Ondřej Súkup 5622a86892 - update to 3.0
- refreshed disable-uneven-sizes-tests.patch and  skip_openssl_memleak_test.patch
 * Removed support for passing an Extension instance
    to from_issuer_subject_key_identifier(), as per our deprecation policy.
 * Support for LibreSSL 2.7.x, 2.8.x, and 2.9.0 has been removed
 * Dropped support for macOS 10.9, macOS users must upgrade to 10.10 or newer.
 * RSA generate_private_key() no longer accepts public_exponent values except
    65537 and 3 (the latter for legacy purposes).
 * X.509 certificate parsing now enforces that the version field contains
    a valid value, rather than deferring this check until version is accessed.
 * Deprecated support for Python 2
 * Added support for OpenSSH serialization format for ec, ed25519, rsa and dsa
    private keys: load_ssh_private_key() for loading and OpenSSH for writing.
 * Added support for OpenSSH certificates to load_ssh_public_key().
 * Added encrypt_at_time() and decrypt_at_time() to Fernet.
 * Added support for the SubjectInformationAccess X.509 extension.
 * Added support for parsing SignedCertificateTimestamps in OCSP responses.
 * Added support for parsing attributes in certificate signing requests via get_attribute_for_oid().
 * Added support for encoding attributes in certificate signing requests via add_attribute().
 * On OpenSSL 1.1.1d and higher cryptography now uses OpenSSL’s built-in CSPRNG
    instead of its own OS random engine because these versions of OpenSSL properly reseed on fork.
 * Added initial support for creating PKCS12 files with serialize_key_and_certificates().

2020-07-28 17:32:18 +00:00

15 lines
681 B

Index: cryptography-3.0/tests/hazmat/primitives/
--- cryptography-3.0.orig/tests/hazmat/primitives/
+++ cryptography-3.0/tests/hazmat/primitives/
@@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ class TestRSA(object):
("public_exponent", "key_size"),
(3, 65537),
- (1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1536, 2048),
+ #(1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1536, 2048),
+ (1024, 1026, 1028, 1030, 1536, 2048),
def test_generate_rsa_keys(self, backend, public_exponent, key_size):