* TYP: Trim down the ``_NestedSequence.__getitem__`` signature
* BUG: fix choose refcount leak
* TST: fix running the test suite in builds without BLAS/LAPACK
* BUG: random: Fix generation of nan by dirichlet.
* TST: fix distutils tests for deprecations in recent setuptools...
* MAINT: Remove versioneer
* MAINT: Pin upper version of sphinx.
* ENH: Add prefix to _ALIGN Macro
* BUG: cleanup warnings [skip azp][skip circle][skip travis][skip...
* BUG: ``asv dev`` has been removed, use ``asv run``.
* BUG: Fix meson build failure due to unchanged inplace auto-generated...
* BUG: fix issue with git-version script, needs a shebang to run
* BUG: Use a default assignment for git_hash [skip ci]
* BUG: fix NPY_cast_info error handling in choose
* BUG: Fix common block handling in f2py
* BUG: Fix assumed length f2py regression
* MAINT: Harmonize fortranobject
* TYP: add kind argument to numpy.isin type specification
* BUG: fix comparisons between masked and unmasked structured arrays
* ENH: Adopt new macOS Accelerate BLAS/LAPACK Interfaces, including...
* TYP: Add the missing ``casting`` keyword to ``np.clip``
* TST: convert cython test from setup.py to meson
* MAINT: Fixup ``fromnumeric.pyi``
* BUG, ENH: Fix ``iso_c_binding`` type maps
* TYP: Allow ``binary_repr`` to accept any object
* TYP: Explicitly declare ``dtype`` and ``generic`` hashable
* ENH: Refactor the typing "reveal" tests using `typing.assert_type`
* ENH: ``meson`` backend for ``f2py``
* MAINT: Refactor partial load Workaround for Clang
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-numpy?expand=0&rev=143
* Change to a non-deprecated function from hypothesis.
* Ignore DeprecationWarning from pkg_resources.
- changes from version 1.22.2 (CVE-2021-41495, bsc#1193911):
* Support Python >= 3.9.8 changes.
- update to 1.21.0 (bsc#1193913, CVE-2021-33430, bsc#1193907,
* BUG: Fix failing mypy test in 1.20.x.
* BUG: Fix small issues found with pytest-leaks
* Annotations for NumPy functions. This work is ongoing and
* Wider use of SIMD to increase execution speed of ufuncs. Much
work has been done in introducing universal functions that
will ease use of modern features across different hardware
* Preliminary work in changing the dtype and casting
implementations in order to provide an easier path to
extending dtypes. This work is ongoing but enough has been
* Extensive documentation improvements comprising some 185 PR
merges. This work is ongoing and part of the larger project to
* Further cleanups related to removing Python 2.7. This improves
- Fix hpc for multiflavors (needs gh#openSUSE/hpc#3)
- update to version 1.17.3 (bsc#1149203, jsc#SLE-8532):
when either ``stable`` or ``mergesort`` is passed as the method.
- Update to version 1.16.1 (jsc#SLE-8532, bsc#1149203):
* This Fixes CVE-2019-6446 and obsoletes
* CVE-2019-6446_numpy_load.patch in older dists (bsc#1122208)
- add s390 to the ifarch conditional to build without openblas
Numpy assumes either libblas.so or libcblas.so to contain all CBLAS
and BLAS functions. However the cblas-devel in Leap and Tumbleweed
* gh-5231: fix build in c99 mode
* Numerous performance improvements in various areas, most
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-numpy?expand=0&rev=139
* Upgrade various build dependencies.
* use ``-ftrapping-math`` with Clang on macOS
* properly handle negative indexes in ufunc_at fast path
* PyObject_IsTrue and PyObject_Not error handling in setflags
* histogram small range robust
* Update meson.build files from main branch
* exclude min, max and round from ``np.__all__``
* Dependabot updates
* Fix the signature for np.array_api.take
* update OpenBLAS to an intermeidate commit
* Fix reference count leak in str(scalar).
* fix invalid function pointer conversion error
* Factor out slow ``getenv`` call used for memory policy warning
* correct URL in cirrus.star [skip cirrus]
* Fix C types in scalartypes
* do not modify the input to ufunc_at
* Further fixes to indexing loop and added tests
- Update to 1.25.1:
* NumPy 1.25.1 is a maintenance release that fixes bugs and regressions
discovered after the 1.25.0 release. The Python versions supported by
this release are 3.9-3.11.
