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module pytest-xdist}
Accepting request 479281 from devel:languages:python:singlespec
- update for singlespec
- update to 4.3.4:
- Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would
cause a “No data to report” error, as reported in issue 549. This is now
fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.
- If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0:
or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these
statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode.
This problem, reported in issue 522, is now fixed.
- If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for
importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had
never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that
detection wasn’t performed. Now it is, closing issue 426. Thanks to Loïc
Dachary for the fix.
- If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your
process, you could crash Python with a “Fatal Python error: deallocating
None” error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.
- On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: “Trace
function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None”. This was spurious,
and has been suppressed.
- Previously, coverage.py couldn’t start on Jython, due to that
implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem
has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage
conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works
- Let’s say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output
directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing
efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py
4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left
behind. This file is now properly deleted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/479281
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-coverage?expand=0&rev=54
2017-03-14 16:42:09 +01:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module setuptools}
2020-09-30 13:21:52 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module toml}
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module unittest-mixins}
BuildRequires : %{python_module xml}
2020-09-30 13:21:52 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{pythons}
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
BuildRequires : fdupes
Accepting request 479281 from devel:languages:python:singlespec
- update for singlespec
- update to 4.3.4:
- Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would
cause a “No data to report” error, as reported in issue 549. This is now
fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.
- If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0:
or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these
statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode.
This problem, reported in issue 522, is now fixed.
- If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for
importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had
never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that
detection wasn’t performed. Now it is, closing issue 426. Thanks to Loïc
Dachary for the fix.
- If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your
process, you could crash Python with a “Fatal Python error: deallocating
None” error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.
- On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: “Trace
function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None”. This was spurious,
and has been suppressed.
- Previously, coverage.py couldn’t start on Jython, due to that
implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem
has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage
conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works
- Let’s say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output
directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing
efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py
4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left
behind. This file is now properly deleted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/479281
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-coverage?expand=0&rev=54
2017-03-14 16:42:09 +01:00
BuildRequires : python-rpm-macros
2020-09-30 13:21:52 +02:00
Requires : python
2013-10-24 13:00:41 +02:00
Requires : python-setuptools
2020-09-30 13:21:52 +02:00
Requires : python-toml
2018-07-17 15:32:07 +02:00
Requires(post) : update-alternatives
2021-05-10 00:28:09 +02:00
Requires(postun) : update-alternatives
Accepting request 479281 from devel:languages:python:singlespec
- update for singlespec
- update to 4.3.4:
- Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would
cause a “No data to report” error, as reported in issue 549. This is now
fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.
- If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0:
or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these
statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode.
This problem, reported in issue 522, is now fixed.
- If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for
importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had
never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that
detection wasn’t performed. Now it is, closing issue 426. Thanks to Loïc
Dachary for the fix.
- If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your
process, you could crash Python with a “Fatal Python error: deallocating
None” error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.
- On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: “Trace
function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None”. This was spurious,
and has been suppressed.
- Previously, coverage.py couldn’t start on Jython, due to that
implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem
has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage
conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works
- Let’s say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output
directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing
efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py
4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left
behind. This file is now properly deleted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/479281
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-coverage?expand=0&rev=54
2017-03-14 16:42:09 +01:00
2009-06-03 17:17:25 +02:00
2011-05-06 14:44:31 +02:00
Coverage.py measures code coverage, typically during test execution. It uses
the code analysis tools and tracing hooks provided in the Python standard
2009-06-03 17:17:25 +02:00
library to determine which lines are executable, and which have been executed.
2021-05-10 00:28:09 +02:00
%autosetup -p1 -n coverage-%{version}
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
# do not require xdist
sed -i -e '/addopts/d' setup.cfg
# writes in /usr/
rm tests/test_process.py
# summary differs trivialy
rm tests/test_summary.py
# requires additional plugins
rm tests/test_plugins.py
2009-06-03 17:17:25 +02:00
Accepting request 479281 from devel:languages:python:singlespec
- update for singlespec
- update to 4.3.4:
- Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would
cause a “No data to report” error, as reported in issue 549. This is now
fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.
- If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0:
or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these
statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode.
This problem, reported in issue 522, is now fixed.
- If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for
importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had
never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that
detection wasn’t performed. Now it is, closing issue 426. Thanks to Loïc
Dachary for the fix.
- If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your
process, you could crash Python with a “Fatal Python error: deallocating
None” error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.
