------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 23 16:23:05 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller - update to 1.3.0: * Do not install C sources with binary distributions. * Dropped Python 3.6 support ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Dec 11 19:25:37 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - Update to 1.2.0 * FrozenList now supports being used as a generic type as per PEP 585, e.g. frozen_int_list: FrozenList[int] (requires Python 3.9 or newer). #172 * Added support for Python 3.10. #227 * Started shipping platform-specific wheels with the musl tag targeting typical Alpine Linux runtimes. #227 * Started shipping platform-specific arm64 wheels for Apple Silicon. #227 - Cythonize - Required by some aio packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 29 12:25:14 AM UTC 2020 - John Vandenberg - Initial spec for v1.1.1