
292 lines
15 KiB

Thu Jan 25 15:13:50 UTC 2024 - Ben Greiner <>
- %sle15_python_module_pythons must define %pythons before any
%python_module usage
Fri Jan 5 17:11:51 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>
- update to 4.3.1:
* Added official support for Python 3.12.
* Python 3.7 is no longer supported.
* qapp now sets up the QApplication instance with a command
line argument like this QApplication([prog_name]) instead of
using an empty list QApplication([]). Here prog_name is the
name of the app which defaults to pytest-qt-app, but can be
redefined in the pytest.ini file, see :ref:`qapp
fixture<setting-qapp-name>`. Alternatively, the arguments
that will be passed to QApplication can be defined explicitly
using the qapp_args fixture. This means that the default
behavior of the qapp_args fixture is now also changed
accordingly: it now returns the list [prog_name] instead of
an empty list.
Fri Jun 23 19:07:24 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner <>
- Remove xfail_strict from pytest config
* pyside2 and py311 XPASS a test, gh#pytest-dev/pytest-qt#419
Sat Jun 10 09:43:01 UTC 2023 - ecsos <>
- Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
Sat May 20 08:32:01 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner <>
- Skip failing exception tests with pyside6
* gh#pytest-dev/pytest-qt#488
- Use PEP517
Wed Nov 30 12:26:35 UTC 2022 - Daniel Garcia <>
- Remove python_module macro definition
- Update to 4.2.0:
* Import the code sub-package from the correct location rather than the
deprecated py package, restoring compatibility with pytest 7.2.0, where py
was dropped. Thanks @The-Compiler for the PR.
* Use pytest.hookimpl to configure hooks, avoiding a deprecation warning in
pytest 7.2.0. Thanks @The-Compiler for the PR.
* Now pytest-qt will check if any of the Qt libraries is already imported by
the time the plugin loads, and use it if that is the case (#412). Thanks
@eyllanesc for the PR.
* Most custom pytest-qt exceptions can be accessed via qtbot (for example
qtbot.TimeoutError), but it was not always explicit in the documentation
that this is the recommended way to access those exceptions, instead of
importing them from pytestqt.exceptions. This is now clarified in the
documentation and examples, and an alias to ScreenshotError has been added
to qtbot so it can be accessed in the same way (#460).
Fri Jul 1 19:06:12 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner <>
- Update to version 4.1.0
* pytest-qt now requires Python 3.7+.
* Improved PEP-8 aliases definition so they have a smaller call
stack depth by one and better parameter suggestions in IDEs.
(#383). Thanks @luziferius for the PR.
* Updated model tester handling around hasChildren based on Qt's
* New qapp_cls fixture returning the QApplication class to use,
thus making it easier to use a custom subclass without having
to override the whole qapp fixture. Thanks @The-Compiler for
the PR.
* Updated model tester to track/verify in-flight changes based on
Qt's updates. Thanks @The-Compiler for the PR.
* New qtbot.screenshot() method which can be used to take a
screenshot of the given widget. Thanks @The-Compiler for the
Thu Apr 21 13:13:18 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner <>
- Enable pyside6 test flavor
Mon Jul 12 20:18:59 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>
- Allow either of the valid Qt binding implementations, do not hard
require python-qt5
- Enable multibuild for tests with different implementations
* Pyside2, PyQt5, PyQt6
* Prepared for Pyside6
Mon Jun 14 15:02:19 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>
- Update to version 4.0.2
* Restored compatibility with PySide2 5.11, which doesn't depend on the
``shiboken2`` project, used by pytest-qt 4.0.0. The dependency is now not
needed anymore, and the ``.isdeleted`` attribute of ``qt_compat`` (which
isn't intended for public use) is removed.
- Release 4.0.1
* The ``sip`` module now gets imported directly if ``PyQt5.sip`` /
``PyQt6.sip`` wasn't found, as it's still packaged like that in some
distributions (`#369`_). Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
- Release 4.0.0
* `PySide6 <>`__ and `PyQt6 <>`__ (6.1+)
are now supported. Thanks `@jensheilman`_ and `@The-Compiler`_ for the PRs (`#328`_, `#330`_).
* ``pytest-qt`` now requires Python 3.6+.
* When using PyQt5, ``pytest-qt`` now requires PyQt5 5.11 or newer (`#330`_).
* Support for Qt4 (i.e. ``PyQt4`` and ``PySide``) is now dropped (`#279`_).
