Ondřej Súkup 44965e7ae3 - update to 0.3.5
* Preview features
   * [pylint] Implement modified-iterating-set (E4703) 
   * [refurb] Implement for-loop-set-mutations (FURB142) 
   * [refurb] Implement unnecessary-from-float (FURB164) 
   * [refurb] Implement verbose-decimal-constructor (FURB157) 
 * Rule changes
   * [flake8-comprehensions] Handled special case for C401 which also matches C416 
   * [flake8-pyi] Mark unaliased-collections-abc-set-import fix as "safe" for more cases in stub files (PYI025) 
   * [numpy] Add row_stack to NumPy 2.0 migration rule 
   * [pycodestyle] Allow cell magics before an import (E402) 
   * [pycodestyle] Avoid blank line rules for the first logical line in cell 
 * Configuration
   * Respected nested namespace packages 
   * [flake8-boolean-trap] Add setting for user defined allowed boolean trap 
 * Bug fixes
   * Correctly handle references in __all__ definitions when renaming symbols in autofixes 
   * Track ranges of names inside __all__ definitions 
   * [flake8-bugbear] Avoid false positive for usage after continue (B031) 
   * [flake8-copyright] Accept commas in default copyright pattern 
   * [flake8-datetimez] Allow f-strings with %z for DTZ007 
   * [flake8-pytest-style] Fix PT014 autofix for last item in list 
   * [flake8-quotes] Ignore Q000, Q001 when string is inside forward ref 
   * [isort] Always place non-relative imports after relative imports 
   * [isort] Respect Unicode characters in import sorting 
   * [pyflakes] Fix F821 false negatives when from __future__ import annotations is active (attempt 2) 
   * [pyflakes] Make unnecessary-lambda an always-unsafe fix 
   * [pylint] Fixed false-positive on the rule PLW1641 (eq-without-hash) 
   * [ruff] Fix panic in unused # noqa removal with multi-byte space (RUF100) 
 * Documentation

2024-04-09 21:35:45 +00:00

4 lines
132 B

oid sha256:a067daaeb1dc2baf9b82a32dae67d154d95212080c80435eb052d95da647763d
size 2140671