* #23968: MAINT: prepare 1.25.x for further development
* #24036: BLD: Port long double identification to C for meson
* #24037: BUG: Fix reduction return NULL to be goto fail
* #24038: BUG: Avoid undefined behavior in array.astype()
* #24039: BUG: Ensure __array_ufunc__ works without any kwargs passed
* #24117: MAINT: Pin urllib3 to avoid anaconda-client bug.
* #24118: TST: Pin pydantic<2 in Pyodide workflow
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-numpy?expand=0&rev=136
* Upgrade various build dependencies.
* use ``-ftrapping-math`` with Clang on macOS
* properly handle negative indexes in ufunc_at fast path
* PyObject_IsTrue and PyObject_Not error handling in setflags
* histogram small range robust
* Update meson.build files from main branch
* exclude min, max and round from ``np.__all__``
* Dependabot updates
* Fix the signature for np.array_api.take
* update OpenBLAS to an intermeidate commit
* Fix reference count leak in str(scalar).
* fix invalid function pointer conversion error
* Factor out slow ``getenv`` call used for memory policy warning
* correct URL in cirrus.star [skip cirrus]
* Fix C types in scalartypes
* do not modify the input to ufunc_at
* Further fixes to indexing loop and added tests
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-numpy?expand=0&rev=132
- Update to 1.25.1:
* NumPy 1.25.1 is a maintenance release that fixes bugs and regressions
discovered after the 1.25.0 release. The Python versions supported by
this release are 3.9-3.11.
* #23968: MAINT: prepare 1.25.x for further development
* #24036: BLD: Port long double identification to C for meson
* #24037: BUG: Fix reduction return NULL to be goto fail
* #24038: BUG: Avoid undefined behavior in array.astype()
* #24039: BUG: Ensure __array_ufunc__ works without any kwargs passed
* #24117: MAINT: Pin urllib3 to avoid anaconda-client bug.
* #24118: TST: Pin pydantic<2 in Pyodide workflow
* #24119: MAINT: Bump pypa/cibuildwheel from 2.13.0 to 2.13.1
* #24120: MAINT: Bump actions/checkout from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3
* #24122: BUG: Multiply or Divides using SIMD without a full vector can...
* #24127: MAINT: testing for IS_MUSL closes#24074
* #24128: BUG: Only replace dtype temporarily if dimensions changed
* #24129: MAINT: Bump actions/setup-node from 3.6.0 to 3.7.0
* #24134: BUG: Fix private procedures in f2py modules
- Skipped 1.25.0:
* The NumPy 1.25.0 release continues the ongoing work to improve the
handling and promotion of dtypes, increase the execution speed, and
clarify the documentation. There has also been work to prepare for the
future NumPy 2.0.0 release, resulting in a large number of new and
expired deprecation. Highlights are:
- Support for MUSL, there are now MUSL wheels.
- Support the Fujitsu C/C++ compiler.
- Object arrays are now supported in einsum
- Support for inplace matrix multiplication (@=).
* Full changelog: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/releases/tag/v1.25.0
The Python versions supported in this release are 3.9-3.11.
- Remove upstream patch:
* remove-deprecated-hypothesis-funcs.patch
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1099876
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-numpy?expand=0&rev=131
- Update to 1.24.1
* NumPy 1.24.1 is a maintenance release that fixes bugs and
regressions discovered after the 1.24.0 release. The Python
versions supported by this release are 3.8-3.11.
* #22820: BLD: add workaround in setup.py for newer setuptools
* #22830: BLD: CIRRUS_TAG redux
* #22831: DOC: fix a couple typos in 1.23 notes
* #22832: BUG: Fix refcounting errors found using pytest-leaks
* #22834: BUG, SIMD: Fix invalid value encountered in several
* #22837: TST: ignore more np.distutils.log imports
* #22839: BUG: Do not use getdata() in np.ma.masked_invalid
* #22847: BUG: Ensure correct behavior for rows ending in
delimiter in...
* #22848: BUG, SIMD: Fix the bitmask of the boolean comparison
* #22857: BLD: Help raspian arm + clang 13 about
* #22858: API: Ensure a full mask is returned for masked_invalid
* #22866: BUG: Polynomials now copy properly (#22669)
* #22867: BUG, SIMD: Fix memory overlap in ufunc comparison loops
* #22868: BUG: Fortify string casts against floating point
* #22875: TST: Ignore nan-warnings in randomized out tests
* #22883: MAINT: restore npymath implementations needed for
* #22884: BUG: Fix integer overflow in in1d for mixed integer
dtypes #22877
* #22887: BUG: Use whole file for encoding checks with
- Drop numpy-distutils-ignore.patch fixed upstream
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1046307
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-numpy?expand=0&rev=112
- Update to 1.24.0
* The NumPy 1.24.0 release continues the ongoing work to improve
the handling and promotion of dtypes, increase the execution
speed, and clarify the documentation. There are also a large
number of new and expired deprecations due to changes in
promotion and cleanups. This might be called a deprecation
release. Highlights are:
- Many new deprecations, check them out.