* The ``qtbot.waitActive`` and ``qtbot.waitExposed`` context managers are now
available with all Qt APIs, rather than only PyQt5 (`#361`_). Thanks
`@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
* The ``qtbot.waitForWindowShown`` method is deprecated, as the underlying Qt
method was obsoleted in Qt 5.0 and removed in Qt 6.0. Its name is imprecise and
the pytest-qt wrapper does not raise TimeoutError if the window wasn't shown.
Please use the ``qtbot.waitExposed`` context manager instead (`#361`_). Thanks
`@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
* The old ``qtbot.stopForInteraction()`` name is now removed as it was
cumbersome and rarely used. Use ``qtbot.stop()`` (added in 1.1.1) instead
(`#306`_). Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
* The old ``SignalTimeoutError`` exception alias is now removed, as it was renamed to
``TimeoutError`` in 2.1 (`#306`_). Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
* The old ``qt_wait_signal_raising`` option is now removed, as it was renamed to
``qt_default_raising`` in 3.1 (`#306`_). Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
* ``qtbot.waitSignal`` and ``waitSignals`` (as well as their PEP-8 aliases)
supported passing ``None`` as signal, making them wait for the given timeout
instead. This is not supported anymore, use ``qtbot.wait(ms)`` instead
(`#306`_). Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
* Various arguments to ``qtbot`` methods are now keyword-only (`#366`_):
* ``qtbot.waitActive``: ``timeout`` (``widget`` being the only positional argument)
* ``qtbot.waitExposed``: ``timeout`` (``widget`` being the only positional argument)
* ``qtbot.waitSignal``: ``timeout``, ``raising`` and ``check_params_cb`` (``signal`` being the only positional argument)
* ``qtbot.waitSignals``: ``timeout``, ``raising`` and ``check_params_cbs`` (``signals`` being the only positional argument)
* ``qtbot.assertNotEmitted``: ``wait`` (``signal`` being the only positional argument)
* ``qtbot.waitUntil``: ``timeout`` (``callback`` being the only positional argument)
* ``qtbot.waitCallback``: ``timeout`` and ``raising`` (with no positional arguments)
The same applies to the respective PEP-8 aliases. Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for
the PR.
* Various classes are now not importable from ``pytestqt.plugin`` anymore, and
should instead be imported from the module they're residing in since the 1.6.0
release (`#306`_):
* ``pytestqt.plugin.QtBot`` -> ``pytestqt.qtbot.QtBot``
* ``pytestqt.plugin.SignalBlocker`` -> ``pytestqt.wait_signal.SignalBlocker``
* ``pytestqt.plugin.MultiSignalBlocker`` -> ``pytestqt.wait_signal.MultiSignalBlocker``
* ``pytestqt.plugin.Record`` -> ``pytestqt.logging.Record``
* ``pytestqt.plugin.capture_exceptions`` ->
``pytestqt.exceptions.capture_exceptions`` (but consider using
``qtbot.capture_exceptions`` instead)
* ``pytestqt.plugin.format_captured_exceptions`` ->
* The ``qt_api.extract_from_variant`` and ``qt_api.make_variant`` functions
(which were never intended for public usage) as well as all class aliases
(such as ``qt_api.QWidget`` or ``qt_api.QEvent``, among others) are now
removed. Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
* The default timeouts for ``qtbot.waitSignal``, ``waitSignals``, ``waitUntil``
and ``waitCallback``, ``waitActive`` and ``waitExposed`` have been raised from
1s to 5s. This makes them in line the default timeout used by Qt's underlying
methods such as ``QSignalSpy::wait``. To get the old behavior back, explicitly
pass ``timeout=1000`` to those functions (`#306`_). Thanks `@The-Compiler`_
for the PR.
* ``waitUntil`` now raises a ``TimeoutError`` when a timeout occurs to make the
cause of the timeout more explict (`#222`_). Thanks `@karlch`_ for the PR.
* The ``QtTest::keySequence`` method is now exposed (if available, with Qt >=
5.10) (`#289`_). Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
* ``addWidget`` now enforces that its argument is a ``QWidget`` in order to
display a clearer error when this isn't the case (`#290`_). Thanks
`@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
* New option ``qt_qapp_name`` can be used to set the name of the
``QApplication`` created by ``pytest-qt``, defaulting to ``"pytest-qt-qapp"``
(`#302`_). Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
* When the ``-s`` (``--capture=no``) argument is passed to pytest, Qt log
capturing is now disabled as well (`#300`_). Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
* PEP-8 aliases (``add_widget``, ``wait_active``, etc) are no longer just simple
assignments to the methods, but they are real methods which call the normal
implementations. This makes subclasses work as expected, instead of having to
duplicate the assignment (`#326`_, `#333`_). Thanks `@oliveira-mauricio`_ and
`@jensheilman`_ for the PRs.