- On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: “Trace
function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None”. This was spurious,
and has been suppressed.
- Previously, coverage.py couldn’t start on Jython, due to that
implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem
has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage
conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works
- Let’s say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output
directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing
efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py
4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left
behind. This file is now properly deleted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/479281
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-coverage?expand=0&rev=54
2017-03-14 16:42:09 +01:00
2009-06-03 17:17:25 +02:00
Accepting request 479281 from devel:languages:python:singlespec
- update for singlespec
- update to 4.3.4:
- Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would
cause a “No data to report” error, as reported in issue 549. This is now
fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.
- If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0:
or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these
statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode.
This problem, reported in issue 522, is now fixed.
- If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for
importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had
never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that
detection wasn’t performed. Now it is, closing issue 426. Thanks to Loïc
Dachary for the fix.
- If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your
process, you could crash Python with a “Fatal Python error: deallocating
None” error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.
- On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: “Trace
function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None”. This was spurious,
and has been suppressed.
- Previously, coverage.py couldn’t start on Jython, due to that
implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem
has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage
conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works
- Let’s say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output
directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing
efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py
4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left
behind. This file is now properly deleted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/479281
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-coverage?expand=0&rev=54
2017-03-14 16:42:09 +01:00
2020-12-10 19:47:56 +01:00
rm -vf %{buildroot} %{_bindir} /coverage{2,3}
Accepting request 479281 from devel:languages:python:singlespec
- update for singlespec
- update to 4.3.4:
- Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would
cause a “No data to report” error, as reported in issue 549. This is now
fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.
- If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0:
or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these
statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode.
This problem, reported in issue 522, is now fixed.
- If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for
importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had
never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that
detection wasn’t performed. Now it is, closing issue 426. Thanks to Loïc
Dachary for the fix.
- If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your
process, you could crash Python with a “Fatal Python error: deallocating
None” error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.
- On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: “Trace
function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None”. This was spurious,
and has been suppressed.
- Previously, coverage.py couldn’t start on Jython, due to that
implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem
has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage
conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works
- Let’s say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output
directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing
efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py
4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left
behind. This file is now properly deleted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/479281
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-coverage?expand=0&rev=54
2017-03-14 16:42:09 +01:00
%python_clone -a %{buildroot} %{_bindir} /coverage
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
%python_expand %fdupes %{buildroot} %{$python_sitearch}
2009-06-03 17:17:25 +02:00
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
# GetZipBytesTest.test_get_encoded_zip_files - needs zip command
# test_egg - needs generated egg file
2020-03-21 16:01:19 +01:00
# test_doctest - weird doctest importing
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
# test_unicode - differs between py2/py3
# test_version - checks for non-compiled variant, we ship only compiled one
# test_multiprocessing_with_branching - whitespace issue in regexp
2020-09-30 13:21:52 +02:00
# test_farm, test_encoding, test_multi - tries to write in /usr
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
# test_dothtml_not_python - no idea
# test_bytes
# test_one_of
2020-09-30 13:21:52 +02:00
# test_xdist_sys_path_nuttiness_is_fixed - xdist check that we actually fail on purpose
# test_debug_sys_ctracer - requires dep on ctracer
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
export LANG=en_US.UTF8
2020-12-03 07:53:11 +01:00
%{python_expand # Link executables to flavor specific build areas, to be used for testing. build/ is shuffled around by python_expand
mkdir build/bin
for filepath in %{buildroot} %{_bindir} /coverage*-%{$python_bin_suffix}; do
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
filename=$(basename $filepath)
2020-12-03 07:53:11 +01:00
ln -s $filepath build/bin/$unsuffixed
2019-03-11 12:04:49 +01:00
2020-12-03 07:53:11 +01:00
export PATH=" $ ( p w d ) / b u i l d / b i n : $ P A T H "
2021-05-10 00:28:09 +02:00
%python_exec -mcoverage debug sys
2020-12-03 07:53:11 +01:00
# the tests need the empty leading part for importing local test projects, the x is a dummy"
export PYTHONPATH=" : x "
%pytest_arch -k 'not (test_get_encoded_zip_files or test_egg or test_doctest or test_unicode or test_version or test_multiprocessing_with_branching or test_farm or test_dothtml_not_python or test_one_of or test_bytes or test_encoding or test_multi or test_xdist_sys_path_nuttiness_is_fixed or test_debug_sys_ctracer)'
2013-05-03 11:14:06 +02:00
Accepting request 479281 from devel:languages:python:singlespec
- update for singlespec
- update to 4.3.4:
- Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would
cause a “No data to report” error, as reported in issue 549. This is now
fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.
