
362 lines
14 KiB

Wed Aug 14 14:51:22 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>
- switch to modern python for sle15
Wed Jul 17 08:39:26 UTC 2024 - Ben Greiner <>
- Update to 2024.6.1
* Pass 7486 tests.
* Fix segfault in sperr_decode.
* Fix segfault when strided-decoding into buffers with unexpected
shapes (#98).
* Fix jpeg2k_encoder output buffer too small (#101).
* Add PCODEC codec based on pcodec library.
* Support NumPy 2.
- Drop skip-rare-codecs.patch, restore and update
Mon Mar 18 19:45:10 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>
- replace with
skip-rare-codecs.patch: this setuptools hook does not get
called anymore with PEP517 builds
Mon Mar 18 12:27:11 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>
- drop brunsli-devel as dependency until it actually ends up
in factory
Thu Jan 25 12:33:46 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>
- remove 32bit builds
Mon Jan 22 10:05:23 UTC 2024 - Guillaume GARDET <>
- Add brunsli-devel as new dependency (fixes aarch64 build)
Wed Jan 3 18:33:00 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>
- update to 2024.1.1:
* Add 8/24-bit BMP codec.
* Add SPERR codec based on SPERR library.
* Add LZO decoder based on lzokay library.
* Add DICOMRLE decoder.
* Enable float16 in CMS codec.
* Enable MCT for lossless JPEG2K encoder (#88).
* Ignore pad-byte in PackBits decoder (#86).
* Fix heif_write_callback error message not set.
* Require lcms2 2.16 with issue-420 fixes.
* Require libjxl 0.9, libaec 1.1, Cython 3.
Tue Jan 2 21:01:58 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>
- update to 2023.9.18:
* Rebuild with updated dependencies fixes CVE-2023-4863.
* Map avif_encode level parameter to quality (breaking).
* Support monochrome images in avif_encode.
* Add numthreads parameter to avif_decode (fix imread of AVIF).
* Add experimental quantize filter (BitGroom, BitRound, GBR)
via nc4var.c.
* Add LZ4H5 codec.
* Support more BCn compressed DDS fourcc types.
* Require libavif 1.0
* Add EER (Electron Event Representation) decoder.
* Add option to pass initial value to crc32 and adler32 checksum
* Add fletcher32 and lookup3 checksum functions
via HDF5's h5checksum.c.
* Add Checksum codec for numcodecs.
* Rebuild with optimized compile flags.
* Add BCn and DDS decoder via bcdec library.
* Add functions to transcode JPEG XL to/from JPEG (#78).
* Add option to decode select frames from animated WebP.
* Use legacy JPEG8 codec when building without libjpeg-turbo 3
* Change blosc2_encode defaults to match blosc2-python (breaking).
* Fix segfault writing JPEG2K with more than 4 samples.
* Fix some codecs returning bytearray by default.
* Fully vendor cfitsio's ricecomp.c.
* Drop support for Python 3.8 and numpy < 1.21 (NEP29).
- drop always-cythonize.patch, avif.patch, quantize.patch,
cython3.patch, libavif.patch, integrate.patch,
tests.patch: upstream
Wed Sep 13 11:57:38 UTC 2023 - Markéta Machová <>
- Add patches for the compatibility with libavif 1.0.0:
* libavif.patch
* quantize.patch
* avif.patch
* tests.patch
* integrate.patch
Tue Sep 12 14:21:29 UTC 2023 - Markéta Machová <>
- Add patch cython3.patch to fix build
Fri Mar 24 14:31:16 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner <>
- Update to 2023.3.16
* Pass 6884 tests.
* Require libjpeg-turbo 2.1.91 (3.0 beta) and c-blosc2 2.7.1.
* Add experimental type hints.
* Add SZIP codec via libaec library.
* Use Zstd streaming API to decode blocks with unknown
decompressed size.
* Remove unused level, index, and numthreads parameters
* Make AEC and BLOSC constants enums (breaking).
* Capitalize numcodecs class names (breaking).
* Remove JPEG12 codec (breaking; use JPEG8 instead).
* Encode and decode lossless and 12-bit JPEG with JPEG8 codec by
* Remove JPEGSOF3 fallback in JPEG codec.
* Fix slow IFD seeking with libtiff 4.5.
* Fixes for Cython 3.0.
- Release 2023.1.23
* Require libjxl 0.8.
* Change mapping of level to distance parameter in jpegxl_encode.
* Add option to specify bitspersample in jpegxl_encode.