* Errors related to the ``qt_compat`` module (such as an invalid
``PYTEST_QT_API`` setting or missing Qt API wrappers) are now shown as a more
human-readable error message rather than an internal pytest error (`#355`_). Thanks
`@The-Compiler`_ for the PR.
Fri Sep 25 09:19:58 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>
- require a default ttf font gh#pytest-dev/pytest-qt#317
- move to %pytest macro and use pytest-xvfb plugin
- drop skip-timeout-tests.patch; deselect by pytest -k parameter
Mon Jan 6 13:07:28 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
- Update to 3.3.0:
* Improve message in uncaught exceptions by mentioning the Qt event loop instead of Qt virtual methods (#255).
* pytest-qt now requires pytest version >= 3.0.
* qtbot.addWiget now supports an optional before_close_func keyword-only argument, which if given is a function which is called before the widget is closed, with the widget as first argument.
Thu Jan 31 09:05:27 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
- Update to 3.2.2:
* Fix Off-by-one error in modeltester (#249). Thanks @ext-jmmugnes for the PR.
Fri Dec 7 19:04:18 UTC 2018 - Todd R <>
- Update to version 3.2.1
* Fixed compatibility with PyQt5 5.11.3
- Update to version 3.2.0
* The ``CallbackBlocker`` returned by ``qtbot.waitCallback()`` now has a new
``assert_called_with(...)`` convenience method.
- Update to version 3.1.0
* If Qt's model tester implemented in C++ is available (PyQt5 5.11 or newer),
the ``qtmodeltester`` fixture now uses that instead of the Python
implementation. This can be turned off by passing ``force_py=True`` to
* The Python code used by ``qtmodeltester`` is now based on the latest Qt
modeltester. This also means that the ``data_display_may_return_none``
attribute for ``qtmodeltester`` isn't used anymore.
* New ``qtbot.waitCallback()`` method that returns a ``CallbackBlocker``, which
can be used to wait for a callback to be called.
* ``qtbot.assertNotEmitted`` now has a new ``wait`` parameter which can be used
to make sure asynchronous signals aren't emitted by waiting after the code in
the ``with`` block finished.
* The ``qt_wait_signal_raising`` option was renamed to ``qt_default_raising``.
The old name continues to work, but is deprecated.
* The docs still referred to ``SignalTimeoutError`` in some places, despite it
being renamed to ``TimeoutError`` in the 2.1 release. This is now corrected.
* Improve debugging output when no Qt wrapper was found.
* When no context is available for warnings on Qt 5, no ``None:None:0`` line is
shown anymore.
* The ``no_qt_log`` marker is now registered with pytest so ``--strict`` can be
* ``qtbot.waitSignal`` with timeout ``0`` now expects the signal to arrive
directly in the code enclosed by it.
- Update to version 3.0.2
* Another fix related to ``QtInfoMsg`` objects during logging (`#225`_).
- Update to version 3.0.1
* Fix handling of ``QtInfoMsg`` objects during logging (`#225`_).
Thanks `@willsALMANJ`_ for the report.
- Update to version 3.0.0
* Removed ``qtbot.mouseEvent`` proxy, it was an internal Qt function which has
now been removed in PyQt 5.11 (`#219`_). Thanks `@mitya57`_ for the PR.
* Fix memory leak when tests raised an exception inside Qt virtual methods (`#187`_).
Thanks `@fabioz`_ for the report and PR.
- Rebase skip-timeout-tests.patch
Thu May 31 16:01:42 UTC 2018 -
- Update to 2.3.2
* Use new pytest 3.6 marker API when possible.
Sun May 13 08:24:32 UTC 2018 -
- Enable tests
- Add patch skip-timeout-tests.patch to skip test randomly
failing in OBS
Sat May 12 16:24:16 UTC 2018 -
- specfile:
* update copyright year
- update to version 2.3.1:
* PYTEST_QT_API environment variable correctly wins over qt_api ini
variable if both are set at the same time (#196). Thanks @mochick
for the PR.
- changes from version 2.3.0:
* New qapp_args fixture which can be used to pass custom arguments
to QApplication. Thanks @The-Compiler for the PR.
- changes from version 2.2.1:
* modeltester now accepts QBrush for BackgroundColorRole and
TextColorRole (#189). Thanks @p0las for the PR.
- changes from version 2.2.0:
* pytest-qt now supports PySide2 thanks to @rth!
Mon Aug 28 17:13:21 UTC 2017 -
- Initial version