- Many expired deprecations,
- New F2PY features and fixes.
- New “dtype” and “casting” keywords for stacking functions.
* For a detailed description see
- Add numpy-distutils-ignore.patch gh#numpy/numpy#22828
- Fix running the tests: Actually fail on errors
- Support builds without any primary python3 package (:backports)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1043806
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-numpy?expand=0&rev=111
* Do not forward `__(deep)copy__` calls of `_GenericAlias`...
* Fix float16 einsum fastpaths using wrong tempvar
* Print os error message when the executable not exist
* Force ``npymath` ` to respect ``npy_longdouble``
* Fix failure to create aligned, empty structured dtype
* provide a convenience function to replace npy_load_module
* update wheel to version that supports python3.10
* Clear errors correctly in F2PY conversions
* add a warningfilter to fix pytest workflow.
* Help boost::python libraries at least not crash
- drop bpo-45167-fixes.patch (upstream)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-numpy?expand=0&rev=105
- Update to 1.21.2
* #19497: MAINT: set Python version for 1.21.x to <3.11
* #19533: BUG: Fix an issue wherein importing numpy.typing could raise
* #19646: MAINT: Update Cython version for Python 3.10.
* #19648: TST: Bump the python 3.10 test version from beta4 to rc1
* #19651: TST: avoid distutils.sysconfig in runtests.py
* #19652: MAINT: add missing dunder method to nditer type hints
* #19656: BLD, SIMD: Fix testing extra checks when -Werror isn't applicable...
* #19657: BUG: Remove logical object ufuncs with bool output
* #19658: MAINT: Include .coveragerc in source distributions to support...
* #19659: BUG: Fix bad write in masked iterator output copy paths
* #19660: ENH: Add support for windows on arm targets
* #19661: BUG: add base to templated arguments for platlib
* #19662: BUG,DEP: Non-default UFunc signature/dtype usage should be deprecated
* #19666: MAINT: Add Python 3.10 to supported versions.
* #19668: TST,BUG: Sanitize path-separators when running runtest.py
* #19671: BLD: load extra flags when checking for libflame
* #19676: BLD: update circleCI docker image
* #19677: REL: Prepare for 1.21.2 release.
- Release 1.21.1
* #19311: REV,BUG: Replace NotImplemented with typing.Any
* #19324: MAINT: Fixed the return-dtype of ndarray.real and imag
* #19330: MAINT: Replace "dtype[Any]" with dtype in the definiton of...
* #19342: DOC: Fix some docstrings that crash pdf generation.
* #19343: MAINT: bump scipy-mathjax
* #19347: BUG: Fix arr.flat.index for large arrays and big-endian machines
* #19348: ENH: add numpy.f2py.get_include function
* #19349: BUG: Fix reference count leak in ufunc dtype handling
* #19350: MAINT: Annotate missing attributes of np.number subclasses
* #19351: BUG: Fix cast safety and comparisons for zero sized voids
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/920368
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-numpy?expand=0&rev=95
Note that this requires the new python-hypothesis which was submitted
in SR #904558 . I tested that they build together correctly in
If both 904558 and this SR are approved and submitted together to
Factory, that would be great.
- update to 1.21.0:
* DEP: Deprecate data_type.dtype if attribute is not already...
* ENH: Implement faster keyword argument parsing capable of METH_FASTCALL
* ENH: Optimize and cleanup ufunc calls and ufunc CheckOverrides
* BUG: Remove temporary change of descr/flags in VOID functions
* DOC: Add more information about poly1d -> polynomial to reference...
* ENH: Warn when reloading numpy or using numpy in sub-interpreter
* DOC: Fix for building with sphinx 3
* DOC: unify the docs for np.transpose and ndarray.transpose
* DOC: added examples section for rfft2 and irfft2 docstring
* DOC: Fix Typo (Wrong argument name)
* ENH: Phase unwrapping generalized to arbitrary interval size
* SIMD: Optimize the performance of np.packbits in AVX2/AVX512F/VSX.
