------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 8 13:59:53 UTC 2016 - tbechtold@suse.com - update to 16.5: * Fix a regression in parsing requirements with whitespaces between the comma separators. * Fix a regression in parsing requirements like ``foo (==4)``. * Fix a bug where ``packaging.requirements:Requirement`` was overly strict when matching legacy requirements. * Add a function that implements the name canonicalization from PEP 503. * Implement requirement specifiers from PEP 508. * Relicense so that packaging is available under *either* the Apache License, Version 2.0 or a 2 Clause BSD license. * Support installation of packaging when only distutils is available. * Fix ``==`` comparison when there is a prefix and a local version in play. (:issue:`41`). * Implement environment markers from PEP 508. - Adjust Requires according to requires.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 11 07:05:29 UTC 2015 - tbechtold@suse.com - update to 15.3: * Normalize post-release spellings for rev/r prefixes. :issue:`35` ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 25 04:01:09 UTC 2015 - tbechtold@suse.com - update to 15.2: * Fix an error where the arbitary specifier (``===``) was not correctly allowing pre-releases when it was being used. * Expose the specifier and version parts through properties on the ``Specifier`` classes. * Allow iterating over the ``SpecifierSet`` to get access to all of the ``Specifier`` instances. * Allow testing if a version is contained within a specifier via the ``in`` operator. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 23 18:45:03 UTC 2015 - tbechtold@suse.com - Initial packaging