.TH kEYCZART "1" "April 2013" "http://code.google.com/p/keyczar/" "User Commands" .SH NAME keyczart \- A Cryptographic Toolkit. .SH SYNOPSIS .B keyczart \fR[\fIcommand\fR] \fR[\fIflags\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION Keyczar's goal is to make it easier for application developers to safely use cryptography. Keyczar defaults to safe algorithms, key lengths, and modes, and prevents developers from inadvertently exposing key material. It uses a simple, extensible key versioning system that allows developers to easily rotate and retire keys. .SH OPTIONS .PP \fBCommands:\fR create addkey pubkey promote demote revoke .PP \fBFlags:\fR location name size status purpose destination version asymmetric crypter .SH COMMANDS and FLAGS \fBcreate\fR \fB\-\-location=\fR/path/to/keys \fB\-\-purpose=\fR(crypt|sign) [\fB\-\-name=\fR"A name"] [\fB\-\-asymmetric=\fR(dsa|rsa)] .br Creates a new, empty key set in the given location. This key set must have a purpose of either "crypt" or "sign" and may optionally be given a name. The optional asymmetric flag will generate a public key set of the given algorithm. The "dsa" asymmetric value is valid only for sets with "sign" purpose. .PP \fBaddkey\fR \fB\-\-location=\fR/path/to/keys [\fB\-\-status=\fR(active|primary)] [\fB\-\-size=\fRsize] [\fB\-\-crypter=\fRcrypterLocation] .br Adds a new key to an existing key set. Optionally specify a purpose, which is active by default. Optionally specify a key size in bits. Also optionally specify the location of a set of crypting keys, which will be used to encrypt this key set. .PP \fBpubkey\fR \fB\-\-location=\fR/path/to/keys \fB\-\-destination=\fR/destination .br Extracts public keys from a given key set and writes them to the destination. The "pubkey" command Only works for key sets that were created with the "--asymmetric" flag. .PP \fBpromote\fR \fB\-\-location=\fR/path/to/keys \fB\-\-version=\fRversionNumber .br Promotes the status of the given key version in the given location. Active keys are promoted to primary (which demotes any existing primary key to active). Keys scheduled for revocation are promoted to be active. .PP \fBdemote\fR \fB\-\-location=\fR/path/to/keys \fB\-\-version=\fRversionNumber .br Demotes the status of the given key version in the given location. Primary keys are demoted to active. Active keys are scheduled for revocation. .PP \fBrevoke\fR \fB\-\-location=\fR/path/to/keys \fB\-\-version=\fRversionNumber .br Revokes the key of the given version number. This key must have been scheduled for revocation by the promote command. WARNING: The key will be destroyed. .br .PP Optional flags are in [brackets]. The notation (a|b|c) means "a", "b", and "c" are the valid choices .SH AUTHOR .PP Arkajit Dey and Stephen Weis .PP Manpage created by Lars Vogdt