diff --git a/ops_relax-python-depends.patch b/ops_relax-python-depends.patch
index 58c46d7..9cce20c 100644
--- a/ops_relax-python-depends.patch
+++ b/ops_relax-python-depends.patch
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
-diff -Nru oci-python-sdk-2.26.0.orig/requirements.txt oci-python-sdk-2.26.0/requirements.txt
---- oci-python-sdk-2.26.0.orig/requirements.txt	2020-12-15 19:40:46.000000000 +0100
-+++ oci-python-sdk-2.26.0/requirements.txt	2021-01-08 22:49:00.315913717 +0100
-@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
+diff -Nru oci-python-sdk-2.38.1.orig/requirements.txt oci-python-sdk-2.38.1/requirements.txt
+--- oci-python-sdk-2.38.1.orig/requirements.txt	2021-05-04 20:26:47.000000000 +0200
++++ oci-python-sdk-2.38.1/requirements.txt	2021-05-12 14:48:41.483794015 +0200
+@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
@@ -35,17 +34,17 @@ diff -Nru oci-python-sdk-2.26.0.orig/requirements.txt oci-python-sdk-2.26.0/requ
-diff -Nru oci-python-sdk-2.26.0.orig/setup.py oci-python-sdk-2.26.0/setup.py
---- oci-python-sdk-2.26.0.orig/setup.py	2020-12-15 19:40:46.000000000 +0100
-+++ oci-python-sdk-2.26.0/setup.py	2021-01-08 22:54:27.824418296 +0100
+diff -Nru oci-python-sdk-2.38.1.orig/setup.py oci-python-sdk-2.38.1/setup.py
+--- oci-python-sdk-2.38.1.orig/setup.py	2021-05-04 20:26:47.000000000 +0200
++++ oci-python-sdk-2.38.1/setup.py	2021-05-12 14:50:19.500650906 +0200
 @@ -31,9 +31,8 @@
  requires = [
 -    "configparser==4.0.2",
--    "cryptography==3.2.1",
+-    "cryptography==3.3.2",
 -    "pyOpenSSL>=17.5.0,<=19.1.0",
-+    "cryptography>=3.2.1",
++    "cryptography>=3.3.2",
 +    "pyOpenSSL>=19.1.0",
diff --git a/python-oci-sdk.changes b/python-oci-sdk.changes
index f1b0a1c..51d8b16 100644
--- a/python-oci-sdk.changes
+++ b/python-oci-sdk.changes
@@ -1,3 +1,192 @@
+Wed May 12 12:50:28 UTC 2021 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <adrian.glaubitz@suse.com>
+- Update to version 2.38.1
+  * Support for the Operator Access Control service
+  * Support for the Service Catalog service
+  * Support for the AI Language service
+  * Support for autonomous database on Exadata Cloud at Customer
+    infrastructure patching in the Database service
+- from version 2.38.0
+  * Support for RACs (real application clusters) for external container,
+    non-container, and pluggable databases in the Database service
+  * Support for data masking in the Cloud Guard service
+  * Support for opting out of DNS records during instance launch, as well as
+    attaching secondary VNICs, in the Compute service
+  * Support for mutable sizes on cluster networks in the Autoscaling service
+  * Support for auto-tiering on buckets in the Object Storage service
+  * VCN id parameters were moved from being required to being optional on
+    all list operations in the Networking service
+- from version 2.37.0
+  * Support for opting in/out of live migration on instances in the Compute service
+  * Support for enabling/disabling Operations Insights on external non-container
+    and external pluggable databases in the Database service
+  * Support for a GraphStudio URL as a connection URL on databases in the Database service
+  * Support for adding customer contacts on autonomous databases in the Database service
+  * Support for name annotations on harvested objects in the Data Catalog service
+  * If retries are enabled, the SDK will now retry on status 409/IncorrectState.
+    It will not retry on status 501.