* Add option to pass de/linearize tables to LJPEG codec.
* Fix lj92 decoder for SSSS=16 (#59).
* Prefer ljpeg over jpegsof3 codec.
* Add option to specify AVIF encoder codec.
* Support LERC with Zstd or Deflate compression.
* Squeeze chunk arrays by default in numcodecs image compression
- Skip testing with dask on python 3.11: no numba yet
- Add blosc2, SVT-AV1, jpegxl (libjxl)), SZIP (libsz2)
- Disable jpeg8/libjpeg-turbo: required beta version not available
Sat Jan 21 11:40:41 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner <>
- Update to 2022.12.24
* Pass 6512 tests.
* Fix PNG codec error handling.
* Fix truncated transferfunctions in cms_profile (#57).
* Fix exceptions not raised in cdef functions not returning
Python object.
- Release 2022.12.22
* Require libtiff 4.5 (breaking).
* Require libavif 0.11 (breaking).
* Change jpegxl_encode level parameter to resemble libjpeg
quality (breaking).
* Add LZFSE codec via lzfse library.
* Add LZHAM codec via lzham library.
* Fix AttributeError in cms_profile (#52).
* Support gamma argument in cms_profile (#53).
* Raise limit of TIFF pages to 1048576.
* Use libtiff thread-safe error/warning handlers.
* Add option to specify filters and strategy in png_encode.
* Add option to specify integrity check type in lzma_encode.
* Fix DeprecationWarning with NumPy 1.24.
Sun Oct 9 08:05:22 UTC 2022 - John Vandenberg <>
- Update to skip unbuildable exts
- Refresh always-cythonize.patch
- Enable s390x & ppc64 builds
- Update to v2022.9.26
* Pass 6357 tests.
* Support JPEG XL multi-channel (planar grayscale only) and multi-frame.
* Require libjxl 0.7 (breaking).
* Switch to Blosc2 API and require c-blosc 2.4 (breaking).
* Return LogLuv encoded TIFF as float32.
* Add RGBE codec via rgbe.c.
- from v2022.8.8
* Drop support for libjpeg.
* Fix encoding JPEG in RGB color space.
* Require ZFP 1.0.
- from v2022.7.31
* Add option to decode WebP as RGBA.
* Add option to specify WebP compression method.
* Use exact lossless WebP encoding.
- from v2022.7.27
* Add LZW encoder.
* Add QOI codec via qoi.h
* Add HEIF codec via libheif
* Add JETRAW codec via Jetraw demo (source only).
* Add ByteShuffle codec, a generic version of FloatPred.
* Replace imcd_floatpred by imcd_byteshuffle (breaking).
* Use bool type in imcd (breaking).
- from v2022.2.22
* Fix jpeg numcodecs with tables
* Add APNG codec via libpng-apng patch.
* Add lossless and decodingspeed parameters to jpegxl_encode
* Add option to read JPEG XL animations.
* Add dummy numthreads parameter to codec functions.
* Set default numthreads to 1 (disable multi-threading).
* Drop support for Python 3.7 and numpy < 1.19 (NEP29).
- from v2021.11.20
* Fix testing on pypy and Python 3.10.
- from v2021.11.11
* Require libjxl 0.6.x.
* Add CMS codec via Little CMS library for color space transformations (WIP).
* Add MOZJPEG codec via mozjpeg library (Windows only).
* Add SPNG codec via libspng library.
* Rename avif_encode maxthreads parameter to numthreads (breaking).
* Accept n-dimensional output in non-image numcodecs decoders.
* Support masks in LERC codec.
* Support multi-threading and planar format in JPEG2K codec.
* Support multi-resolution, MCT, bitspersample, and 32-bit in jpeg2k encoder.
* Change jpeg2k_encode level parameter to fixed quality psnr (breaking).
* Change jpegxl_encode effort parameter default to minimum 3.
* Change JPEG encoders to use YCbCr for RGB images by default.
* Replace lerc_encode planarconfig with planar parameter (breaking).
* Add option to specify omp numthreads and chunksize in ZFP codec.
* Set default numthreads to 0.
* Fix Blosc default typesize.
* Fix segfault in jpegxl_encode.
* Replace many constants with enums (breaking).
- from v2021.8.26
* Add BLOSC2 codec via c-blosc2 library.
* Require LERC 3 and libjxl 0.5.
* Do not exceed literal-only size in PackBits encoder.
* Raise ImcdError if output is insufficient in PackBits codecs (breaking).
