2023-06-13 20:45:15 +00:00
Tue Jun 13 20:44:17 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner <code@bnavigator.de>
- Kill nodejs in between pytest runs
2023-06-12 22:09:12 +00:00
Sun Jun 11 21:02:51 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner <code@bnavigator.de>
- Update to 1.0.2
* Trust the default cell #161 (@krassowski)
- Releases 1.0.0, 1.0.1
* Fix metadata issue #158 (@hbcarlos)
* Add py.typed #152 (@davidbrochart)
* Add model version #139 (@davidbrochart)
- Release 0.3.x
* Fix notebook undo scope #148 (@fcollonval)
* Update YDocument constructor #142 (@trungleduc)
* Add ycells getter #136 (@davidbrochart)
* Split documents into separate files #135 (@davidbrochart)
* Fixes handling metadata changes #134 (@hbcarlos)
* Improves the initialization #124 (@hbcarlos)
* Improve Python API #122 (@davidbrochart)
* Notebook metadata #115 (@hbcarlos)
* Make YDocument a IObservableDisposable #108 (@fcollonval)
* Add readme to javascript package #106 (@fcollonval)
* Adds docstring to the python package #101 (@hbcarlos)
* Import shared model #86 (@fcollonval)
* Add path document attribute #81 (@davidbrochart)
* Make YBaseDoc an abstract base class #74 (@davidbrochart)
* Fixes multiple bugs #131 (@hbcarlos)
* Fixes metadata #120 (@hbcarlos)
* Support cell.source is [list, of, string] #112 (@Wh1isper)
* Removes YMap for attachements #77 (@fcollonval)
* Drop pkg_resources #59 (@jtpio)
* Remove factory API #133 (@hbcarlos)
* Import shared model #86 (@fcollonval)
2023-04-24 19:32:14 +00:00
Mon Apr 24 19:25:19 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner <code@bnavigator.de>
- Update to 0.2.4
* Fix metadata issue #158 (@hbcarlos)
2023-03-19 21:12:36 +00:00
Sun Mar 19 17:05:44 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner <code@bnavigator.de>
- Downgrade to 0.2.3
* Rename JS package to @jupyter/ydoc #97 (@jtpio)
- Released as patch release for 0.2 branch
* jupyterlab 3.6 requires ydoc~=0.2.2
Sun Feb 12 18:03:36 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner <code@bnavigator.de>
- Provide underscore name
2023-02-05 17:31:26 +00:00
Sun Feb 5 16:52:33 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner <code@bnavigator.de>
- Initial specfile for v0.3.1
- Required by jupyterlab 3.6
2023-02-07 09:48:04 +00:00
- Provide node_modules.tar.xz generated by create_node_modules.sh
for the tests. Those modules are not part of the python package