+  * Bumped cryptography version to 3.3.2 to address security vulnerability
+    https://github.com/oracle/oci-python-sdk/pull/322
+- from version 2.36.0
+  * Support for the Database Migration service
+  * Support for the Networking Topology service
+  * Support for getting the id of peered VCNs on local peering
+    gateways in the Networking service
+  * Support for burstable instances in the Compute service
+  * Support for preemptible instances in the Compute service
+  * Support for fractional resource usage and availability in the Limits service
+  * Support for streaming analytics in the Service Connector Hub service
+  * Support for flexible routing inside DRGs to enable packet flow between
+    any two attachments in the Networking service
+  * Support for routing policy to customize dynamic import/export
+    of routes in the Networking service
+  * Support for IPv6, including on FastConnect and IPsec resources,
+    in the Networking service
+  * Support for request validation policies in the API Gateway service
+  * Support for RESP-compliant (e.g. REDIS) response caches, and for
+    configuring response caching per-route in the API Gateway service
+  * Support for flexible billing in the VMWare Solution service
+  * Support for new DNS format for the Web Application Acceleration and Security service
+  * Support for configuring APM tracing on applications and functions in the Functions service
+  * Support for Enterprise Manager external databases and Management Agent Service
+    managed external databases and hosts in the Operations Insights service
+  * Support for getting cluster cache metrics for RAC CDB managed databases
+    in the Database Management service
+  * Removed response codes `200`, `201`, `202`, `204`, `206`, `300`, `301`, `302`, `303`, `304`,
+    `307` and `444` from attribute `block_response_code` in model `AddressRateLimiting` in the
+    Web Application Acceleration and Security Service
+  * `VcnId` was made optional in CreateDrgAttachmentDetails model under Core services.
+  * The property `IsInternetAccessAllowed` was removed from CreateIpv6Details
+    model under Core services.
+  * The property `Ipv6CidrBlock` was removed from CreateVcnDetails model under Core services.
+  * The property `PublicIpAddress` and `IsInternetAccessAllowed` were
+    removed from Ipv6 model under Core services.
+  * Required property `PeerId` was added to LocalPeeringGateway model under Core services.
+  * The property `Ipv6PublicCidrBlock` was removed from Subnet model under Core services.
+  * The property `Ipv6PublicCidrBlock` was replaced by `Ipv6CidrBlocks`
+    in Vcn model in Core services.
+  * Required property `CurrentSku` was added under CreateEsxiHostDetails under Ocvp service.
+  * Required property `InitialSku` was added under CreateSddcDetails under Ocvp service.
+  * Required properties `BillingContractEndDate`, `NextSku` & `CurrentSku`
+    were added under EsxiHost under Ocvp service.
+  * Required properties `BillingContractEndDate`, `NextSku` & `CurrentSku`
+    were added under EsxiHostSummary under Ocvp service.
+  * Required property `InitialSku` was added under Sddc under Ocvp service.
+  * Required property `Id` was added under DatabaseDetails under Opsi service.
+  * `compartment_id` and `database_id` are now optional in operation
+    `ingest_sql_bucket` under Opsi service.
+  * `compartment_id` and `database_id` are now optional in operation
+    `ingest_sql_plan_lines` under Opsi service.
+  * `compartment_id` and `database_id` are now optional in operation
+    `ingest_sql_text` under Opsi service.
+  * `compartment_id` is now optional in operation `list_database_insights`
+     under Opsi service.
+  * `database_id` is now optional in operation `list_sql_plans` under Opsi service.
+  * `database_id` is now optional in operation `summarize_sql_response_time_distributions`
+    under Opsi service.
+  * `database_id` is now optional in operation `summarize_sql_statistics_time_series_by_plan`
+    under Opsi service.
+  * `database_id` is now optional in operation `summarize_sql_plan_insights` under Opsi service.
+  * Value of attribute `model_type` in model `ConnectionDetails` in Data Integration service
+    defaults to UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE when it receives an invalid value. In the earlier versions,
+    this raises a ValueError
+- from version 2.35.1
+  * Support for scheduling the suspension and resumption of compute instance pools based
+    on predefined schedules in the Autoscaling service
+  * Support for database software images for Cloud@Customer in the Database service
+  * Support for OCIC IDCS authorization details in the Application Migration service
+  * Support for cross-region asynchronous volume replication in the Block Storage service
+  * Support for SDK generation in the API Gateway service
+  * Support for container image signing in the Registry service
+  * Support for cluster features as a part of the Container Engine for Kubernetes service
+  * Support for filtering dedicated virtual machine hosts by remaining memory
+    and OCPUs in the Compute service
+  * Support for read/write-any object from buckets using pre-authenticated requests
+    in the Object Storage service
+  * Support for restricting pre-authenticated requests by prefix in the Object Storage service
+  * Support for route filtering on public virtual circuits in the Virtual Networking service
+  * Support for calculating content length of a non-resettable stream for binary uploads.
