------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 29 21:43:37 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller - update to 1.5.0: * An incorrect signature of the __class_getitem__ class method has been fixed, adding a missing class_item argument under Python 3.8 and older. This change also improves the code coverage of this method that was previously missing -- by :user:`webknjaz`. Related issues and pull requests on GitHub: :issue:`567`, :issue:`571`. * Rendered issue, PR, and commit links now lead to frozenlist's repo instead of yarl's repo. Related issues and pull requests on GitHub: :issue:`573`. * On the :doc:`Contributing docs ` page, a link to the Towncrier philosophy has been fixed. Related issues and pull requests on GitHub: :issue:`574`. * A name of a temporary building directory now reflects that it's related to frozenlist, not yarl. Related issues and pull requests on GitHub: :issue:`573`. * Declared Python 3.13 supported officially in the distribution package metadata. Related issues and pull requests on GitHub: :issue:`595`. - drop skip-some-attributes.patch (upstream) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 29 14:27:41 UTC 2024 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Cherry-pick patch from Fedora to fix testsuite with Python 3.13 * skip-some-attributes.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 16 08:30:56 UTC 2024 - Bernhard Wiedemann - Add reproducible.patch to avoid embedding a random tmp dir (boo#1062303) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 8 09:11:26 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller - update to 1.4.1: * Declared Python 3.12 and PyPy 3.8-3.10 supported officially in the distribution package metadata. * Replaced the packaging is replaced from an old-fashioned :file:`setup.py` to an in-tree PEP 517 build backend -- by :user:`webknjaz`. Whenever the end-users or downstream packagers need to build frozenlist from source (a Git checkout or an sdist), they may pass a config_settings flag pure-python. If this flag is not set, a C-extension will be built and included into the distribution. Here is how this can be done with pip: $ python3 -m pip install . --config- settings=pure-python= This will also work with -e | --editable. The same can be achieved via pypa/build: $ python3 -m build --config-setting=pure-python= Adding -w | --wheel can force pypa/build produce a wheel from source directly, as opposed to building an sdist and then building from it. Related issues and pull requests on GitHub: :issue:`560`. * Replaced the packaging is replaced from an old-fashioned :file:`setup.py` to an in-tree PEP 517 build backend * Whenever the end-users or downstream packagers need to build frozenlist from source (a Git checkout or an sdist), they may pass a config_settings flag pure-python. If this flag is not set, a C-extension will be built and included into the distribution. * It is now possible to request line tracing in Cython builds using the with-cython-tracing PEP 517 config setting * This can be used in CI and development environment to measure coverage on Cython modules, but is not normally useful to the end-users or downstream packagers. Otherwise, it's off unless requested explicitly. * The following produces C-files required for the Cython coverage plugin to map the measurements back to the PYX- files: * Alternatively, the FROZENLIST_CYTHON_TRACING=1 environment variable can be set to do the same as the PEP 517 config setting. * Coverage collection has been implemented for the Cython modules - add no-pytest-cov.patch to skip pytest-coverage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 14 20:49:55 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller - update to 1.4.0: * The published source distribution package became buildable * under Python 3.12. * Removed an unused :py:data:`typing.Tuple` import * Deprecations and Removals * Dropped Python 3.7 support. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 21 12:25:29 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller - add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 13 22:41:28 UTC 2023 - Matej Cepl - Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 2 17:45:08 UTC 2022 - Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to 1.3.3 * Fixed CI runs when creating a new release, where new towncrier versions fail when the current version section is already present. - Update to 1.3.2 * Misc Updated the CI runs to better check for test results and to avoid deprecated syntax. #327 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 28 19:34:19 UTC 2022 - Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - update to 1.3.1 * The published source distribution package became buildable under Python 3.11. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 23 16:23:05 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller - update to 1.3.0: * Do not install C sources with binary distributions. * Dropped Python 3.6 support ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Dec 11 19:25:37 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - Update to 1.2.0 * FrozenList now supports being used as a generic type as per PEP 585, e.g. frozen_int_list: FrozenList[int] (requires Python 3.9 or newer). #172 * Added support for Python 3.10. #227 * Started shipping platform-specific wheels with the musl tag targeting typical Alpine Linux runtimes. #227 * Started shipping platform-specific arm64 wheels for Apple Silicon. #227 - Cythonize - Required by some aio packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 29 12:25:14 AM UTC 2020 - John Vandenberg - Initial spec for v1.1.1