2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
# spec file for package python-sentry-sdk
# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
# nothing provides python2-venusian >= 1.0 needed by python2-pyramid
Name : python-sentry-sdk
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
Version : 2.10.0
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
Release : 0
Summary : Python SDK for Sentry.io
License : BSD-2-Clause
Group : Development/Languages/Python
URL : https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-python
Source0 : https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-python/archive/%{version} /sentry-python-%{version} .tar.gz
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module Django >= 2.0}
BuildRequires : %{python_module Flask >= 1.0}
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module MarkupSafe}
BuildRequires : %{python_module SQLAlchemy >= 1.2}
BuildRequires : %{python_module aiohttp >= 3.5}
BuildRequires : %{python_module asttokens}
BuildRequires : %{python_module asyncpg >= 0.23}
BuildRequires : %{python_module blinker >= 1.1}
BuildRequires : %{python_module bottle >= 0.12.13}
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module celery >= 4}
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module certifi}
BuildRequires : %{python_module executing}
BuildRequires : %{python_module falcon >= 1.4}
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module grpcio >= 1.39}
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module httpx >= 0.16.0}
BuildRequires : %{python_module loguru >= 0.5}
BuildRequires : %{python_module pymongo >= 3.1}
BuildRequires : %{python_module rq >= 0.6}
BuildRequires : %{python_module setuptools}
BuildRequires : %{python_module starlette >= 0.19.1}
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module tornado >= 6}
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module urllib3 >= 1.26.11}
BuildRequires : fdupes
BuildRequires : python-rpm-macros
# SECTION test requirements
BuildRequires : %{python_module Werkzeug}
BuildRequires : %{python_module PySocks}
BuildRequires : %{python_module eventlet}
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module fastapi >= 0.79.0}
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module gevent}
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module greenlet}
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module hypothesis}
BuildRequires : %{python_module ipdb}
BuildRequires : %{python_module jsonschema >= 3.2.0}
BuildRequires : %{python_module pyramid}
BuildRequires : %{python_module pyrsistent >= 0.16.0}
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module pytest-asyncio}
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module pytest-cov >= 2.8.1}
BuildRequires : %{python_module pytest-forked >= 1.4.0}
BuildRequires : %{python_module pytest-localserver >= 0.5.1}
BuildRequires : %{python_module pytest}
BuildRequires : %{python_module responses}
BuildRequires : %{python_module tox >= 3.7.0}
# SECTION test requirements - which rise up buildtime error or missing in openSUSE
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module pytest-watch >= 4.2.0}
# SECTION extra requirements - which rise up buildtime error or missing in openSUSE
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module arq >= 0.23}
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module pyspark >= 2.4.4}
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module apache-beam >= 2.12}
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module huey >= 2}
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module pure_eval}
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module chalice >= 1.16.0}
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module starlite >= 1.48}
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module quart >= 0.16.1}
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module sanic >= 0.8}
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module opentelemetry-distro >= 0.40b0}
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module beam >= 2.12}
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module chalice >= 1.16.0}
#BuildRequires: %%{python_module clickhouse-driver >= 0.2.0}
# Install requirements
Requires : python-certifi
Requires : python-urllib3 >= 1.26.11
# Extra requirements
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
Suggests : python-Django >= 2.0
Suggests : python-Flask >= 1.0
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
Suggests : python-MarkupSafe
Suggests : python-SQLAlchemy >= 1.2
Suggests : python-aiohttp >= 3.5
Suggests : python-asttokens
Suggests : python-asyncpg >= 0.23
Suggests : python-blinker >= 1.1
Suggests : python-bottle >= 0.12.13
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
Suggests : python-celery >= 4
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
Suggests : python-executing
Suggests : python-falcon >= 1.4
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
Suggests : python-fastapi >= 0.79.0
Suggests : python-grpcio >= 1.39
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
Suggests : python-httpx >= 0.16.0
Suggests : python-jsonschema
Suggests : python-loguru >= 0.5
Suggests : python-pymongo >= 3.1
Suggests : python-rq >= 0.6
Suggests : python-starlette >= 0.19.1
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
Suggests : python-tornado >= 6
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
# SECTION extra requirements - which rise up buildtime error or missing in openSUSE
#Requires: python-sanic >= 0.8
#Requires: python-apache-beam >= 2.12
#Requires: python-huey >= 2
#Requires: python-arq >= 0.23
#Requires: python-pyspark >= 2.4.4
#Requires: python-pure_eval
#Requires: python-chalice >= 1.16.0
#Requires: python-starlite >= 1.48
#Requires: python-quart >= 0.16.1
#Requires: python-sanic >= 0.8
#Requires: python-opentelemetry-distro >= 0.40b0
#Requires: python- beam >= 2.12}
#Requires: python-chalice >= 1.16.0}
#Requires: python-clickhouse-driver >= 0.2.0}
#Requires: python-fastapi >= 0.79.0}
BuildArch : noarch
A Python SDK for Sentry.io.
%autosetup -p1 -n sentry-python-%{version}
%python_expand %fdupes %{buildroot} %{$python_sitelib}
export PYTEST_ADDOPTS=" - W i g n o r e : : D e p r e c a t i o n W a r n i n g "
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tests.conftest
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
# do not test integration (many package are missing at SUSE):
rm -r tests/integrations
# test_auto_enabling_integrations_catches_import_error asert False where False = ..., not sure
2024-07-18 08:45:21 +02:00
%pytest -rs -k 'not ((test_default_release and test_utils) or test_new_scopes_compat_event or test_transport_works or test_auto_enabling_integrations_catches_import_error)'
2024-06-29 21:27:25 +02:00
%files %{python_files}
%license LICENSE
%{python_sitelib} /sentry*/