diff --git a/python-pytest-spec-nopython2.patch b/python-pytest-spec-nopython2.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bfea8e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/python-pytest-spec-nopython2.patch @@ -0,0 +1,378 @@ +diff --git a/README.md b/README.md +index b6dcf76..c1c8004 100644 +--- a/README.md ++++ b/README.md +@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ +
+@@ -45,9 +44,15 @@
+ ### spec_header_format
+-You can configure the format of the test headers by specifying a [format string](https://docs.python.org/2/library/string.html#format-string-syntax) in your [ini-file](http://doc.pytest.org/en/latest/customize.html#inifiles):
++You can configure the format of the test headers by specifying a [format string](https://docs.python.org/2/library/string.html#format-string-syntax) in your [ini-file](https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/customize.html#pytest-ini):
+ ```ini
++ ; since pytest 4.6.x
++ [pytest]
++ spec_header_format = {module_path}:
++ ; legacy pytest
+ [tool:pytest]
+ spec_header_format = {module_path}:
+ ```
+@@ -56,7 +61,7 @@ In addition to the ``{path}`` and ``{class_name}`` replacement fields, there is
+ ### spec_test_format
+-You can configure the format of the test results by specifying a [format string](https://docs.python.org/2/library/string.html#format-string-syntax) in your [ini-file](http://doc.pytest.org/en/latest/customize.html#inifiles):
++You can configure the format of the test results by specifying a [format string](https://docs.python.org/2/library/string.html#format-string-syntax) in your [ini-file](https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/customize.html#pytest-ini):
+ 3 variables are available:
+ * result - place for indicator
+@@ -64,6 +69,11 @@ You can configure the format of the test results by specifying a [format string]
+ * docstring_summary - first line from test docstring if available
+ ```ini
++ ; since pytest 4.6.x
++ [pytest]
++ spec_test_format = {result} {name}
++ ; legacy pytest
+ [tool:pytest]
+ spec_test_format = {result} {name}
+ ```
+@@ -71,6 +81,11 @@ You can configure the format of the test results by specifying a [format string]
+ or
+ ```ini
++ ; since pytest 4.6.x
++ [pytest]
++ spec_test_format = {result} {docstring_summary}
++ ; legacy pytest
+ [tool:pytest]
+ spec_test_format = {result} {docstring_summary}
+ ```
+@@ -82,6 +97,11 @@ In second example where docstring is not available the name will be added to spe
+ You can configure the indicator displayed when test passed.
+ ```ini
++ ; since pytest 4.6.x
++ [pytest]
++ spec_success_indicator = ✓
++ ; legacy pytest
+ [tool:pytest]
+ spec_success_indicator = ✓
+ ```
+@@ -91,6 +111,11 @@ You can configure the indicator displayed when test passed.
+ You can configure the indicator displated when test failed.
+ ```ini
++ ; since pytest 4.6.x
++ [pytest]
++ spec_failure_indicator = ✗
++ ; legacy pytest
+ [tool:pytest]
+ spec_failure_indicator = ✗
+ ```
+@@ -100,6 +125,11 @@ You can configure the indicator displated when test failed.
+ You can configure the indicator displated when test is skipped.
+ ```ini
++ ; since pytest 4.6.x
++ [pytest]
++ spec_skipped_indicator = ?
++ ; legacy pytest
+ [tool:pytest]
+ spec_skipped_indicator = ?
+ ```
+@@ -110,6 +140,11 @@ Comma-separated settings to ignore/hide some tests or output from from plugins l
+ Any test which contain provided string will be ignored in output spec.
+ ```ini
++ ; since pytest 4.6.x
++ [pytest]
++ spec_ignore = FLAKE8
++ ; legacy pytest
+ [tool:pytest]
+ spec_ignore = FLAKE8
+ ```
+@@ -117,6 +152,11 @@ Any test which contain provided string will be ignored in output spec.
