------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 11 08:38:40 UTC 2019 - Marketa Calabkova - update to version 2.1.0 * Relicensed under the more permissive MIT License. * fix inconsistencies with the inflect method * Improved unicode handling. * Fix capitalization issues in processes where more than one word is involved. * fix extraneous close parentheses. * Dropped support for Python 3.3. * Moved hosting to jazzband. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 4 18:37:00 UTC 2017 - aloisio@gmx.com - Converted to singlespec - Enabled tests ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 2 13:24:18 UTC 2016 - sor.alexei@meowr.ru - Switch to Python2. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 8 07:09:10 UTC 2016 - arun@gmx.de - specfile: * updated source url to files.pythonhosted.org ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 14 21:14:47 UTC 2015 - arun@gmx.de - initial version