------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 5 07:29:07 UTC 2022 - Andreas Schneider - Fix Requires for uwsgi-python3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 4 15:18:15 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner - Use Python 3.9 like the rest of mailman3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 9 17:23:56 UTC 2022 - Andreas Schneider - Fix BR for mailman3 (package has been renamed) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 26 07:56:37 UTC 2022 - pgajdos@suse.com - python-mock is not required for build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 21 07:31:26 UTC 2022 - Andreas Schneider - Make compatible with django 4.0 * Added postorius-fix-django-4.0-compatibility.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 18 18:03:59 UTC 2021 - Matej Cepl - Fix missing minimal requirements on Django. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 18 08:02:22 UTC 2021 - Andreas Schneider - Update to version 1.3.6 - Security: - Check that a user owns the email address they are trying to unsubscribe. This fixes a bug in which any logged-in user could unsubscribe any email address from any mailing list, leaking whether that address was subscribed originally. (CVE-2021-40347) - UI: - Add 'Delivery Mode' and 'Moderation Action' columns to - List members page. Add support to list and handle pending un-subscription requests. - Add support to specify a reason when handling (un)subscription requests - Success messages to mass subscribes now properly distinguish subscription from invitation and indicate possible pending confirmation or approval. - User profile dropdown no longer is too far right. - Expose archive_rendering_mode in Archiver settings to choose between plaintext and rich text rendering of emails in Hyperkitty. - Allow choosing delivery_mode and delivery_status when subscribing to a List. - Redirect to domain_index after domain_edit succeeds. - Expose new bounce_notify_owner_on_bounce_increment list setting on Bounce Processing settings, and expose the corresponding template. - Expose the forward_unrecognized_bounces_to setting on Bounce Processing settings. - Clarified the description of Maximum number of recipients. - List summary view will now display a table for all subscriptions with delivery_mode and delivery_status. - Add a new user management interface for superusrs. - Allow searching for users in list user views. - Show both display name and email in user management interface if available, - Allow list:admin:notice:pending template to be set in Postorius. - Other: - Use mass-subscription API in core for Mass Removal of Members. - Fix a bug where users with multiple subscriptions to a List couldn't view their Preferences for all addresses. - Check for pending unsubscription requests and notify user when the request is pending approval. - Improve the performance of Members' page by skipping an API call. - Improve the performance of List index page for Superuser. - Skip looking up choosable_domains for non-superuser to reduce API calls. - Improve the performance of List owner access checks. - Add a new APICountingMiddleware to performance testing purposes. - Use user_id as subscriber instead of addresses to improve the efficiency of list index page. - AUTOCREATE_MAILMAN_USER setting is now removed and a Mailman user is always created when a User object in created in Django. Also remove duplicate implementation of get_mailman_user from MailmanUserManager so that we can use a single implementation that uses caching for efficient lookups. Bump bundled jQuery to 3.6.0.slim version. - Use the full jQuery not the slim version. - Do not show Ownerships and Moderator roles in the 'Subscriptions' page under mange new user interface. - Ascessibility: - Move the focus to the textarea in mass subscribe page if there are errors in the form. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 2 06:33:53 UTC 2021 - Andreas Schneider - Remove the postorius-admin user ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 25 19:29:40 UTC 2021 - Andreas Schneider - Create static files as part of the build process - Fixed CVE-2021-31997 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 4 09:34:29 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - restrict to primary python3 flavor due to mailman ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 12 10:54:02 UTC 2021 - Andreas Schneider - Update to version 1.3.4 * Update the default Site when creating a domain to match the domain if it is example.com. (Closes #427) * Add the ability to subscribe via Primary Address instead of specific address. (See !516) * Fix a bug where the user's display name would be ignore when subscribing. (Closes #429) * Display a user's name in the pending subscription request list. (Closes #430) * Set a user's preferrred_address in Core if it isn't already set and the user has a Primary Address that is verified. * Use the new APIs in Core to get the count of held messages and pending subscriptions to improve peroformance of settings page for list owners. (Fixes #417) * Show held message is local time of the User. (Closes #434) * Fix a bug where non-member options page would show an owner's options if the same email was subscribed as owner and non-member in a list. (Closes #436) * Switching subscription from one email address to other or Primary Address now preserves preferences and does not require Moderator approval. (Closes #425) * Make 'Archives' and 'List Options' urls more prominently visible in the list summary page as buttons. (Closes #439) * Added the ability to issue invitations from the mass subscribe view. * Expose emergency moderation setting for MailingList. * Fixed some minor HTML errors. (Closes #442) * Fix the bug where ListOfStringsField couldn't be unset in Postorius. (Closes #444) * Allow list:user:action:invite template to be set in Postorius. (Closes #454) * Fix a bug where the Bans form would always use default language instead of current request's language. (Closes #441) * Fix the URL on cancel buttons in template's confirm delete page. (Closes #458) * Use server side filtering for pending subscription requests for moderator approval. (See !559) * Allow setting moderation action for a nonmember from Held Message modal. ( Closes #448) * Add a new view to confirm subscriptions or new emails for Users using Postorius. (Fixes #459) * Fix a bug where membership check compared email addresses in different cases. (Closes #457) * Mass removal now accepts address formats with display names and/or angle brackets. (Closes #455) * Add support to override send_welcome_message when mass subscribing to suppress welcome messages. (Closes #99) * Add support for Django 3.1.x. (See !574) * The list's send_goodbye_message is now settable on the Automatic Responses view. (Closes #466) * Support HYPERKITTY_ENABLE_GRAVATAR setting to control the user gravatar. (Closes #467) - Fix building on tumbleweed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Dec 20 14:35:33 UTC 2020 - Andreas Schneider - Improve documentation (README.SUSE.md) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Dec 12 19:19:35 UTC 2020 - Andreas Schneider - Fix chdir path in uwsgi config - Update README.SUSE.md ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Oct 3 07:55:13 UTC 2020 - Andreas Schneider - Create a postorius-web package with webroot files - Create a postorius-web-uwsgi with uwsgi configuration - Added postorius-settings.patch * Sets the FHS default paths ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 4 02:03:24 UTC 2020 - Stasiek Michalski - Update to 1.3.3 * Expose additional list settings. * Correct description of Digest Frequency. * Added links to Reply-To munging articles. * Fix "Show Headers" button to show the held message headers in the held message popup. * Fix the held message popup structure and increase the max width of the popup to be 800px(modal-lg) for larger screens. * Fix FILTER_VHOST = True option to try to find the email host corresponding to the requesting web host. * Allow specifying a reason when rejecting a held message. * Allow users to set their preferred language in their preferences. * Add support to ban addresses for the entire Mailman installation. * Un-handled HTTPError exception raised from MailmanClient now results in an error page and proper logging instead of mysterious KeyError in logs. * Change List settings navigation to be vertical instead of horizontal. * Move bounce processing settings into a new vertical tab for better visibility. * Add URL to edit the Web host for each domain in Domain Index page. Also, show the SITE_ID for each webhost. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 14 08:12:34 UTC 2020 - Paolo Stivanin - Update to 1.3.2 (no changelog) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 23 15:44:42 UTC 2020 - pgajdos@suse.com - the pytest issue in 15 will be fixed on python rpm macros level ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 17 11:03:31 UTC 2020 - pgajdos@suse.com - %check correctly also for 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 2 10:47:16 UTC 2019 - pgajdos@suse.com - call spec-cleaner ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 27 08:20:57 UTC 2019 - pgajdos@suse.com - package example_project in doc ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 15 08:58:29 UTC 2019 - pgajdos@suse.com - initial version 1.3.0 [SLE-7686]