+ ### spec_indent
+ ```ini
++ ; since pytest 4.6.x
++ [pytest]
++ spec_indent = " "
++ ; legacy pytest
+ [tool:pytest]
+ spec_indent = " "
+ ```
+diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
+index ca689f9..08ebe3e 100644
+--- a/pyproject.toml
++++ b/pyproject.toml
+@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ classifiers = [
+ "Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X",
+ "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows",
+ "Operating System :: POSIX",
+- "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
++ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
+@@ -30,10 +30,9 @@ packages = [
+ include = ["LICENSE.txt"]
+ [tool.poetry.dependencies]
+-six = "*"
++python = ">=3.5"
+ [tool.poetry.dev-dependencies]
+-mock = ">1.0.1"
+ pytest = "*"
+ pytest-describe = "*"
+ pytest-flake8 = "*"
+diff --git a/pytest_spec/__init__.py b/pytest_spec/__init__.py
+index 55ea5f7..141763d 100644
+--- a/pytest_spec/__init__.py
++++ b/pytest_spec/__init__.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ """
+ :author: Pawel Chomicki
+ """
+diff --git a/pytest_spec/patch.py b/pytest_spec/patch.py
+index 2110e82..a39ccce 100644
+--- a/pytest_spec/patch.py
++++ b/pytest_spec/patch.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ """Module contains method that will be replaced by the plugin.
+ :author: Pawel Chomicki
+@@ -183,7 +182,7 @@ def _get_test_name(nodeid):
+ test_name_parts = test_name.split(' ')
+ if len(test_name_parts) == 1:
+ return test_name.strip().capitalize()
+- return 'The ({0}) {1}'.format(test_name_parts[0][1:].replace(' ', '_'), test_name_parts[1])
++ return 'The ({}) {}'.format(test_name_parts[0][1:].replace(' ', '_'), test_name_parts[1])
+ return test_name
+diff --git a/pytest_spec/plugin.py b/pytest_spec/plugin.py
+index 08c76ff..f32e3b3 100644
+--- a/pytest_spec/plugin.py
++++ b/pytest_spec/plugin.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ """Module contains command line option definition and logic needed to enable new formatting.
+ :author: Pawel Chomicki
+@@ -57,12 +56,12 @@ def pytest_addoption(parser):
+ def pytest_configure(config):
+ if getattr(config.option, 'spec', 0) and not getattr(config.option, 'quiet', 0) and not getattr(config.option, 'verbose', 0):
+- import six
++ import importlib
+ import _pytest
+ _pytest.terminal.TerminalReporter.pytest_runtest_logstart = logstart_replacer
+ _pytest.terminal.TerminalReporter.pytest_runtest_logreport = report_replacer
+ _pytest.terminal.TerminalReporter.pytest_collection_modifyitems = modifyitems_replacer
+- six.moves.reload_module(_pytest)
++ importlib.reload(_pytest)
+ @pytest.mark.hookwrapper
+diff --git a/pytest_spec/replacer.py b/pytest_spec/replacer.py
+index 8d81184..83a6f0a 100644
+--- a/pytest_spec/replacer.py
++++ b/pytest_spec/replacer.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ """Module contains method for replace operation.
+ Additional method are necessary because self is not yet defined and module
+diff --git a/test/test_formats/test_describe_format.py b/test/test_formats/test_describe_format.py
+index 602c9a5..adc1070 100644
+--- a/test/test_formats/test_describe_format.py
++++ b/test/test_formats/test_describe_format.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ """
+ :author: Pawel Chomicki
+ :e-mail: pawel.chomicki@gmail.com
+diff --git a/test/test_formats/test_functions.py b/test/test_formats/test_functions.py
+index 020d401..4763bf9 100644
+--- a/test/test_formats/test_functions.py
++++ b/test/test_formats/test_functions.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ """
+ :author: Pawel Chomicki
+ :e-mail: pawel.chomicki@gmail.com
+diff --git a/test/test_formats/test_methods.py b/test/test_formats/test_methods.py
+index 077e178..09cc005 100644
+--- a/test/test_formats/test_methods.py
++++ b/test/test_formats/test_methods.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ """
+ :author: Pawel Chomicki
+ :e-mail: pawel.chomicki@gmail.com
+@@ -6,7 +5,7 @@
+ import unittest
+-class SomeClass(object):
++class SomeClass:
+ def some_method(self, arg):
+ return arg
+diff --git a/test/test_patch.py b/test/test_patch.py
+index 05ec407..df7956d 100644
+--- a/test/test_patch.py