+    A non-resettable stream will be buffered into memory to calculate the content length.
+    A buffer_limit may be passed into the request to provide a buffer limit. The default
+    buffer limit is 100 MiB. More documentation can be found here:
+    https://oracle-cloud-infrastructure-python-sdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sdk_behaviors/index.html
+- from version 2.35.0
+  * Support for the Vulnerability Scanning service
+  * Support for vSphere 7.0 in the VMware Solution service
+  * Support for forecasting in the Usage service
+  * Support for viewing, searching, and modifying parameters for on-premise
+    Oracle databases in the Database Management service
+  * Support for listing tablespaces of managed databases in the Database Management service
+  * Support for cross-regional replication of keys in the Key Management service
+  * Support for highly-available database systems in the MySQL Database service
+  * Support for Oracle Enterprise Manager bridges, source auto-association, source event
+    type mappings, and plugins to upload data in the Logging Analytics service
+  * Name of Enum attribute "forcast_type" in Usage API service renamed to "forecast_type"
+  * Value of Enum attribute "forecast_type" in Usage API service defaults to UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE
+    when it receives an invalid value. In the earlier versions, this raises a ValueError
+  * Retries are now enabled in Upload Manager. The SDK used to explicitly override retry
+    configuration on binary upload operations because of potential data corruption issue
+    (https://github.com/oracle/oci-python-sdk/issues/203).
+- from version 2.34.0
+  * Support for the Network Load Balancing service
+  * Support for maintenance runs on autonomous databases in the Database service
+  * Support for announcement preferences in the Announcements service
+  * Support for domain claiming in the Organizations service
+  * Support for saved reports in the Usage service
+  * Support for the HeatWave in-memory analytics accelerator in the MySQL Database service
+  * Support for community applications in the Marketplace service
+  * Support for capacity reservations in the Compute service
+  * Parameter `vnic_id` changed from optional to required in model
+    `CreateIpv6Details` in the core services
+  * Parameter `vnic_id` changed from optional to required in model
+    `Ipv6` in the core services
+  * Value of Enum attribute `operator` in Usage API service defaults to `UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE`
+    when it receives an invalid value. In the earlier versions, this raises a `ValueError`
+- from version 2.33.0
+  * Support for routing policies and HTTP2 listener protocols in the Load Balancing service
+  * Support for model deployments in the Data Science service
+  * Support for private clusters in the Container Engine for Kubernetes service
+  * Support for updating an instance's usage type in the Content and Experience service
+  * Retries are now enabled on all operations performing binary data upload, except upload
+    manager. The SDK used to explicitly override retry configuration on binary upload
+    operations because of potential data corruption issue
+    (https://github.com/oracle/oci-python-sdk/issues/203).
+- from version 2.32.1
+  * Support for the Application Performance Monitoring service
+  * Support for the Golden Gate service
+  * Support for SMS subscriptions in the Notifications service
+  * Support for friendly-formatted messages in the Service Connector Hub service
+  * Support for attaching and detaching instances to instance pools
+    in the Autoscaling service
+- from version 2.32.0
+  * Support for pipelines, pipeline tasks, and favorites in the Data Integration service
+  * Support for publishing tasks to OCI Data Flow in the Data Integration service
+  * Support for clones in the File Storage service
+  * Changed model `UniqueKey` in the Dataintegration service to not inherit from Key.
+  * Changed model `PrimaryKey` in the Dataintegration service to inherit from `UniqueKey`.
+  * Removed enum values `PRIMARY_KEY` and `UNIQUE_KEY` in property `model_type` from model
+    `key` in the Dataintegration service.
