------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 7 16:34:53 UTC 2015 - benoit.monin@gmx.fr - update to version 0.3: * Computation was wrong: the mccabe complexity starts at 1, not 2 * The max-complexity value is now inclusive. E.g.: if the value is 10 and the reported complexity is 10, then it passes * Add tests - add the LICENSE to the package documentation ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 24 11:08:23 UTC 2013 - speilicke@suse.com - Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 23 13:04:20 UTC 2013 - speilicke@suse.com - Fix SLE_11_SP2 build - Set license to MIT (SPDX mapping from Expat) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Apr 21 23:39:43 UTC 2013 - dmueller@suse.com - Initial package (0.2.1)