++++ b/test/test_patch.py
+@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ """
+ :author: Pawel Chomicki
+ """
+ import unittest
+-from mock import Mock, call
++from unittest.mock import Mock, call
+ import pytest_spec
+ from pytest_spec.patch import pytest_runtest_logstart, pytest_runtest_logreport
+-class FakeHook(object):
++class FakeHook:
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.cat = kwargs.get('cat', ' ')
+ self.letter = kwargs.get('letter', ' ')
+@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ def pytest_report_teststatus(self, report, config):
+ return self.cat, self.letter, self.word
+-class FakeConfig(object):
++class FakeConfig:
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.hook = FakeHook(*args, **kwargs)
+@@ -43,12 +42,12 @@ def getini(self, option):
+ return result
+-class FakeStats(object):
++class FakeStats:
+ def setdefault(self, first, second):
+ return []
+-class FakeSelf(object):
++class FakeSelf:
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.config = FakeConfig(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.currentfspath = None
+@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.stats = FakeStats()
+-class FakeReport(object):
++class FakeReport:
+ def __init__(self, nodeid, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.nodeid = nodeid
+ self.passed = kwargs.get('passed', True)
+diff --git a/test/test_plugin.py b/test/test_plugin.py
+index 2bcaec4..0d27972 100755
+--- a/test/test_plugin.py
++++ b/test/test_plugin.py
+@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ """
+ :author: Pawel Chomicki
+ """
+ import unittest
+-from mock import Mock, call, patch
++from unittest.mock import Mock, call, patch
+ from pytest_spec.plugin import pytest_addoption, pytest_configure
+-class FakeOption(object):
++class FakeOption:
+ def __init__(self, spec=False):
+ self.spec = spec
+ self.verbose = 0
+-class FakeConfig(object):
++class FakeConfig:
+ def __init__(self, spec):
+ self.option = FakeOption(spec=spec)
+@@ -34,12 +33,12 @@ def test__pytest_adoption__adds_spec_option(self):
+ dest='spec',
+ help='Print test result in specification format')])
+- @patch('six.moves.reload_module')
++ @patch('importlib.reload')
+ def test__pytest_configure__should_not_reload_configuration(self, imp_mock):
+ pytest_configure(FakeConfig(spec=False))
+ self.assertEqual(len(imp_mock.mock_calls), 0)
+- @patch('six.moves.reload_module')
++ @patch('importlib.reload')
+ def test__pytest_configure__reloads_pytest_after_patching(self, imp_mock):
+ pytest_configure(FakeConfig(spec=True))
+ self.assertEqual(len(imp_mock.mock_calls), 1)
+diff --git a/test/test_replacer.py b/test/test_replacer.py
+index 9526bc1..1106cdf 100644
+--- a/test/test_replacer.py
++++ b/test/test_replacer.py
+@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ """
+ :author: Pawel Chomicki
+ """
+ import unittest
+-from mock import patch
++from unittest.mock import patch
+ from pytest_spec.replacer import logstart_replacer, report_replacer
+diff --git a/test/test_results/test_as_class.py b/test/test_results/test_as_class.py
+index 5445dec..2ffeb60 100644
+--- a/test/test_results/test_as_class.py
++++ b/test/test_results/test_as_class.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ """
+ :author: Pawel Chomicki
+ :e-mail: pawel.chomicki@gmail.com
+diff --git a/test/test_results/test_as_functions.py b/test/test_results/test_as_functions.py
+index f725e61..5154531 100644
+--- a/test/test_results/test_as_functions.py
++++ b/test/test_results/test_as_functions.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ """
+ :author: Pawel Chomicki
+ :e-mail: pawel.chomicki@gmail.com
diff --git a/python-pytest-spec.changes b/python-pytest-spec.changes
index 3950715..a9465db 100644
--- a/python-pytest-spec.changes
+++ b/python-pytest-spec.changes
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+Thu Sep 14 11:59:56 UTC 2023 - pgajdos@suse.com
+- drop python2 support completely, python-six not required
+- deleted patches
+ - remove-mock.patch (upstreamed)
+- added patches
+ fix https://github.com/pchomik/pytest-spec/compare/3.2.0...master
+ + python-pytest-spec-nopython2.patch
Thu Mar 24 01:24:23 UTC 2022 - Steve Kowalik