from __future__ import absolute_import import atexit import logging import os import os.path import socket import subprocess import time import uuid import py from kafka.vendor.six.moves import urllib, range from kafka.vendor.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse # pylint: disable=E0611,F0401 from kafka import errors, KafkaAdminClient, KafkaClient, KafkaConsumer, KafkaProducer from kafka.errors import InvalidReplicationFactorError from kafka.protocol.admin import CreateTopicsRequest from kafka.protocol.metadata import MetadataRequest from test.testutil import env_kafka_version, random_string from test.service import ExternalService, SpawnedService log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_open_port(): sock = socket.socket() sock.bind(("", 0)) port = sock.getsockname()[1] sock.close() return port def gen_ssl_resources(directory): os.system(""" cd {0} echo Generating SSL resources in {0} # Step 1 keytool -keystore kafka.server.keystore.jks -alias localhost -validity 1 \ -genkey -storepass foobar -keypass foobar \ -dname "CN=localhost, OU=kafka-python, O=kafka-python, L=SF, ST=CA, C=US" \ -ext SAN=dns:localhost # Step 2 openssl genrsa -out ca-key 2048 openssl req -new -x509 -key ca-key -out ca-cert -days 1 \ -subj "/C=US/ST=CA/O=MyOrg, Inc./" keytool -keystore kafka.server.truststore.jks -alias CARoot -import \ -file ca-cert -storepass foobar -noprompt # Step 3 keytool -keystore kafka.server.keystore.jks -alias localhost -certreq \ -file cert-file -storepass foobar openssl x509 -req -CA ca-cert -CAkey ca-key -in cert-file -out cert-signed \ -days 1 -CAcreateserial -passin pass:foobar keytool -keystore kafka.server.keystore.jks -alias CARoot -import \ -file ca-cert -storepass foobar -noprompt keytool -keystore kafka.server.keystore.jks -alias localhost -import \ -file cert-signed -storepass foobar -noprompt """.format(directory)) class Fixture(object): kafka_version = os.environ.get('KAFKA_VERSION', '') scala_version = os.environ.get("SCALA_VERSION", '2.8.0') project_root = os.environ.get('PROJECT_ROOT', os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))) kafka_root = os.environ.get("KAFKA_ROOT", os.path.join(project_root, 'servers', kafka_version, "kafka-bin")) def __init__(self): self.child = None @classmethod def download_official_distribution(cls, kafka_version=None, scala_version=None, output_dir=None): if not kafka_version: kafka_version = cls.kafka_version if not scala_version: scala_version = cls.scala_version if not output_dir: output_dir = os.path.join(cls.project_root, 'servers', 'dist') distfile = 'kafka_%s-%s' % (scala_version, kafka_version,) url_base = '' % (kafka_version,) output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, distfile + '.tgz') if os.path.isfile(output_file):"Found file already on disk: %s", output_file) return output_file # New tarballs are .tgz, older ones are sometimes .tar.gz try: url = url_base + distfile + '.tgz'"Attempting to download %s", url) response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) except urllib.error.HTTPError: log.exception("HTTP Error") url = url_base + distfile + '.tar.gz'"Attempting to download %s", url) response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)"Saving distribution file to %s", output_file) with open(output_file, 'w') as output_file_fd: output_file_fd.write( return output_file @classmethod def test_resource(cls, filename): return os.path.join(cls.project_root, "servers", cls.kafka_version, "resources", filename) @classmethod def kafka_run_class_args(cls, *args): result = [os.path.join(cls.kafka_root, 'bin', '')] result.extend([str(arg) for arg in args]) return result def kafka_run_class_env(self): env = os.environ.copy() env['KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS'] = "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:%s" % \ (self.test_resource(""),) return env @classmethod def render_template(cls, source_file, target_file, binding):'Rendering %s from template %s', target_file.strpath, source_file) with open(source_file, "r") as handle: template = assert len(template) > 0, 'Empty template %s' % (source_file,) with open(target_file.strpath, "w") as handle: handle.write(template.format(**binding)) handle.flush() os.fsync(handle) # fsync directory for durability # dirfd =, os.O_DIRECTORY) os.fsync(dirfd) os.close(dirfd) log.debug("Template string:") for line in template.splitlines(): log.debug(' ' + line.strip()) log.debug("Rendered template:") with open(target_file.strpath, 'r') as o: for line in o: log.debug(' ' + line.strip()) log.debug("binding:") for key, value in binding.items(): log.debug(" {key}={value}".format(key=key, value=value)) def dump_logs(self): self.child.dump_logs() class ZookeeperFixture(Fixture): @classmethod def instance(cls): if "ZOOKEEPER_URI" in os.environ: parse = urlparse(os.environ["ZOOKEEPER_URI"]) (host, port) = (parse.hostname, parse.port) fixture = ExternalService(host, port) else: (host, port) = ("", None) fixture = cls(host, port) return fixture def __init__(self, host, port, tmp_dir=None): super(ZookeeperFixture, self).__init__() = host self.port = port self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir def kafka_run_class_env(self): env = super(ZookeeperFixture, self).kafka_run_class_env() env['LOG_DIR'] = self.tmp_dir.join('logs').strpath return env def out(self, message):"*** Zookeeper [%s:%s]: %s",, self.port or '(auto)', message) def open(self): if self.tmp_dir is None: self.tmp_dir = py.path.local.mkdtemp() #pylint: disable=no-member self.tmp_dir.ensure(dir=True) self.out("Running local instance...")" host = %s"," port = %s", self.port or '(auto)')" tmp_dir = %s", self.tmp_dir.strpath) # Configure Zookeeper child process template = self.test_resource("") properties = self.tmp_dir.join("") args = self.kafka_run_class_args("org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain", properties.strpath) env = self.kafka_run_class_env() # Party! timeout = 5 max_timeout = 120 backoff = 1 end_at = time.time() + max_timeout tries = 1 auto_port = (self.port is None) while time.time() < end_at: if auto_port: self.port = get_open_port() self.out('Attempting to start on port %d (try #%d)' % (self.port, tries)) self.render_template(template, properties, vars(self)) self.child = SpawnedService(args, env) self.child.start() timeout = min(timeout, max(end_at - time.time(), 0)) if self.child.wait_for(r"binding to port", timeout=timeout): break self.child.dump_logs() self.child.stop() timeout *= 2 time.sleep(backoff) tries += 1 backoff += 1 else: raise RuntimeError('Failed to start Zookeeper before max_timeout') self.out("Done!") atexit.register(self.close) def close(self): if self.child is None: return self.out("Stopping...") self.child.stop() self.child = None self.out("Done!") self.tmp_dir.remove() def __del__(self): self.close() class KafkaFixture(Fixture): broker_user = 'alice' broker_password = 'alice-secret' @classmethod def instance(cls, broker_id, zookeeper, zk_chroot=None, host=None, port=None, transport='PLAINTEXT', replicas=1, partitions=2, sasl_mechanism=None, auto_create_topic=True, tmp_dir=None): if zk_chroot is None: zk_chroot = "kafka-python_" + str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "_") if "KAFKA_URI" in os.environ: parse = urlparse(os.environ["KAFKA_URI"]) (host, port) = (parse.hostname, parse.port) fixture = ExternalService(host, port) else: if host is None: host = "localhost" fixture = KafkaFixture(host, port, broker_id, zookeeper, zk_chroot, transport=transport, replicas=replicas, partitions=partitions, sasl_mechanism=sasl_mechanism, auto_create_topic=auto_create_topic, tmp_dir=tmp_dir) return fixture def __init__(self, host, port, broker_id, zookeeper, zk_chroot, replicas=1, partitions=2, transport='PLAINTEXT', sasl_mechanism=None, auto_create_topic=True, tmp_dir=None): super(KafkaFixture, self).