Ondřej Súkup eac981d0c6 - update to 0.5.6:
* Ruff 0.5.6 automatically enables linting and formatting of notebooks in preview mode.
  * Enable notebooks by default in preview mode
  * [flake8-builtins] Implement import, lambda, and module shadowing
  * [pydoclint] Add docstring-missing-returns (DOC201) and docstring-extraneous-returns (DOC202)
  * [flake8-return] Exempt cached properties and other property-like decorators from explicit return rule (RET501)
  * Make server panic hook more error resilient
  * Use $/logTrace for server trace logs in Zed and VS Code
  * Keep track of deleted cells for reorder change request
  * [flake8-implicit-str-concat] Always allow explicit multi-line concatenations when implicit concatenations are banned
  * [flake8-async] Avoid flagging asyncio.timeouts as unused when the context manager includes asyncio.TaskGroup
  * [flake8-slots] Avoid recommending __slots__ for classes that inherit from more than namedtuple
  * [isort] Avoid marking required imports as unused
  * [isort] Preserve trailing inline comments on import-from statements
  * [pycodestyle] Add newlines before comments (E305)
  * [pycodestyle] Don't attach comments with mismatched indents
  * [pyflakes] Fix preview-mode bugs in F401 when attempting to autofix unused first-party submodule imports in an file
  * [pylint] Respect start index in unnecessary-list-index-lookup
  * [pyupgrade] Avoid recommending no-argument super in slots=True dataclasses
  * [pyupgrade] Use colon rather than dot formatting for integer-only types
  * Fix NFKC normalization bug when removing unused imports
  * Consider more stdlib decorators to be property-like
  * Improve handling of metaclasses in various linter rules
  * Improve consistency between linter rules in determining whether a function is property

2024-08-09 10:52:07 +00:00

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