------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 18 16:01:40 UTC 2020 - Dirk Mueller - switch to PyMSQL instead of mysql-connector-python, which is the default since 3.12.x and doesn't have vulnerabilities (bsc#1122204) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 11 15:56:45 UTC 2020 - Marketa Calabkova - update to 3.13.1 * This will be a notable release as it adds support for CockroachDB, a distributed, horizontally-scalable SQL database. * Allow FOR UPDATE clause to specify one or more tables (FOR UPDATE OF...). * Support for Postgres LATERAL join. * Fix non-deterministic join ordering issue when using the filter() API across several tables * Bulk insert (insert_many() and insert_from()) will now return the row count instead of the last insert ID. * Migration extension now supports altering a column's data-type, via the new alter_column_type() method. * Added BloomFilter.from_buffer() method for populating a bloom-filter from the output of a previous call to the to_buffer() method. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 11 08:07:29 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Pull in the full python for sqlite ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 18 10:19:07 UTC 2019 - Marketa Calabkova - Update to 3.11.2 * Implement hash interface for Alias instances, allowing them to be used in multi-source queries. * Workaround for MySQL prior to 8 and MariaDB handling of union queries inside of parenthesized expressions (like IN). * Be more permissive in letting invalid values be stored in a field whose type is INTEGER or REAL, since Sqlite allows this. * Fix for issue #1991 regarding setting intervening models to None. * Fixes the Model._pk and get_id() interfaces so they no longer introduce the possibility of accidentally resolving the FK. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 11 08:24:43 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 3.10.0: * Many bugfixes to enumerate, see CHANGELOG.md ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 23 11:32:26 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 3.9.6: * Support nesting the Database instance as a context-manager. The outermost block will handle opening and closing the connection along with wrapping everything in a transaction. Nested blocks will use savepoints. * Add new session_start(), session_commit() and session_rollback() interfaces to the Database object to support using transactional controls in situations where a context-manager or decorator is awkward. * Fix error that would arise when attempting to do an empty bulk-insert. * Set isolation_level=None in SQLite connection constructor rather than afterwards using the setter. * Add create_table() method to Select query to implement CREATE TABLE AS. * Cleanup some declarations in the Sqlite C extension. * Add new example showing how to implement Reddit's ranking algorithm in SQL. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 12 20:41:48 UTC 2019 - Alexei Podvalsky - Update to 3.9.5: * Added small helper for setting timezone when using Postgres. * Improved SQL generation for VALUES clause. * Support passing resolution to TimestampField as a power-of-10. * Small improvements to INSERT queries when the primary-key is not an auto-incrementing integer, but is generated by the database server (eg uuid). * Cleanups to virtual table implementation and python-to-sqlite value conversions. * Fixed bug related to binding previously-unbound models to a database using a context manager, #1913. - Change in 3.9.4: * Add Model.bulk_update() method for bulk-updating fields across multiple model instances. Docs. * Add lazy_load parameter to ForeignKeyField. When initialized with lazy_load=False, the foreign-key will not use an additional query to resolve the related model instance. * Added Model.truncate_table() method. * The reflection and pwiz extensions now attempt to be smarter about converting database table and column names into snake-case. * Bulk insert via insert_many() no longer require specification of the fields argument when the inserted rows are lists/tuples. In that case, the fields will be inferred to be all model fields except any auto-increment id. * Add DatabaseProxy, which implements several of the Database class context managers. * Add support for window function frame exclusion and added built-in support for the GROUPS frame type. * Add support for chaining window functions by extending a previously-declared window function. * Playhouse Postgresql extension TSVectorField.match() method supports an additional argument plain, which can be used to control the parsing of the TS query. * Added very minimal JSONField to the playhouse MySQL extension. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Mar 24 05:54:34 UTC 2019 - Alexei Podvalsky - Update to 3.9.3: * Added cross-database support for NULLS FIRST/LAST when specifying the ordering for a query. Previously this was only supported for Postgres. * Added EXCLUDED helper for referring to the EXCLUDED namespace used with INSERT...ON CONFLICT queries, when referencing values in the conflicting row data. * Added helper method to the model Metadata class for setting the table name at run-time. Setting the Model._meta.table_name directly may have appeared to work in some situations, but could lead to subtle bugs. The new API is Model._meta.set_table_name(). * Enhanced helpers for working with Peewee interactively, see doc. * Fix cache invalidation bug in DataSet that was originally reported on the sqlite-web project. * New example script implementing a hexastore. