Thu Jul 25 20:34:49 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>
- Update to version 0.7.0
+ New features
* ``: Stream generator to process long audio files into smaller pieces. *Brian McFee*
* `librosa.core.load`: Replaced the default audio decoder with `pysoundfile`, and only use `audioread` as backup. *Brian McFee*
* `librosa.core.griffinlim`: Phase retrieval from magnitude spectrograms using the (accelerated) Griffin-Lim method. *Brian McFee*
* `librosa.feature.inverse`: New module for feature inversion, based on the Griffin-Lim phase retrieval algorithm. Includes `mel_to_audio` and `mfcc_to_audio`. *Brian McFee*
* `librosa.core.lpc`: Linear prediction coefficients (LPC). *Adam Weiss*
* `librosa.core.cqt` and `librosa.core.icqt` Forward and inverse constant-Q transform now support custom resampling modes. *Brian McFee*
* `librosa.segment.path_enhance`: Near-diagonal path enhancement for recurrence, self- or cross-similarity matrices. *Brian McFee*
* `librosa.segment.recurrence_matrix` now supports a keyword argument, `self=False`. If set to `True`, the recurrence matrix includes self-loops. *Brian McFee*
* `librosa.core.piptrack` now supports a keyword argument, `ref=None`, allowing users to override the reference thresholding behavior for determining which bins correspond to pitches. *Brian McFee*
* `librosa.segment.cross_similarity`: Cross-similarity function for comparing two feature sequences. *Rachel Bittner, Brian McFee*
* `librosa.onset.onset_strength_multi` now supports a user-specified reference spectrum via the `ref` keyword argument. *Brian McFee*
* `librosa.core.resample` now supports `mode='polyphase'`. *Brian McFee*
* `librosa.onset.onset_strength_multi`: Setting `aggregate=False` disables the aggregation of onset strengths across frequency bins. *Brian McFee*
+ Bug fixes
* `librosa.effects.pitch_shift` now preserves length. *Vincent Lostanlen*
* `librosa.core.pcen` Dynamic range compression in PCEN is more numerically stable for small values of the exponent. *Vincent Lostanlen*
* `librosa.core.ifgram` Instantaneous frequency spectrogram now correctly estimates center frequencies when using windows other than `hann`. *Brian McFee*
* `librosa.sequence.dtw` Fixed a bug in dynamic time warping when `subseq=True`. *Viktor Andreevitch Morozov*
* `librosa.core.pcen` now initializes its autoregressive filtering in the steady state, not with silence. *Jan Schlüter, Brian McFee*
* `librosa.segment.recurrence_matrix`: `width` parameter now cannot exceed data length. *Brian McFee*
* Filter bank constructors `mel`, `chroma`, `constant_q`, and `cq_to_chroma` are now type-stable. *Vincent Lostanlen, Brian McFee*
* `librosa.core.icqt` Inverse constant-Q transform has been completely rewritten and is more numerically stable. *Brian McFee*
+ Removed features (deprecated in v0.6)
* Discrete cosine transform. We recommend using `scipy.fftpack.dct`
* The `delta` function no longer support the `trim` keyword argument.
* Root mean square error (`rmse`) has been renamed to `rms`.
* `iirt` now uses `sos` mode by default.
+ Documentation
* Improved the documentation of PCEN. *Vincent Lostanlen*