__init__() = host self.port = port self.broker_id = broker_id self.auto_create_topic = auto_create_topic self.transport = transport.upper() if sasl_mechanism is not None: self.sasl_mechanism = sasl_mechanism.upper() else: self.sasl_mechanism = None self.ssl_dir = self.test_resource('ssl') # TODO: checking for port connection would be better than scanning logs # until then, we need the pattern to work across all supported broker versions # The logging format changed slightly in 1.0.0 self.start_pattern = r"\[Kafka ?Server (id=)?%d\],? started" % (broker_id,) # Need to wait until the broker has fetched user configs from zookeeper in case we use scram as sasl mechanism self.scram_pattern = r"Removing Produce quota for user %s" % (self.broker_user) self.zookeeper = zookeeper self.zk_chroot = zk_chroot # Add the attributes below for the template binding self.zk_host = self.zk_port = self.zookeeper.port self.replicas = replicas self.partitions = partitions self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir self.running = False self._client = None self.sasl_config = '' self.jaas_config = '' def _sasl_config(self): if not self.sasl_enabled: return '' sasl_config = ( 'sasl.enabled.mechanisms={mechanism}\n' '{mechanism}\n' ) return sasl_config.format(mechanism=self.sasl_mechanism) def _jaas_config(self): if not self.sasl_enabled: return '' elif self.sasl_mechanism == 'PLAIN': jaas_config = ( ' required\n' ' username="{user}" password="{password}" user_{user}="{password}";\n' ) elif self.sasl_mechanism in ("SCRAM-SHA-256", "SCRAM-SHA-512"): jaas_config = ( ' required\n' ' username="{user}" password="{password}";\n' ) else: raise ValueError("SASL mechanism {} currently not supported".format(self.sasl_mechanism)) return jaas_config.format(user=self.broker_user, password=self.broker_password) def _add_scram_user(self): self.out("Adding SCRAM credentials for user {} to zookeeper.".format(self.broker_user)) args = self.kafka_run_class_args( "kafka.admin.ConfigCommand", "--zookeeper", "%s:%d/%s" % (, self.zookeeper.port, self.zk_chroot), "--alter", "--entity-type", "users", "--entity-name", self.broker_user, "--add-config", "{}=[password={}]".format(self.sasl_mechanism, self.broker_password), ) env = self.kafka_run_class_env() proc = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: self.out("Failed to save credentials to zookeeper!") self.out(stdout) self.out(stderr) raise RuntimeError("Failed to save credentials to zookeeper!") self.out("User created.") @property def sasl_enabled(self): return self.sasl_mechanism is not None def bootstrap_server(self): return '%s:%d' % (, self.port) def kafka_run_class_env(self): env = super(KafkaFixture, self).kafka_run_class_env() env['LOG_DIR'] = self.tmp_dir.join('logs').strpath return env def out(self, message):"*** Kafka [%s:%s]: %s",, self.port or '(auto)', message) def _create_zk_chroot(self): self.out("Creating Zookeeper chroot node...") args = self.kafka_run_class_args("org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeperMain", "-server", "%s:%d" % (, self.zookeeper.port), "create", "/%s" % (self.zk_chroot,), "kafka-python") env = self.kafka_run_class_env() proc = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: self.out("Failed to create Zookeeper chroot node") self.out(stdout) self.out(stderr) raise RuntimeError("Failed to create Zookeeper chroot node") self.out("Kafka chroot created in Zookeeper!") def start(self): # Configure Kafka child process properties = self.tmp_dir.join("") jaas_conf = self.tmp_dir.join("kafka_server_jaas.conf") properties_template = self.test_resource("") jaas_conf_template = self.test_resource("kafka_server_jaas.conf") args = self.kafka_run_class_args("kafka.Kafka", properties.strpath) env = self.kafka_run_class_env() if self.sasl_enabled: opts = env.get('KAFKA_OPTS', '').strip() opts += '{}'.format(jaas_conf.strpath) env['KAFKA_OPTS'] = opts self.render_template(jaas_conf_template, jaas_conf, vars(self)) timeout = 5 max_timeout = 120 backoff = 1 end_at = time.time() + max_timeout tries = 1 auto_port = (self.port is None) while time.time() < end_at: # We have had problems with port conflicts on travis # so we will try a different port on each retry # unless the fixture was passed a specific port if auto_port: self.port = get_open_port() self.out('Attempting to start on port %d (try #%d)' % (self.port, tries)) self.render_template(properties_template, properties, vars(self)) self.child = SpawnedService(args, env) self.child.start() timeout = min(timeout, max(end_at - time.time(), 0)) if self._broker_ready(timeout) and self._scram_user_present(timeout): break self.child.dump_logs() self.child.stop() timeout *= 2 time.sleep(backoff) tries += 1 backoff += 1 else: raise RuntimeError('Failed to start KafkaInstance before max_timeout') (self._client,) = self.get_clients(1, client_id='_internal_client') self.out("Done!") self.running = True def _broker_ready(self, timeout): return self.child.wait_for(self.start_pattern, timeout=timeout) def _scram_user_present(self, timeout): # no need to wait for scram user if scram is not used if not self.sasl_enabled or not self.sasl_mechanism.startswith('SCRAM-SHA-'): return True return self.child.wait_for(self.scram_pattern, timeout=timeout) def open(self): if self.running: self.out("Instance already running") return # Create directories if self.tmp_dir is None: self.tmp_dir = py.path.local.mkdtemp() #pylint: disable=no-member self.tmp_dir.ensure(dir=True) self.tmp_dir.ensure('logs', dir=True) self.tmp_dir.ensure('data', dir=True) self.out("Running local instance...")" host = %s"," port = %s", self.port or '(auto)')" transport = %s", self.transport)" sasl_mechanism = %s", self.sasl_mechanism)" broker_id = %s", self.broker_id)" zk_host = %s"," zk_port = %s", self.zookeeper.port)" zk_chroot = %s", self.zk_chroot)" replicas = %s", self.replicas)" partitions = %s", self.partitions)" tmp_dir = %s", self.tmp_dir.strpath) self._create_zk_chroot() self.sasl_config = self._sasl_config() self.jaas_config = self._jaas_config() # add user to zookeeper for the first server if self.sasl_enabled and self.sasl_mechanism.startswith("SCRAM-SHA") and self.broker_id == 0: self._add_scram_user() self.start() atexit.register(self.close) def __del__(self): self.close() def stop(self): if not self.running: self.out("Instance already stopped") return self.out("Stopping...") self.child.stop() self.child = None self.running = False self.out("Stopped!") def close(self): self.stop() if self.tmp_dir is not None: self.tmp_dir.remove() self.tmp_dir = None self.out("Done!") def dump_logs(self): super(KafkaFixture, self).dump_logs() self.zookeeper.dump_logs() def _send_request(self, request, timeout=None): def _failure(error): raise error retries = 10 while True: node_id = self._client.least_loaded_node() for connect_retry in range(40): self._client.maybe_connect(node_id) if self._client.connected(node_id): break self._client.poll(timeout_ms=100) else: raise RuntimeError('Could not connect to broker with node id %d' % (node_id,)) try: future = self._client.send(node_id, request) future.error_on_callbacks = True future.add_errback(_failure) self._client.poll(future=future, timeout_ms=timeout) return future.value except Exception as exc: time.sleep(1) retries -= 1 if retries == 0: raise exc else: pass # retry def _create_topic(self, topic_name, num_partitions=None, replication_factor=None, timeout_ms=10000): if num_partitions is None: num_partitions = self.partitions if replication_factor is None: replication_factor = self.replicas # Try different methods to create a topic, from the fastest to the slowest if self.auto_create_topic and num_partitions == self.partitions and replication_factor == self.replicas: self._create_topic_via_metadata(topic_name, timeout_ms) elif env_kafka_version() >= (0, 10, 1, 0): try: self._create_topic_via_admin_api(topic_name, num_partitions, replication_factor, timeout_ms) except