- If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0:
or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these
statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode.
This problem, reported in issue 522, is now fixed.
- If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for
importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had
never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that
detection wasn’t performed. Now it is, closing issue 426. Thanks to Loïc
Dachary for the fix.
- If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your
process, you could crash Python with a “Fatal Python error: deallocating
None” error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.
- On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: “Trace
function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None”. This was spurious,
and has been suppressed.
- Previously, coverage.py couldn’t start on Jython, due to that
implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem
has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage
conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works
- Let’s say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output
directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing
efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py
4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left
behind. This file is now properly deleted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/479281
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-coverage?expand=0&rev=54
2017-03-14 16:42:09 +01:00
%python_install_alternative coverage
2013-05-03 11:14:06 +02:00
2017-03-29 16:14:47 +02:00
Accepting request 479281 from devel:languages:python:singlespec
- update for singlespec
- update to 4.3.4:
- Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would
cause a “No data to report” error, as reported in issue 549. This is now
fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.
- If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0:
or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these
statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode.
This problem, reported in issue 522, is now fixed.
- If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for
importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had
never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that
detection wasn’t performed. Now it is, closing issue 426. Thanks to Loïc
Dachary for the fix.
- If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your
process, you could crash Python with a “Fatal Python error: deallocating
None” error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.
- On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: “Trace
function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None”. This was spurious,
and has been suppressed.
- Previously, coverage.py couldn’t start on Jython, due to that
implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem
has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage
conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works
- Let’s say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output
directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing
efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py
4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left
behind. This file is now properly deleted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/479281
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-coverage?expand=0&rev=54
2017-03-14 16:42:09 +01:00
%python_uninstall_alternative coverage
2013-05-03 11:14:06 +02:00
2018-07-17 15:32:07 +02:00
%files %{python_files}
%license LICENSE.txt
2020-09-30 13:21:52 +02:00
%doc CHANGES.rst CONTRIBUTORS.txt README.rst howto.txt
Accepting request 479281 from devel:languages:python:singlespec
- update for singlespec
- update to 4.3.4:
- Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would
cause a “No data to report” error, as reported in issue 549. This is now
fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.
- If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0:
or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these
statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode.
This problem, reported in issue 522, is now fixed.
- If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for
importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had
never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that
detection wasn’t performed. Now it is, closing issue 426. Thanks to Loïc
Dachary for the fix.
- If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your
process, you could crash Python with a “Fatal Python error: deallocating
None” error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.
- On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: “Trace
function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None”. This was spurious,
and has been suppressed.
- Previously, coverage.py couldn’t start on Jython, due to that
implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem
has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage
conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works
- Let’s say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output
directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing
efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py
4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left
behind. This file is now properly deleted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/479281
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-coverage?expand=0&rev=54
2017-03-14 16:42:09 +01:00
%python_alternative %{_bindir} /coverage
2012-05-23 17:41:38 +02:00
%{python_sitearch} /coverage/
Accepting request 479281 from devel:languages:python:singlespec
- update for singlespec
- update to 4.3.4:
- Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would
cause a “No data to report” error, as reported in issue 549. This is now
fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.
- If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0:
or if __debug__:. Coverage.py had problems properly understanding these
statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode.
This problem, reported in issue 522, is now fixed.
- If you specified --source as a directory, then coverage.py would look for
importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had
never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that
detection wasn’t performed. Now it is, closing issue 426. Thanks to Loïc
Dachary for the fix.
- If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your
process, you could crash Python with a “Fatal Python error: deallocating
None” error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.
- On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: “Trace
function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None”. This was spurious,
and has been suppressed.
- Previously, coverage.py couldn’t start on Jython, due to that
implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem
has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage
conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run myprog.py works
- Let’s say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output
directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing
efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With coverage.py
4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left
behind. This file is now properly deleted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/479281
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-coverage?expand=0&rev=54
2017-03-14 16:42:09 +01:00
%{python_sitearch} /coverage-%{version} -py%{python_version} .egg-info
2009-06-03 17:17:25 +02:00