------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 12 06:21:52 UTC 2013 - highwaystar.ru@gmail.com - update to 1.7.0 * This release includes several new features as well as numerous bug fixes and refactorings Highlights: - ``where=`` parameter to ufuncs (allows the use of boolean arrays to choose where a computation should be done) - ``vectorize`` improvements (added 'excluded' and 'cache' keyword, general cleanup and bug fixes) - ``numpy.random.choice`` (random sample generating function) New Features: - Reduction UFuncs Generalize axis= Parameter - Reduction UFuncs New keepdims= Parameter - Datetime support - Custom formatter for printing arrays - New function numpy.random.choice - New function isclose - Preliminary multi-dimensional support in the polynomial package - Ability to pad rank-n arrays - New argument to searchsorted - Added experimental support for the AArch64 architecture. * For additional details check release notes at http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/NumPy/1.7.0/ - numpy-aarch64.diff: removed, now upstream ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 1 12:08:16 UTC 2012 - toddrme2178@gmail.com - Remove blas/lapack tests since these build successfully on all targets now - Add documentation packages These are separate packages because a lot of packages depend on numpy, so building the documentation inside the base spec file would slow down the build process for the entire project