Update to 1.1.0 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/891160 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-sentry-sdk?expand=0&rev=33
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Thu May 6 18:54:28 UTC 2021 - ecsos <ecsos@opensuse.org>
- Update to 1.1.0
- Fix for AWSLambda integration returns value of original handler
- Fix for RQ integration that only captures exception if RQ job
has failed and ignore retries #1076
- Feature that supports Tracing for the Tornado integration #1060
- Feature that supports wild cards in ignore_logger in the
Logging Integration #1053
- Fix for django that deals with template span description names
that are either lists or tuples #1054
Wed Mar 10 06:36:59 UTC 2021 - ecsos <ecsos@opensuse.org>
- Update to 1.0.0
- BREAKING CHANGE: Feat: Moved auto_session_tracking experimental
flag to a proper option and removed explicitly setting
experimental session_mode in favor of auto detecting its value,
hence enabling release health by default #994
- Fixed Django transaction name by setting the name to
request.path_info rather than request.path
- Fix for tracing by getting HTTP headers from span rather than
transaction when possible #1035
- Fix for Flask transactions missing request body in non errored
transactions #1034
- Fix for honoring the X-Forwarded-For header #1037
- Fix for worker that logs data dropping of events with level
error #1032
- Changes from 0.20.3
- Added scripts to support auto instrumentation of no code AWS
lambda Python functions
- Changes from 0.20.2
- Fix incorrect regex in craft to include wheel file in pypi
- Changes from 0.20.1
- Fix for error that occurs with Async Middlewares when the
middleware is a function rather than a class
- Changes from 0.20.0
- Fix for header extraction for AWS lambda/API extraction
- Fix multiple **kwargs type hints # 967
- Fix that corrects AWS lambda integration failure to detect
the aws-lambda-ric 1.0 bootstrap #976
- Fix AWSLambda integration: variable "timeout_thread" referenced
before assignment #977
- Use full git sha as release name #960
- BREAKING CHANGE: The default environment is now production,
not based on release
- Django integration now creates transaction spans for template
- Fix headers not parsed correctly in ASGI middleware,
Decode headers before creating transaction #984
- Restored ability to have tracing disabled #991
- Fix Django async views not behaving asynchronously
- Performance improvement: supported pre-aggregated sessions
Thu Dec 10 13:23:46 UTC 2020 - ecsos <ecsos@opensuse.org>
- Update to 0.19.5
- Fix two regressions added in 0.19.2 with regard to sampling
behavior when reading the sampling decision from headers.
- Increase internal transport queue size and make it configurable.
Wed Dec 2 12:33:17 UTC 2020 - ecsos <ecsos@opensuse.org>
- Add additional and missing requirements.
Tue Dec 1 21:41:22 UTC 2020 - Hans-Peter Jansen <hpj@urpla.net>
- Update to version 0.19.4
* Fix a bug that would make applications crash if an old version
of boto3 was installed.
- Update to version 0.19.3
* Automatically pass integration-relevant data to traces_sampler
for AWS, AIOHTTP, ASGI, Bottle, Celery, Django, Falcon, Flask,
GCP, Pyramid, Tryton, RQ, and WSGI integrations
* Fix a bug where the AWS integration would crash if event was
anything besides a dictionary
* Fix the Django integrations's ASGI handler for Channels 3.0.
Thanks Luke Pomfrey!
- Update to version 0.19.2
* Add traces_sampler option.
* The SDK now attempts to infer a default release from various
environment variables and the current git repo.
* Fix a crash with async views in Django 3.1.
* Fix a bug where complex URL patterns in Django would create
malformed transaction names.
* Add options for transaction styling in AIOHTTP.
* Add basic attachment support (documentation tbd).
* fix a crash in the pure_eval integration.
* Integration for creating spans from boto3.