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 18 22:09:07 UTC 2019 - Alexei Podvalsky - Update to 3.8.2: * The default row-type for INSERT queries executed with a non-default RETURNING clause has changed from tuple to Model instances. This makes INSERT behavior consistent with UPDATE and DELETE queries that specify a RETURNING clause. * Removing support for the table_alias model Meta option. * Added playhouse.shortcuts.ReconnectMixin, which can be used to implement automatic reconnect under certain error conditions. * Fix SQL generation bug when using an inline window function in the ORDER BY clause of a query. * Fix possible zero-division in user-defined implementation of BM25 ranking algorithm for SQLite full-text search. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 8 20:05:48 UTC 2018 - Alexei Podvalsky - Update to 3.7.1: * Added table_settings model Meta option, which should be a list of strings specifying additional options for CREATE TABLE, which are placed after the closing parentheses. * Allow specification of on_update and on_delete behavior for many-to-many relationships when using ManyToManyField. * Fixed incorrect SQL generation for Postgresql ON CONFLICT clause when the conflict_target is a named constraint (rather than an index expression). This introduces a new keyword-argument to the on_conflict() method: conflict_constraint, which is currently only supported by Postgresql. Refs issue #1737. * Fixed incorrect SQL for sub-selects used on the right side of IN expressions. Previously the query would be assigned an alias, even though an alias was not needed. * Fixed incorrect SQL generation for Model indexes which contain SQL functions as indexed columns. * Fixed bug in the generation of special queries used to perform operations on SQLite FTS5 virtual tables. * Allow frozenset to be correctly parameterized as a list of values. * Allow multi-value INSERT queries to specify columns as a list of strings. * Support CROSS JOIN for model select queries. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jul 28 18:06:40 UTC 2018 - jengelh@inai.de - Add missing "that". ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 19 15:38:58 UTC 2018 - mcepl@suse.com - Update to 3.6.4: - bugfixes - works with python 3.7.0 - Support for specifying ROWS or RANGE window frame types. - Add APIs for user-defined window functions if using pysqlite3 and sqlite 3.25.0 or newer. - TimestampField now uses 64-bit integer data-type for storage. - Added support to pwiz and playhouse.reflection to enable generating models from VIEWs. - Added lower-level database API for introspecting VIEWs. - Revamped continuous integration setup for better coverage, including 3.7 and 3.8-dev. - Allow building C extensions even if Cython is not installed, by distributing pre-generated C source files. - Fixes tests ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 4 13:37:37 UTC 2018 - avvissu@yandex.by - Update to 3.5.2: * New guide to using window functions in Peewee. * New and improved table name auto-generation. * Allow passing single fields/columns to window function order_by and partition_by arguments. * Support for FILTER (WHERE...) clauses with window functions and aggregates. * Added IdentityField class suitable for use with Postgres 10's new identity column type. * Fixed bug creating indexes on tables that are in attached databases (SQLite). * Fixed obscure bug when using prefetch() and ModelAlias to populate a back-reference related model. - Change in 3.5.1: * New documentation for working with relationships in Peewee. * Improved tests and documentation for MySQL upsert functionality. * Allow database parameter to be specified with ModelSelect.get() method. For discussion, see #1620. * Add QualifiedNames helper to peewee module exports. * Add temporary= meta option to support temporary tables. * Allow a Database object to be passed to constructor of DataSet helper. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 23 19:32:23 UTC 2018 - avvissu@yandex.by - Update to 3.5.0: * see: /usr/share/package/python-peewee/CHANGELOG.md - Build with dependencies: sqlite3, cython - Build with python3 and python2 (singlespec) - Drop the noarch package (arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object) - Spec file cleanup ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 14 15:11:22 UTC 2015 - i@marguerite.su - update version 2.6.3 * read https://github.com/coleifer/peewee/releases ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 28 12:41:04 UTC 2014 - i@marguerite.su - update version 2.2.3 * New migrations module * Added a return value to Model.save() indicating number of rows affected. * Added a date_trunc() method that works for Sqlite. * Added a Model.sqlall() class-method to return all the SQL to generate the model/indices. * bugfixes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Apr 20 16:21:08 UTC 2014 - i@marguerite.su - initial version 2.2.2 * see https://github.com/coleifer/peewee/commits/master for details