Steve Kowalik 447ad00ce0 - Update to
* fix: flask >== 2.3 json encoder change
  * removed usage of safe_str_cmp of werkzeug. using hmac.compare_digest
    instead (#532)
  * Fix openapi3 request parse validation (#505)
  * Fix required body if one parameter is required (#476)
  * Implemented the SwaggerUI urls config parameter which displays a
    dropdown of API specs instead of an editable textbox (#473)
  * Fix indentation in readme example (#480)
  * fix path parameter bug for integers (#485)
  * Wrapping APISpecsView get response in a try except (#420)
  * Trivial flake issue resolved for docker build of flasgger (#452)
  * Deprecate imp [Breaks py2.7 compatibility] (#413) Resolves #434
  * Remove python2
  * Fix error format and add regression tests
  * Extract is_openapi3 in utils and test it
  * Add flask_mongorest
  * Set displayOperationId to true
  * Add use func validate from utils
  * add test case for post request
  * Change test for swag_schema
  * Add Swagger UI auth config to ui.inioauth
  * Make available oauth2 redirect html
- Switch to pyproject macros.
- Stop using globs in %files

2023-08-08 05:36:42 +00:00

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