* MAINT: Use numpy version for f2py version.
* DEP: Shift correlate mode parsing to C and deprecate inexact...
* DEP: Formally deprecate np.typeDict
* SIMD: Replace raw SIMD of sin/cos with NPYV(universal intrinsics)
* MAINT: Bump pydata-sphinx-theme and set logo link to index
* DOC: Add module template
* ENH: Make ndarray generic w.r.t. its shape and dtype
* ENH: Added libdivide for floor divide
* BUG, Benchmark: fix passing optimization build options to asv
* MAINT, Benchmark: print the supported CPU features during the...
* ENH: Add annotations for comparison operations
* SIMD: Optimize the performance of einsum's submodule multiply...
* ENH, SIMD: Add new NPYV intrinsics pack(0)
* ENH, SIMD: Add new NPYV intrinsics pack(1)
* BLD: Enable Werror=undef in travis
* ENH: add support for fujitsu compiler to numpy.
* ENH: Add two new _<X>Like unions
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/904569
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-numpy?expand=0&rev=91
* BUG: Correct datetime64 missing type overload for datetime.date...
* MAINT: Remove __all__ in favor of explicit re-exports
* BLD: Strip extra newline when dumping gfortran version on MacOS
* BUG: fix segfault in object/longdouble operations
* MAINT: Use towncrier build explicitly
* MAINT: Relax certain integer-type constraints
* MAINT: Remove unsafe unions and ABCs from return-annotations
* MAINT: Allow more recursion depth for scalar tests.
* BUG: Initialize the full nditer buffer in case of error
* BLD: remove unnecessary flag -faltivec on macOS
* MAINT, CI: treats _SIMD module build warnings as errors through...
* BUG: for MINGW, threads.h existence test requires GLIBC > 2.12
* BUG: Make changelog recognize gh- as a PR number prefix.
* REL, DOC: Prepare for the NumPy 1.20.3 release.
* BUG: Fix failing mypy test in 1.20.x.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-numpy?expand=0&rev=88
* MAINT: Update f2py from master.
* BUG: diagflat could overflow on windows or 32-bit platforms
* BUG: Fix refcount leak in f2py complex_double_from_pyobj.
* BUG: Fix tiny memory leaks when like= overrides are used
* BUG: Remove temporary change of descr/flags in VOID functions
* BUG: Segfault in nditer buffer dealloc for Object arrays
* BUG: Remove suspicious type casting
* BUG: remove nonsensical comparison of pointer < 0
* BUG: verify pointer against NULL before using it
* BUG: check if PyArray_malloc succeeded
* BUG: incorrect error fallthrough in nditer
* MAINT: Add annotations for dtype.__getitem__, __mul__ and…
* BUG: NameError in numpy.distutils.fcompiler.compaq
* BUG: Fixed where keyword for np.mean & np.var methods
* MAINT: Ensure that re-exported sub-modules are properly annotated
* BUG: Fix ma coercion list-of-ma-arrays if they do not cast to…
* BUG: Fix small valgrind-found issues
* BUG: Fix small issues found with pytest-leaks
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-numpy?expand=0&rev=86
- Update to version 1.20.1
* The distutils bug that caused problems with downstream projects
is fixed.
* The random.shuffle regression is fixed.
- Higlights for 1.20.0:
* Annotations for NumPy functions. This work is ongoing and
improvements can be expected pending feedback from users.
* Wider use of SIMD to increase execution speed of ufuncs. Much
work has been done in introducing universal functions that
will ease use of modern features across different hardware
platforms. This work is ongoing.
* Preliminary work in changing the dtype and casting
implementations in order to provide an easier path to
extending dtypes. This work is ongoing but enough has been
done to allow experimentation and feedback.
* Extensive documentation improvements comprising some 185 PR
merges. This work is ongoing and part of the larger project to
improve NumPy’s online presence and usefulness to new users.
* Further cleanups related to removing Python 2.7. This improves
code readability and removes technical debt.
* Preliminary support for the upcoming Cython 3.0.
- Full release notes at
- Now requires Python >= 3.7 (NEP 29)
* Drop fix-py34-tests.patch
* Skip python36 build
- Drop s390x.patch -- The patch was applied for all big endian
architectures. Mark those tests appropriately in the check
section instead. gh#numpy/numpy#11831
- Skip two tests on ix86: gh#numpy/numpy#18387 gh#numpy/numpy#18388
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/870967
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-numpy?expand=0&rev=84