- Update to version 0.19.1
* Fix dependency check for blinker fixes #858
* Fix incorrect timeout warnings in AWS Lambda and GCP
integrations #854
- Update to version 0.19.0
* Removed _experiments.auto_enabling_integrations in favor of
just auto_enabling_integrations which is now enabled by
- Update to version 0.18.0
* Breaking change: The no_proxy environment variable is now
honored when inferring proxy settings from the system. Thanks
Xavier Fernandez!
* Added Performance/Tracing support for AWS and GCP functions.
* Fix an issue with Django instrumentation where the SDK modified
resolver_match.callback and broke user code.
- Update to version 0.17.8
* Fix yet another bug with disjoint traces in Celery.
* Added support for Chalice 1.20. Thanks again to the folks at
Cuenca MX!
- Update to version 0.17.7
* Internal: Change data category for transaction envelopes.
* Fix a bug under Celery 4.2+ that may have caused disjoint
traces or missing transactions.
- Update to version 0.17.6
* Support for Flask 0.10 (only relaxing version check)
- Update to version 0.17.5
* Work around an issue in the Python stdlib that makes the entire
process deadlock during garbage collection if events are sent
from a __del__ implementation.
* Add possibility to wrap ASGI application twice in middleware to
enable split up of request scope data and exception catching.
- Update to version 0.17.4
* New integration for the Chalice web framework for AWS Lambda.
Thanks to the folks at Cuenca MX!
- Update to version 0.17.3
* Fix an issue with the pure_eval integration in interaction with
trimming where pure_eval would create a lot of useless local
variables that then drown out the useful ones in trimming.
- Update to version 0.17.2
* Fix timezone bugs in GCP integration.
- Update to version 0.17.1
* Fix timezone bugs in AWS Lambda integration.
* Fix crash on GCP integration because of missing parameter
- Update to version 0.17.0
* Fix a bug where class-based callables used as Django views
(without using Django's regular class-based views) would not
have csrf_exempt applied.
* New integration for Google Cloud Functions.
* Fix a bug where a recently released version of urllib3 would
cause the SDK to enter an infinite loop on networking and SSL
* Breaking change: Remove the traceparent_v2 option. The option
has been ignored since 0.16.3, just remove it from your code.
- Update to version 0.16.5
* Fix a bug that caused Django apps to crash if the view didn't
have a __name__ attribute.
- Update to version 0.16.4
* Add experiment to avoid trunchating span descriptions.
Initialize with
init(_experiments={"smart_transaction_trimming": True}).
* Add a span around the Django view in transactions to
distinguish its operations from middleware operations.
- Update to version 0.16.3
* Fix AWS Lambda support for Python 3.8.
* The AWS Lambda integration now captures initialization/import
errors for Python 3.
* The AWS Lambda integration now supports an option to warn about
functions likely to time out.
* Testing for RQ 1.5
* Flip default of traceparent_v2. This change should have zero
impact. The flag will be removed in 0.17.
* Fix compatibility bug with Django 3.1.
- Update to version 0.16.2
* New (optional) integrations for richer stacktraces: pure_eval
for additional variables, executing for better function names.
- Update to version 0.16.1
* Flask integration: Fix a bug that prevented custom tags from
being attached to transactions.
- Update to version 0.16.0
* Redis integration: add tags for more commands
* Redis integration: Patch rediscluster package if installed.
* Session tracking: A session is no longer considered crashed if
there has been a fatal log message (only unhandled exceptions
* Breaking change: Revamping of the tracing API.
* Breaking change: before_send is no longer called for
- Update to version 0.15.1
* Fix fatal crash in Pyramid integration on 404.
- Update to version 0.15.0
* Breaking change: The ASGI middleware will now raise an
exception if contextvars are not available, like it is already
the case for other asyncio integrations.
* Contextvars are now used in more circumstances following a
bugfix release of gevent. This will fix a few instances of
wrong request data being attached to events while using an
asyncio-based web framework.
