------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 27 15:01:00 UTC 2010 - elchevive@opensuse.org - Update to version 2.3.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 27 02:43:22 UTC 2010 - termim@gmail.com - Update to 2.2.2: Bux fixes: * the call to logging.basicConfig() in pool.py has been dropped: it was messing with some projects using logging (and a library should not initialize the logging system anyway.) * psycopg now correctly handles time zones with seconds in the UTC offset. The old register_tstz_w_secs() function is deprecated and will raise a warning if called. * Exceptions raised by the column iterator are propagated. * Exceptions raised by executemany() interators are propagated. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 25 13:14:38 UTC 2009 - jnelson-suse@jamponi.net - Add --optimize=2 to build .pyo files, correct License and Url ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 18 13:14:38 UTC 2009 - jfunk@funktronics.ca - Update to 2.0.12: * psycopg/lobject_int.c: fixed problem with writing large data using lo_write: apparently the large objects code does not like non-blocking connections. * setup.py: fixed version detection for PostgreSQL rc, as suggested by Sok Ann Yap. * ZPsycopgDA/db.py: applied serialization error retry from Brian Sutherland. * Implemented connection.reset() method to reset the connection to well-know default parameters. This is much faster than closing and reopening the connection. (Suggested by a bug report by Glenn Maynard.) * psycopg/cursor_type.c: unified size macro definitions in COPY TO and COPY FROM operations: now the buffer for column names is 8192 bytes that should be enough even for very large tables. * Applied patch from Robert Munro to fix version check in ZPsycopgDA. - Release 2.0.11: * lib/extras.py: fixed crash in fetchone() when prefetching using a RealDictCursor. * psycopg/cursor_ext.c: now raise correct exception when fetching using a custom row factory results in an error. * lib/extras.py: applied DictRow "diet" patch from Marko Kreen. * setup.py: applied patch from Elvis Pranskevichus to make PostgreSQL version detection more robust. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 27 17:23:57 CEST 2009 - lars@linux-schulserver.de - update to 2.0.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 20 16:27:27 AST 2008 - jfunk@funktronics.ca - Update to 2.0.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 5 11:57:40 CET 2008 - poeml@suse.de - use --record-rpm as setup option, not --record. The latter didn't pick up all files on Factory. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 13 07:56:02 UTC 2007 - judas_iscariote@shorewall.net - Update to version 2.0.6 see http://initd.org/pub/software/psycopg/ChangeLog for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 19 00:00:00 UTC 2005 - jfunk@funktronics.ca - Initial release