+- from version 2.31.2
+  * Support for the OCI Registry service
+  * Support for exporting an existing running VM, or a copy of VM, into a VMDK, QCOW2, VDI,
+    VHD, or OCI formatted image in the Compute service
+  * Support for platform configurations on instances in the Compute service
+  * Support for providing target tags and target compartments on profiles in the Optimizer service
+  * Support for the 'Fix it' feature in the Optimizer service
+- from version 2.31.1
+  * Support for scan DNS names and zone ids on database system, cloud VM cluster, and
+    autonomous Exadata infrastructure responses in the Database service
+  * Support for specifying ACL rules to limit ingress into public load balancers
+    in the Integration service
+  * Support for Cloud at Customer as a source type in the Application Migration service
+  * Support for selective migration of specific resources in the
+    Application Migration service
+- Refresh patches for new version
+  + ops_relax-python-depends.patch
+- Update file list to fix Python imports for unvendoring
+- Update BuildRequires and Requires from requirements.txt and setup.py
 Thu Feb 11 15:13:11 UTC 2021 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <adrian.glaubitz@suse.com>
diff --git a/python-oci-sdk.spec b/python-oci-sdk.spec
index 0c95f2c..760582b 100644
--- a/python-oci-sdk.spec
+++ b/python-oci-sdk.spec
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
 %{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{**} python3-%{**}}
 %bcond_without python2
 Name:           python-oci-sdk
-Version:        2.31.0
+Version:        2.38.1
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Python SDK
-License:        UPL-1.0 OR Apache-2.0
+License:        Apache-2.0 OR UPL-1.0
 Group:          Development/Languages/Python
 URL:            https://github.com/oracle/oci-python-sdk
 Source:         https://github.com/oracle/oci-python-sdk/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ BuildRequires:  fdupes
 BuildRequires:  python-rpm-macros
 Requires:       python-PyJWT
 Requires:       python-certifi
-Requires:       python-cryptography >= 3.2.1
+Requires:       python-cryptography >= 3.3.2
 Requires:       python-httpsig_cffi
 Requires:       python-pyOpenSSL >= 19.1.0
 Requires:       python-python-dateutil < 3.0.0
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ BuildArch:      noarch
 # SECTION test requirements
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module PyJWT}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module certifi}
-BuildRequires:  %{python_module cryptography >= 3.2.1}
+BuildRequires:  %{python_module cryptography >= 3.3.2}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module httpsig_cffi}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module pyOpenSSL >= 19.1.0}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module pytest > 4.1.0}
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Python SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Python 2.7+ and 3.5+ are supported.
 rm -rf src/oci/_vendor/
 # Fix includes
 sed -i 's/from \._vendor //' src/oci/*.py
-sed -i 's/from oci._vendor //' src/oci/*.py src/oci/analytics/*.py src/oci/apigateway/*.py src/oci/application_migration/*.py src/oci/announcements_service/*.py src/oci/audit/*.py src/oci/auth/*.py src/oci/auth/signers/*.py src/oci/autoscaling/*.py src/oci/bds/*.py src/oci/blockchain/*.py src/oci/budget/*.py src/oci/cims/*.py src/oci/container_engine/*.py src/oci/dns/*.py src/oci/cloud_guard/*.py src/oci/compute_instance_agent/*.py src/oci/core/*.py src/oci/database/*.py src/oci/database_management/*.py src/oci/data_catalog/*.py src/oci/data_flow/*.py src/oci/data_integration/*.py src/oci/data_safe/*.py src/oci/data_science/*.py src/oci/dts/*.py src/oci/email/*.py