Steve Kowalik 1430ccd07c - Update to 0.9.2:
* Fixed librosa.show_versions to match package dependencies.
  * Fixed a bug in librosa.effects.split when applied to multichannel data.
  * Removed test data from main repository and reduced the git attic.
  * Accept pre-constructed audioread objects in librosa.load.
  * Accelerate librosa.magphase.
  * Nearly full support for multi-channel processing.
  * Option to disable unicode characters in display functions.
  * Significantly expanded the library of example audio clips.
  * The default padding mode for most functions (including STFT) is now
  * librosa.load and can now operate directly on open
    soundfile objects.
  * librosa.display.specshow now uses centered coordinate grids.
  * librosa.iirt now exposes API control over resampling modes.
  * Maximum frequency is now correctly inferred as Nyquist in onset strength
  * librosa.effects.deemphasis no longer modifies the input signal in-place.
  * librosa.util.frame now correctly works for arbitrary memory layouts and
    numbers of axes.
  * Corrected a normalization error in inverse CQT.
  * ibrosa.cqt now supports arbitrary hop lengths.
  * Added a run-time check for minimally supported matplotlib versions.
  * Enhanced continuous integration testing for oldest and newest environments.
  * librosa.effects.deemphasis, inverse operation of
  * librosa.display.waveshow, adaptively visualize waveforms by amplitude
    envelope when zoomed out, or raw sample values when zoomed in.
- Add patch remove-contextlib2.patch:
  * No longer require contextlib2.

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2022-09-20 06:04:27 +00:00
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