176 lines
5.6 KiB
176 lines
5.6 KiB
from __future__ import absolute_import
import uuid
import pytest
from test.testutil import env_kafka_version, random_string
from test.fixtures import KafkaFixture, ZookeeperFixture
def zookeeper():
"""Return a Zookeeper fixture"""
zk_instance = ZookeeperFixture.instance()
yield zk_instance
def kafka_broker(kafka_broker_factory):
"""Return a Kafka broker fixture"""
return kafka_broker_factory()[0]
def kafka_broker_factory(zookeeper):
"""Return a Kafka broker fixture factory"""
assert env_kafka_version(), 'KAFKA_VERSION must be specified to run integration tests'
_brokers = []
def factory(**broker_params):
params = {} if broker_params is None else broker_params.copy()
params.setdefault('partitions', 4)
num_brokers = params.pop('num_brokers', 1)
brokers = tuple(KafkaFixture.instance(x, zookeeper, **params)
for x in range(num_brokers))
return brokers
yield factory
for broker in _brokers:
def kafka_client(kafka_broker, request):
"""Return a KafkaClient fixture"""
(client,) = kafka_broker.get_clients(cnt=1, client_id='%s_client' % (request.node.name,))
yield client
def kafka_consumer(kafka_consumer_factory):
"""Return a KafkaConsumer fixture"""
return kafka_consumer_factory()
def kafka_consumer_factory(kafka_broker, topic, request):
"""Return a KafkaConsumer factory fixture"""
_consumer = [None]
def factory(**kafka_consumer_params):
params = {} if kafka_consumer_params is None else kafka_consumer_params.copy()
params.setdefault('client_id', 'consumer_%s' % (request.node.name,))
params.setdefault('auto_offset_reset', 'earliest')
_consumer[0] = next(kafka_broker.get_consumers(cnt=1, topics=[topic], **params))
return _consumer[0]
yield factory
if _consumer[0]:
def kafka_producer(kafka_producer_factory):
"""Return a KafkaProducer fixture"""
yield kafka_producer_factory()
def kafka_producer_factory(kafka_broker, request):
"""Return a KafkaProduce factory fixture"""
_producer = [None]
def factory(**kafka_producer_params):
params = {} if kafka_producer_params is None else kafka_producer_params.copy()
params.setdefault('client_id', 'producer_%s' % (request.node.name,))
_producer[0] = next(kafka_broker.get_producers(cnt=1, **params))
return _producer[0]
yield factory
if _producer[0]:
def kafka_admin_client(kafka_admin_client_factory):
"""Return a KafkaAdminClient fixture"""
yield kafka_admin_client_factory()
def kafka_admin_client_factory(kafka_broker):
"""Return a KafkaAdminClient factory fixture"""
_admin_client = [None]
def factory(**kafka_admin_client_params):
params = {} if kafka_admin_client_params is None else kafka_admin_client_params.copy()
_admin_client[0] = next(kafka_broker.get_admin_clients(cnt=1, **params))
return _admin_client[0]
yield factory
if _admin_client[0]:
def topic(kafka_broker, request):
"""Return a topic fixture"""
topic_name = '%s_%s' % (request.node.name, random_string(10))
return topic_name
def conn(mocker):
"""Return a connection mocker fixture"""
from kafka.conn import ConnectionStates
from kafka.future import Future
from kafka.protocol.metadata import MetadataResponse
conn = mocker.patch('kafka.client_async.BrokerConnection')
conn.return_value = conn
conn.state = ConnectionStates.CONNECTED
conn.send.return_value = Future().success(
[(0, 'foo', 12), (1, 'bar', 34)], # brokers
[])) # topics
conn.blacked_out.return_value = False
def _set_conn_state(state):
conn.state = state
return state
conn._set_conn_state = _set_conn_state
conn.connect.side_effect = lambda: conn.state
conn.connect_blocking.return_value = True
conn.connecting = lambda: conn.state in (ConnectionStates.CONNECTING,
conn.connected = lambda: conn.state is ConnectionStates.CONNECTED
conn.disconnected = lambda: conn.state is ConnectionStates.DISCONNECTED
return conn
def send_messages(topic, kafka_producer, request):
"""A factory that returns a send_messages function with a pre-populated
topic topic / producer."""
def _send_messages(number_range, partition=0, topic=topic, producer=kafka_producer, request=request):
messages is typically `range(0,100)`
partition is an int
messages_and_futures = [] # [(message, produce_future),]
for i in number_range:
# request.node.name provides the test name (including parametrized values)
encoded_msg = '{}-{}-{}'.format(i, request.node.name, uuid.uuid4()).encode('utf-8')
future = kafka_producer.send(topic, value=encoded_msg, partition=partition)
messages_and_futures.append((encoded_msg, future))
for (msg, f) in messages_and_futures:
assert f.succeeded()
return [msg for (msg, f) in messages_and_futures]
return _send_messages