diff --git a/plotly-4.7.1.tar.gz b/plotly-4.7.1.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 5357d11..0000000
--- a/plotly-4.7.1.tar.gz
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:7a48cdedd13cef6745de5527d26928791f1b911b88c435667b74eadd427a10e8
-size 5489140
diff --git a/plotly-4.8.2.tar.gz b/plotly-4.8.2.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..948e3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotly-4.8.2.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:ce55e1a9669ea7455574ddbfe2fb52636eb63a6c29387ee0c0a929ed2325f916
+size 5509712
diff --git a/python-plotly.changes b/python-plotly.changes
index c71f997..335dd47 100644
--- a/python-plotly.changes
+++ b/python-plotly.changes
@@ -1,3 +1,113 @@
+Sat Jul 11 19:18:52 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud <arun@gmx.de>
+- update to version 4.8.2:
+  * Updated
+    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.54.5. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
+      for more information.
+    + add_traces() now accepts bare int-like values for rows/cols as
+      well as lists thereof (#2546), with thanks to @MCBoarder289 for
+      the contribution!
+  * Fixed
+    + row/col now accept int-like values, not strictly int values
+      (#2451), with thanks to @MCBoarder289 for the contribution!
+    + Fixed special cases with px.sunburst and px.treemap with path
+      input (#2524)
+    + Fixed bug in hover_data argument of px functions, when the
+      column name is changed with labels and hover_data is a
+      dictionary setting up a specific format for the hover data
+      (#2544).
+    + Made the Plotly Express trendline argument more robust and made
+      it work with datetime x values (#2554)
+    + Fixed bug in px.sunburst and px.treemap: when the color and
+      values arguments correspond to the same column, a different
+      aggregation function has to be used for the two arguments
+      (#2591)
+    + Plotly Express wide mode now accepts mixed integer and float
+      columns (#2598)
+    + Plotly Express range_(x|y) should not impact the unlinked range
+      of marginal subplots (#2600)
+    + px.line now sets line_group=<variable> in wide mode by default
+      (#2599)
+    + Corrected some regex warnings (#2577), with thanks to @georgevdd
+      for the contribution!
+- changes from version 4.8.1:
+  * Fixed
+    + Fixed the accidental removal of some functions and submodules
+      from plotly.colors and plotly.express.colors
+- changes from version 4.8.0:
+  * Added
+    + plotly now provides a Plotly Express-backed Pandas-compatible
+      plotting backend, which can be activated via
+      pandas.options.plotting.backend = "plotly". Note that it is not
+      intended to implement every Pandas plotting function, nor is it
+      intended to replicate the behaviour of every argument, although
+      per the changes below, x and y should behave similarly. (#2336)
+    + New datasets have been added to plotly.express.data: stocks,
+      experiment, medals_wide and medals_long. (#2336)
+    + plotly go.Figure and go.FigureWidget now have a _repr_html_ and
+      a _repr_mimebundle_ method, which are standard hooks for
+      integration in systems based on IPython. In particular, with
+      _repr_html_ plotly figures can now be used within sphinx-gallery
+      without any scraper. These additions should not change anything
+      to the way plotly figures are displayed in notebook
+      environments, since the _ipython_display_ method (already
+      present in earlier versions) takes precedence over the new
+      methods.
+  * Updated
+    + The behaviour of the x, y, orientation, histfunc, violinmode,
+      boxmode and stripmode arguments for 2d-cartesian functions in
+      Plotly Express (i.e. scatter, line, area, bar, histogram,
+      violin, box, strip, funnel, density_heatmap and density_contour)
+      has been refined (#2336):
+    + if x or y is missing, it is inferred to be the index of
+      data_frame if data_frame provided, otherwise a stable index of
+      integers starting at 0. In the case of px.bar, if the provided
+      value is not continuous, the missing value is treated as a
+      column of 1s named "count", so as to behave more like
+      px.histogram and to avoid sizing the resulting bars differently
+      based on their position in the column. Previously, missing
+      values defaulted to integers starting at 0 per trace which made
+      it potentially inconsistent or misleading.
+    + if x (y) is missing, orientation now defaults to v
+      (h). Previously it always defaulted to v but this is not
+      considered a breaking change, as the cases in which it now
+      defaults to h caused unreadable output if set to v.
+    + if both x and y are provided and one of them does not contain
+      continuous values, orientation defaults to the value
+      perpendicular to that axis. Previously it always defaulted to v
+      but this is not considered a breaking change, as the cases in
+      which it now defaults to h caused unreadable output if set to v.
+    + if either x or y (but not both) may now be provided as a list of
+      column references into data_frame or columns of data, in which
+      case the imputed data frame will be treated as "wide" data and
+      melt()ed internally before applying the usual mapping rules,
+      with function-specific defaults.
+    + if neither x nor y is provided but data_frame is, the data frame
+      will be treated as "wide" with defaults depending on the value
+      of orientation (and orientation has accordingly been added to
+      scatter, line, density_heatmap, and density_contour for this
+      purpose). Previously this would have resulted in an empty
+      figure.
+    + if both x and y are provided to histogram, and if x, y and z are
+      provided to density_heatmap or density_contour, then histfunc
+      now defaults to sum so as to avoid ignoring the provided data,
+      and to cause histogram and bar to behave more similarly.
+    + violinmode, boxmode and stripmode now default to overlay if x
+      (y) in in v (h) orientation is also mapped to color, to avoid
+      strange spacing issues with the previous default of group in all
+      cases.
+    + The Plotly Express arguments color_discrete_map, symbol_map and
+      line_dash_map now accept the string "identity" which causes the
+      corresponding input data to be used as-is rather than mapped
+      into color_discrete_sequence, symbol_sequence or
+      line_dash_sequence, respectively. (#2336)
+    + Plotly Express now accepts px.Constant or px.Range objects in
+      the place of column references so as to express constant or
+      increasing integer values. (#2336)
 Sat May  9 16:19:10 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud <arun@gmx.de>
diff --git a/python-plotly.spec b/python-plotly.spec
index 88e19f6..2c7dfa7 100644
--- a/python-plotly.spec
+++ b/python-plotly.spec
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 %{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{**} python3-%{**}}
 %define         skip_python2 1
 Name:           python-plotly
-Version:        4.7.1
+Version:        4.8.2
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Library for collaborative, interactive, publication-quality graphs
 License:        MIT