Steve Kowalik c73e3af979 - Update to 2.0.0, changes include:
* Adds support for array parameter declaration in fortran...
  * Added ``bitwise_count`` UFuncs
  * Add binding for random pyx files
  * Use AVX512-FP16 SVML content for float16 umath functions
  * allow int sequences as shape arguments in numpy.memmap
  * Add .mT attribute for arrays
  * Create complex scalars from real and imaginary parts
  * add copy parameter for api.reshape function
  * make use of locals() in a comprehension fully compatible...
  * Add array API standard v2022.12 support to numpy.array_api
  * Change string to bool conversions to be consistent with...
  * Allow on non-hashable objects with a dtype
  * let zeros, empty, and empty_like accept dtype classes
  * Bump C-ABI to 2 but accept older NumPy if compiled against...
  * Use high accuracy SVML for double precision umath functions
  * expose PyUFunc_GiveFloatingpointErrors in the dtype API
  * PyObject_IsTrue and PyObject_Not error handling in setflags
  * array2string does not add signs for positive integers.
  * Vectorize np.partition and np.argpartition using AVX-512
  * Create helper for conversion to arrays
  * Add size check for threaded array assignment
  * Finalize ``fastCopyAndTranpose`` and other old C-funcs/members...
  * assert_array_less should report max violations instead of...
  * Introduce tracer for enabled CPU targets on each optimized...
  * Extend np.add ufunc to work with unicode and byte dtypes
  * Add find/rfind ufuncs for unicode and byte dtypes
  * Make ``intp`` ``ssize_t`` and introduce characters nN
  * Add isdigit/isspace/isdecimal/isnumeric ufuncs for string...
  * DType API slot for descriptor finalization before array...

2024-06-28 06:49:16 +00:00

65 lines
2.5 KiB

From bf50761dee8f0670542bcdc1fd9bff5cdb0448d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian Vogt <>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 14:39:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] BUG: Fix test_impossible_feature_enable failing without
If the build has no baseline features set, the test ended up setting
e.g. NPY_ENABLE_CPU_FEATURES="ASIMDHP, None". This actually made the
execution succeed, as the warning for decoding "None" overrode the
error for the real feature. Fix the error handling there by removing
the errorneous "return 0;", add a test for this, and avoid passing
"None" by accident.
numpy/core/src/common/npy_cpu_features.c | 1 -
numpy/core/tests/ | 14 ++++++++++++--
2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/numpy/core/src/common/npy_cpu_features.c b/numpy/core/src/common/npy_cpu_features.c
index bd149f8b4..f4d25cc50 100644
--- a/numpy/core/src/common/npy_cpu_features.c
+++ b/numpy/core/src/common/npy_cpu_features.c
@@ -324,7 +324,6 @@ npy__cpu_check_env(int disable, const char *env) {
) < 0) {
return -1;
- return 0;
#define NOTSUPP_BODY \
diff --git a/numpy/core/tests/ b/numpy/core/tests/
index 48ab30a4a..88e4ad185 100644
--- a/numpy/core/tests/
+++ b/numpy/core/tests/
@@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ def test_impossible_feature_enable(self):
err_type = "RuntimeError"
self._expect_error(msg, err_type)
- # Ensure that only the bad feature gets reported
- feats = f"{bad_feature}, {self.BASELINE_FEAT}"
+ # Ensure that it fails even when providing garbage in addition
+ feats = f"{bad_feature}, Foobar"
self.env['NPY_ENABLE_CPU_FEATURES'] = feats
msg = (
f"You cannot enable CPU features \\({bad_feature}\\), since they "
@@ -317,6 +317,16 @@ def test_impossible_feature_enable(self):
self._expect_error(msg, err_type)
+ if self.BASELINE_FEAT is not None:
+ # Ensure that only the bad feature gets reported
+ feats = f"{bad_feature}, {self.BASELINE_FEAT}"
+ self.env['NPY_ENABLE_CPU_FEATURES'] = feats
+ msg = (
+ f"You cannot enable CPU features \\({bad_feature}\\), since "
+ "they are not supported by your machine."
+ )
+ self._expect_error(msg, err_type)
is_linux = sys.platform.startswith('linux')
is_cygwin = sys.platform.startswith('cygwin')
machine = platform.machine()