- Update Translations - adapter_fanfictalkcom: Update domain name & match pattern - Remove site: starskyhutcharchive.net, moved to starskyandhutcharchive.net, not eFiction. Nobody's missed it. - Remove site: fastnovels.net - Blog only now, no stories. - Remove site: www.novelupdates.cc - Domain parked somewhere sketchy - Remove site: ponyfictionarchive.net - Moved to AO3 - adapter_wwwaneroticstorycom: Update for site changes. - Re-alphabetize defaults.ini - Browser Simple Cache adding orig resp time field & removing browser_cache_simple_header_old option. Fixes Browser Cache failing with Chrome on Mac & Linux. - Strip out unused parts of requests_toolbelt to avoid dependency issues. - Add no_image_processing_regexp option for #1144 - adapter_fictionmaniatv: Change to https
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