------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 21 10:44:41 UTC 2022 - pgajdos@suse.com - do not require mock for build - added patches fix https://github.com/Yubico/python-fido2/issues/135 + python-fido2-no-mock.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 15 17:34:13 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller - update to 0.9.3: * Don't fail device discovery when hidraw doesn't support HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ * Support the latest Windows webauthn.h API (included in Windows 11). * Add product name and serial number to HidDescriptors. * Remove the need for the uhid-freebsd dependency on FreeBSD. - drop 0001-Don-t-use-enum.auto-Python-2.patch 0001-Skip-tests-on-older-Cryptography-versions.patch (upstream) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 25 11:09:25 UTC 2021 - pgajdos@suse.com - %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 6 14:23:34 UTC 2021 - Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to version 0.9.1 * Add new CTAP error codes and improve handling of unknown codes. * Client: API changes to better support extensions. * Client.make_credential now returns a AuthenticatorAttestationResponse, which holds the AttestationObject and ClientData, as well as any client extension results for the credential. * Client.get_assertion now returns an AssertionSelection object, which is used to select between multiple assertions * Renames: The CTAP1 and CTAP2 classes have been renamed to Ctap1 and Ctap2, respectively. * ClientPin: The ClientPin API has been restructured to support multiple PIN protocols, UV tokens, and token permissions. * CTAP 2.1 PRE: Several new features have been added for CTAP 2.1 * HID: The platform specific HID code has been revamped - Add 0001-Don-t-use-enum.auto-Python-2.patch from upstream - Add 0001-Skip-tests-on-older-Cryptography-versions.patch from upstream ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 20 12:42:34 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Fix build without python2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Dec 8 23:05:47 UTC 2019 - Karol Babioch - Version 0.8.1 (released 2019-11-25) * Bugfix: WindowsClient.make_credential error when resident key requirement is unspecified. - Version 0.8.0 (released 2019-11-25) * New fido2.webauthn classes modeled after the W3C WebAuthn spec introduced. * CTAP2 send_cbor/make_credential/get_assertion and U2fClient request/authenticate timeout arguments replaced with event used to cancel a request. * Fido2Client: - make_credential/get_assertion now take WebAuthn options objects. - timeout is now provided in ms in WebAuthn options objects. Event based cancelation also available by passing an Event. * Fido2Server: - ATTESTATION, USER_VERIFICATION, and AUTHENTICATOR_ATTACHMENT enums have been replaced with fido2.webauthn classes. - RelyingParty has been replaced with PublicKeyCredentialRpEntity, and name is no longer optional. - Options returned by register_begin/authenticate_begin now omit unspecified values if they are optional, instead of filling in default values. - Fido2Server.allowed_algorithms now contains a list of PublicKeyCredentialParameters instead of algorithm identifiers. - Fido2Server.timeout is now in ms and of type int. * Support native WebAuthn API on Windows through WindowsClient. - Version 0.7.3 (released 2019-10-24) j Bugfix: Workaround for size of int on Python 2 on Windows. - Version 0.7.2 (released 2019-10-24) * Support for the TPM attestation format. * Allow passing custom challenges to register/authenticate in Fido2Server. * Bugfix: CTAP2 CANCEL command response handling fixed. * Bugfix: Fido2Client fix handling of empty allow_list. * Bugfix: Fix typo in CTAP2.get_assertions() causing it to fail. - Version 0.7.1 (released 2019-09-20) * Support for FreeBSD. * Enforce canonical CBOR on Authenticator responses by default. * PCSC: Support extended APDUs. * Server: Verify that UP flag is set. * U2FFido2Server: Implement AppID exclusion extension. * U2FFido2Server: Allow custom U2F facet verification. * Bugfix: U2FFido2Server.authenticate_complete now returns the result. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 17 15:26:45 UTC 2019 - Karol Babioch - Version 0.7.0 (released 2019-06-17) * Add support for NFC devices using PCSC. * Add support for the hmac-secret Authenticator extension. * Honor max credential ID length and number of credentials to Authenticator. * Add close() method to CTAP devices to explicitly release their resources. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 10 19:45:22 UTC 2019 - Karol Babioch - Version 0.6.0 (released 2019-05-10) * Don't fail if CTAP2 Info contains unknown fields. * Replace cbor loads/dumps functions with encode/decode/decode_from. * Server: Add support for AuthenticatorAttachment. * Server: Add support for more key algorithms. * Client: Expose CTAP2 Info object as Fido2Client.info. - Changed source URL to official release tarball - Verifying signature of release tarball ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 21 14:05:31 UTC 2018 - Karol Babioch - Version 0.5.0 (released 2018-12-21) * Changes to server classes, some backwards breaking. * Add ability to authenticate U2F credentials by using the appid extension. * Make verification of attestation more explicit. * Add support for Android SafetyNet attestation. * Make it easier to work with U2F/CTAP1 data formats. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 4 12:47:58 UTC 2018 - Matej Cepl - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 27 19:12:54 UTC 2018 - Karol Babioch - Version 0.4.0 (released 2018-09-27) - Add classes for implementing a server. - Various small changes, some affecting backwards compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Apr 21 20:45:38 UTC 2018 - jengelh@inai.de - Update descriptions. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 17 09:57:23 UTC 2018 - kbabioch@suse.com - Initial packaging of version 0.3.0