src/oci/events/*.py src/oci/file_storage/*.py src/oci/functions/*.py src/oci/healthchecks/*.py src/oci/integration/*.py src/oci/key_management/*.py src/oci/marketplace/*.py src/oci/limits/*.py src/oci/load_balancer/*.py src/oci/log_analytics/*.py src/oci/logging/*.py src/oci/loggingingestion/*.py src/oci/loggingsearch/*.py src/oci/management_agent/*.py src/oci/management_dashboard/*.py src/oci/monitoring/*.py src/oci/mysql/*.py src/oci/nosql/*.py src/oci/oda/*.py src/oci/object_storage/*.py src/oci/oce/*.py src/oci/ons/*.py src/oci/object_storage/transfer/*.py src/oci/object_storage/transfer/internal/*.py src/oci/ocvp/*.py src/oci/opsi/*.py src/oci/optimizer/*.py src/oci/os_management/*.py src/oci/resource_manager/*.py src/oci/resource_search/*.py src/oci/rover/*.py src/oci/sch/*.py src/oci/streaming/*.py src/oci/identity/*.py src/oci/secrets/*.py src/oci/tenant_manager_control_plane/*.py src/oci/usage_api/*.py src/oci/vault/*.py src/oci/waas/*.py src/oci/work_requests/*.py tests/*.py
+sed -i 's/from oci._vendor //' src/oci/*.py src/oci/ai_language/*.py src/oci/analytics/*.py src/oci/apigateway/*.py src/oci/apm_control_plane/*.py src/oci/apm_synthetics/*.py src/oci/apm_traces/*.py src/oci/application_migration/*.py src/oci/announcements_service/*.py src/oci/artifacts/*.py src/oci/audit/*.py src/oci/auth/*.py src/oci/auth/signers/*.py src/oci/autoscaling/*.py src/oci/bds/*.py src/oci/blockchain/*.py src/oci/budget/*.py src/oci/cims/*.py src/oci/container_engine/*.py src/oci/dns/*.py src/oci/cloud_guard/*.py src/oci/compute_instance_agent/*.py src/oci/core/*.py src/oci/database/*.py src/oci/database_management/*.py src/oci/database_migration/*.py src/oci/data_catalog/*.py src/oci/data_flow/*.py src/oci/data_integration/*.py src/oci/data_safe/*.py src/oci/data_science/*.py src/oci/dts/*.py src/oci/email/*.py src/oci/events/*.py src/oci/file_storage/*.py src/oci/functions/*.py src/oci/golden_gate/*.py src/oci/healthchecks/*.py src/oci/integration/*.py src/oci/key_management/*.py src/oci/marketplace/*.py src/oci/limits/*.py src/oci/load_balancer/*.py src/oci/log_analytics/*.py src/oci/logging/*.py src/oci/loggingingestion/*.py src/oci/loggingsearch/*.py src/oci/management_agent/*.py src/oci/management_dashboard/*.py src/oci/monitoring/*.py src/oci/mysql/*.py src/oci/network_load_balancer/*.py src/oci/nosql/*.py src/oci/oda/*.py src/oci/object_storage/*.py src/oci/oce/*.py src/oci/ons/*.py src/oci/object_storage/transfer/*.py src/oci/object_storage/transfer/internal/*.py src/oci/ocvp/*.py src/oci/operator_access_control/*.py src/oci/opsi/*.py src/oci/optimizer/*.py src/oci/os_management/*.py src/oci/resource_manager/*.py src/oci/resource_search/*.py src/oci/rover/*.py src/oci/sch/*.py src/oci/streaming/*.py src/oci/identity/*.py src/oci/secrets/*.py src/oci/service_catalog/*.py src/oci/tenant_manager_control_plane/*.py src/oci/usage_api/*.py src/oci/vault/*.py src/oci/vulnerability_scanning/*.py src/oci/waas/*.py src/oci/work_requests/*.py tests/*.py
 sed -i 's/ oci._vendor.jwt as//' src/oci/auth/*.py
 sed -i 's/oci\._vendor\.//' src/oci/*.py src/oci/auth/signers/*.py src/oci/retry/*.py src/oci/object_storage/transfer/internal/*.py tests/*.py
 sed -i 's/from . import vcr_mods//' tests/test_config_container.py
diff --git a/v2.31.0.tar.gz b/v2.31.0.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index f884605..0000000
--- a/v2.31.0.tar.gz
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:e1bf0e82d5b030d0d050386d89304234d23dbfa5a1d133df696cdcc37c5af5db
-size 9613736
diff --git a/v2.38.1.tar.gz b/v2.38.1.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c210871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2.38.1.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:3d23e3ebff234b0f15dc305f5f44fb6f98e2966bab7a994f45032e28008f59ba
+size 10369596