------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 14 02:39:56 UTC 2025 - Steve Kowalik - Update to 3.10.1: * flit publish can now use PyPI tokens stored in keyring (PR #649), either project tokens with a ‘username’ like pypi_token:project:project_name (use the normalised form of the name) or user tokens (pypi_token:user:username). * The --python option can now take the path of a virtualenv folder, as an alternative to a Python executable (PR #667). * Flit will work with current development versions of Pythona again (PR #684). * The flit command line package now requires Python 3.8 or above (PR #660). flit_core still works with Python 3.6 or above. * The metadata in packages now has the names of optional dependency groups (“extras”) normalised, complying with version 2.3 of the metadata standard (PR #676, PR #697). * The flit command line package now depends on pip (PR #647). * Fix potential substitution of environment variables into passwords read from .pypirc files (PR #652). * A warning is now shown when building packages which specify the old flit.buildapi backend, which should be replaced by flit_core.buildapi (PR #674). It’s a good idea to always set a maximum version for the build requirement, to protect against changes in future major versions of Flit. * Avoid using the deprecated datetime.utcfromtimestamp() (PR #682). * Flit now has a SECURITY.md file in the Github repository (PR #665). * The tests for flit_core are no longer part of the installed package, reducing the size of the wheels (PR #691). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 7 10:50:43 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller - update to 3.9.0: * New options :option:`flit build --use-vcs` and :option:`flit build --no-use-vcs` to enable & disable including all committed files in the sdist. For now --use-vcs is the default, but this is likely to change in a future version, to bring flit build in line with standard build frontends like python -m build * Sdist file names, and the name of the top-level folder in an sdist, are now normalised, in accordance with PEP 625 * A statically defined version number can now be parsed from files called version.py, _version.py or __version__.py inside a packge, as well as from __init__.py, so executing code is required in fewer cases * Fix setting the flag for regular files in zip metadata * The timestamp embedded in the gzip wrapper for sdists now defaults to a fixed date, so building an sdist twice on the same machine should produce identical results, even without any special steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 10 09:01:51 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller - skip install tests for better interoperability with PEP 668 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 10 06:11:46 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl - Remove BuildRequire for PyYAML again. This was needed by the response package, which in the meantime got it. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 8 05:53:27 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl - BuildRequire PyYAML, see https://github.com/pypa/flit/issues/643 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 21 12:25:15 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller - add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 13 22:41:22 UTC 2023 - Matej Cepl - Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 10 08:51:42 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller - spec file cleanups ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 8 10:20:01 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner - Fix dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 8 00:29:24 UTC 2022 - Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to version 3.8 A project name containing hyphens is now automatically translated to use underscores for the import name (PR #566). New option flit install --only-deps to install the dependencies of the package, but not the package itself. Add support for recursive globbing (**) in sdist includes and excludes (PR #550). Python’s bytecode cache files (__pycache__ folders and .pyc files) are now always excluded from sdists (PR #581). Use tomllib in Python 3.11, rather than tomli (PR #573, PR #604). Fix crash when unable to get a password from keyring (PR #567). Fix including modified files in sdist when using Mercurial (PR #541). Fix for some cases of determining whether a package supports Python 2 or not (PR #593). Fix parsing version number from code using multiple assignments (PR #474). Document how to use a PyPI token with FLIT_PASSWORD (PR #602). Fix link to information about environment variables for pip (PR #576). Link to the docs for the latest stable version in package metadata (PR #589). Remove a mention of the toml package, which is no longer needed, from the Developing Flit page (PR #601). The bootstrap install script for flit_core accepts a new --install-root option. Ensure the license file is included in packages on PyPI (PR #603). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 25 12:11:30 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner - Update to version 3.7.1 * Support for external data files such as man pages or Jupyter extension support files (PR #510). * Project names are now lowercase in wheel filenames and .dist-info folder names, in line with the specifications (PR #498). * Improved support for bootstrapping a Python environment, e.g. for downstream packagers (PR #511). flit_core.wheel is usable with python -m to create wheels before the build tool is available, and flit_core sdists also include a script to install itself from a wheel before installer is available. * Use newer importlib APIs, fixing some deprecation warnings (PR #499). * Fix building packages which need execution to get the version number, and have a relative import in __init__.py (PR #531). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 9 12:21:30 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner - Update to version 3.6 * flit_core now bundles the tomli TOML parser library (version 1.2.3) to avoid a circular dependency between flit_core and tomli (:ghpull:`492`). This means flit_core now has no dependencies except Python itself, both at build time and at runtime, simplifying :doc:`bootstrapping `. - The above is not fully applicale to openSUSE, we debundle. - Release notes for Version 3.5.1 * Fix development installs with flit install --symlink and --pth-file, which were broken in 3.5.0, especially for packages using a src folder (:ghpull:`472`). - Release notes for Version 3.5 * You can now use Flit to distribute a module or package inside a namespace package (as defined by PEP 420). To do this, specify the import name of the concrete, inner module you are packaging - e.g. name = "sphinxcontrib.foo" - either in the [project] table, or under [tool.flit.module] if you want to use a different name on PyPI (:ghpull:`468`). * Flit no longer generates a setup.py file in sdists (.tar.gz packages) by default (:ghpull:`462`). Modern packaging tools don't need this. You can use the --setup-py flag to keep adding it for now, but this will probably be removed at some point in the future. * Fixed how flit init handles authors' names with non-ASCII characters (:ghpull:`460`). * When flit init generates a LICENSE file, the new pyproject.toml now references it (:ghpull:`467`). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 15 18:09:42 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - Update to version 3.4 * Changelog since v1.3: https://flit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/history.html - Remove upstreamed patches: - merged_pr_278.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 26 06:34:17 UTC 2020 - Petr Gajdos - %python3_only -> %python_alternative ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 19 05:59:49 AM UTC 2019 - John Vandenberg - Initial spec for v1.3