* Raise ImcdError if input is corrupt in PackBits decoder (breaking).
* Fix delta codec for non-native byteorder.
- from v2021.7.30
* Support more dtypes and axes argument in PackBits encoder.
* Fix worst case output size in PackBits encoder.
* Fix decoding AVIF created with older libavif.
* Fix decoding GIF with disposal to previous for first frame.
* Add lossless option in jpeg_encode.
Wed Jun 30 07:28:42 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>
- Update to 2021.6.8
* Pass 5185 tests.
* Fix building with Cython 0.3a7.
* Decode TIFF with JPEG compression, YCBCR or CMYK colorspace as RGB24.
* Vendor cfitsio/ricecomp.c for shared library builds on Windows (#18).
- Release 2021.5.20
* Add ZLIBNG codec via zlib-ng library.
* Add RCOMP (Rice) codec via cfitsio library.
* Fix decoding of 16-bit JPEG with jpeg_decode.
* Relax user provided output array shape requirement.
- Release 2021.4.28
* Change WebP default compression level to lossless.
* Rename jpegxl codec to brunsli (breaking).
* Add new JPEG XL codec via jpeg-xl library.
* Add PGLZ codec via PostgreSQL's pg_lzcompress.c.
* Update to libtiff 4.3 and libjpeg-turbo 2.1.
* Enable JPEG 12-bit codec in manylinux wheels.
* Drop manylinux2010 wheels.
- Release 2021.3.31
* Add numcodecs compatible codecs for use by Zarr (experimental).
* Support separate JPEG header in jpeg_decode.
* Do not decode JPEG LS and XL in jpeg_decode (breaking).
* Fix ZFP with partial header.
* Fix JPEG LS tests (#15).
* Fix LZ4F contentchecksum.
* Remove blosc Snappy tests.
* Fix docstrings.
- drop imagecodecs-pr15-test_jpegls.patch fixed upstream-
- refresh always-cythonize.patch
Wed Mar 10 10:42:55 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>
- Update to version 2021.2.26
Pass 4915 tests. Support X2 and X4 floating point predictors
(found in DNG).
- enable additional codecs through
- Add imagecodecs-pr15-test_jpegls.patch
- disable builds for big-endian platforms as per upstream README
Mon Feb 1 19:40:15 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>
- Update to version 2021.1.28
* Add option to return JPEG XR fixed point pixel types as
* Add LJPEG codec via liblj92 (alternative to JPEGSOF3 codec)
* Change zopfli header location.
- refresh always-cythonize.patch
- drop zopfli-headers.patch fixed upstream
- Add more testing requirements to test backends
- Add skip reporting to pytest to see what is still missing
Tue Jan 12 21:54:10 UTC 2021 - andy great <>
- Update to version 2021.1.11.
* Fix build issues (#7, #8).
* Return bytearray instead of bytes on PyPy.
* Raise TypeError if output provided is bytes (breaking).
- Updates for version 2021.1.8
* Add float24 codec.
* Update copyrights.
- Updates for version 2020.12.24
* Update dependencies and build scripts.
- Updates for version 2020.12.22
* Add AVIF codec via libavif (WIP).
* Add DEFLATE/Zlib and GZIP codecs via libdeflate.
* Add LZ4F codec.
* Add high compression mode option to lz4_encode.
* Convert JPEG XR 16 and 32-bit fixed point pixel types to float32.
* Fix JPEG 2000 lossy encoding.
* Fix GIF disposal handling.
* Remove support for Python 3.6 (NEP 29).
- Rebase always-cythonize.patch
- Rebase zopfli-headers.patch
Fri Aug 28 09:20:47 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
- Switch to multibuild to not cycle
Fri Aug 28 08:37:24 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
- Add patch to enforce cythonization:
* always-cythonize.patch
- Add patch to locate zopfli headers properly:
* zopfli-headers.patch
Fri Aug 28 08:20:58 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
- Update to 2020.5.30:
* pythhon3 only
* add support for more codecs
Mon May 25 10:59:24 UTC 2020 - Petr Gajdos <>
- %python3_only -> %python_alternative
Thu Apr 23 10:58:48 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
- As the package is marked as py3 only drop the python2 deps
Fri Dec 6 18:44:56 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>
- Disable python2 support since dependencies dropped python2
Tue Jul 30 11:36:02 UTC 2019 - John Vandenberg <>
- Update to v2019.5.22
Mon Mar 4 10:03:51 AM UTC 2019 - John Vandenberg <>
- Initial spec for v2019.2.22