This needs ipykernel and a few new dependencies in Ring1
- Update to 3.8.2
* Bugfix release without API changes
- API Changes for 3.8.1
## Behaviour
* Default behaviour of hexbin with C provided requires at least 1
## Deprecations
* Deprecations removed in contour
- What's new in 3.8
## Type Hints
## Plotting and Annotation improvements
* Support customizing antialiasing for text and annotation
* rcParams for AutoMinorLocator divisions
* Axline setters and getters
* Clipping for contour plots
* Axes.ecdf
* Figure.get_suptitle(), Figure.get_supxlabel(),
* Ellipse.get_vertices(), Ellipse.get_co_vertices()
* Remove inner ticks in label_outer()
* Configurable legend shadows
* offset parameter for MultipleLocator
* Add a new valid color format (matplotlib_color, alpha)
* The pie chart shadow can be controlled
* PolyQuadMesh is a new class for drawing quadrilateral meshes
* Shadow shade can be controlled
* SpinesProxy now supports calling the set() method
* Allow setting the tick label fonts with a keyword argument
## Figure, Axes, and Legend Layout
* pad_inches="layout" for savefig