InvalidReplicationFactorError: # wait and try again # on travis the brokers sometimes take a while to find themselves time.sleep(0.5) self._create_topic_via_admin_api(topic_name, num_partitions, replication_factor, timeout_ms) else: self._create_topic_via_cli(topic_name, num_partitions, replication_factor) def _create_topic_via_metadata(self, topic_name, timeout_ms=10000): self._send_request(MetadataRequest[0]([topic_name]), timeout_ms) def _create_topic_via_admin_api(self, topic_name, num_partitions, replication_factor, timeout_ms=10000): request = CreateTopicsRequest[0]([(topic_name, num_partitions, replication_factor, [], [])], timeout_ms) response = self._send_request(request, timeout=timeout_ms) for topic_result in response.topic_errors: error_code = topic_result[1] if error_code != 0: raise errors.for_code(error_code) def _create_topic_via_cli(self, topic_name, num_partitions, replication_factor): args = self.kafka_run_class_args('kafka.admin.TopicCommand', '--zookeeper', '%s:%s/%s' % (, self.zookeeper.port, self.zk_chroot), '--create', '--topic', topic_name, '--partitions', self.partitions \ if num_partitions is None else num_partitions, '--replication-factor', self.replicas \ if replication_factor is None \ else replication_factor) if env_kafka_version() >= (0, 10): args.append('--if-not-exists') env = self.kafka_run_class_env() proc = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: if 'kafka.common.TopicExistsException' not in stdout: self.out("Failed to create topic %s" % (topic_name,)) self.out(stdout) self.out(stderr) raise RuntimeError("Failed to create topic %s" % (topic_name,)) def get_topic_names(self): args = self.kafka_run_class_args('kafka.admin.TopicCommand', '--zookeeper', '%s:%s/%s' % (, self.zookeeper.port, self.zk_chroot), '--list' ) env = self.kafka_run_class_env() env.pop('KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS') proc = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: self.out("Failed to list topics!") self.out(stdout) self.out(stderr) raise RuntimeError("Failed to list topics!") return stdout.decode().splitlines(False) def create_topics(self, topic_names, num_partitions=None, replication_factor=None): for topic_name in topic_names: self._create_topic(topic_name, num_partitions, replication_factor) def _enrich_client_params(self, params, **defaults): params = params.copy() for key, value in defaults.items(): params.setdefault(key, value) params.setdefault('bootstrap_servers', self.bootstrap_server()) if self.sasl_enabled: params.setdefault('sasl_mechanism', self.sasl_mechanism) params.setdefault('security_protocol', self.transport) if self.sasl_mechanism in ('PLAIN', 'SCRAM-SHA-256', 'SCRAM-SHA-512'): params.setdefault('sasl_plain_username', self.broker_user) params.setdefault('sasl_plain_password', self.broker_password) return params @staticmethod def _create_many_clients(cnt, cls, *args, **params): client_id = params['client_id'] for _ in range(cnt): params['client_id'] = '%s_%s' % (client_id, random_string(4)) yield cls(*args, **params) def get_clients(self, cnt=1, **params): params = self._enrich_client_params(params, client_id='client') for client in self._create_many_clients(cnt, KafkaClient, **params): yield client def get_admin_clients(self, cnt, **params): params = self._enrich_client_params(params, client_id='admin_client') for client in self._create_many_clients(cnt, KafkaAdminClient, **params): yield client def get_consumers(self, cnt, topics, **params): params = self._enrich_client_params( params, client_id='consumer', heartbeat_interval_ms=500, auto_offset_reset='earliest' ) for client in self._create_many_clients(cnt, KafkaConsumer, *topics, **params): yield client def get_producers(self, cnt, **params): params = self._enrich_client_params(params, client_id='producer') for client in self._create_many_clients(cnt, KafkaProducer, **params): yield client