* APM: Fix a bug in the SQLAlchemy integration where a span was
left open if the database transaction had to be rolled back.
This could have led to deeply nested span trees under that db
query span.
* Fix a bug in the Pyramid integration where the transaction name
could not be overridden at all.
* Fix a broken type annotation on capture_exception.
* Basic support for Django 3.1. More work is required for async
middlewares to be instrumented properly for APM.
- Add new dependencies
Thu Jun 18 16:32:19 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke <mardnh@gmx.de>
- update to 0.14.4
* Fix bugs in transport rate limit enforcement for specific data
* The bug should not have affected anybody because we do not yet
emit rate limits for specific event types/data categories.
* Fix a bug in capture_event where it would crash if given
additional kwargs.
* Fix a bug where contextvars from the request handler were
inaccessible in AIOHTTP error handlers.
* Fix a bug where the Celery integration would crash if newrelic
instrumented Celery as well.
Thu Mar 26 12:36:49 UTC 2020 - Marketa Calabkova <mcalabkova@suse.com>
- update to 0.14.3
* Attempt to use a monotonic clock to measure span durations in Performance/APM.
* Avoid overwriting explicitly set user data in web framework integrations.
* Allow to pass keyword arguments to `capture_event` instead of configuring the scope.
* Feature development for session tracking.
Wed Mar 18 14:30:44 UTC 2020 - pgajdos@suse.com
- version update to 0.14.2
* Fix a crash in the Django integration when used in combination with Django Rest Framework's test utilities for request.
* Fix high memory consumption when sending a lot of errors in the same process. Particularly noticeable in async environments.
* Show ASGI request data in Django 3.0
* New integration for the Trytond ERP framework. Thanks n1ngu!
* Fix trace continuation bugs in APM.
* No longer report `asyncio.CancelledError` as part of AIOHTTP integration.
* Fix package classifiers to mark this package as supporting Python 3.8. The SDK supported 3.8 before though.
* Update schema sent for transaction events (transaction status).
* Fix a bug where `None` inside request data was skipped/omitted.
* Fix an issue with the ASGI middleware that would cause Uvicorn to infer the wrong ASGI versions and call the wrapped application with the wrong argument count.
* Do not ignore the `tornado.application` logger.
* The Redis integration now instruments Redis blaster for breadcrumbs and transaction spans.
- test at least something
- deleted sources
- pytest.ini (not needed)
Fri Nov 8 23:09:33 UTC 2019 - Jimmy Berry <jberry@suse.com>
- Update to 0.13.2
- Fix a bug in APM that would cause wrong durations to be
displayed on non-UTC servers.
Fri Oct 25 14:53:43 UTC 2019 - Jimmy Berry <jberry@suse.com>
- Update to 0.13.1
- Add new global functions for setting scope/context data.
- Fix a bug that would make Django 1.11+ apps crash when using
function-based middleware.
Thu Oct 17 21:13:24 UTC 2019 - Jimmy Berry <jberry@suse.com>
- Update to 0.13.0
- Remove an old deprecation warning (behavior itself already
changed since a long time).
- The AIOHTTP integration now attaches the request body to crash
reports. Thanks to Vitali Rebkavets!
- Add an experimental PySpark integration.
- First release to be tested under Python 3.8. No code changes
were necessary though, so previous releases also might have
Wed Oct 2 20:34:44 UTC 2019 - Jimmy Berry <jberry@suse.com>
- Update to 0.12.3
- Various performance improvements to event sending.
- Avoid crashes when scope or hub is racy.
- Revert a change that broke applications using gevent and channels
(in the same virtualenv, but different processes).
- Fix a bug that made the SDK crash on unicode in SQL.
- Comment out test build dependencies since tests are disabled.
Mon Sep 30 22:28:19 UTC 2019 - Jimmy Berry <jberry@suse.com>
- Add pytest.ini source to ignore deprecation warning from eventlet
- Disable %check since pytest does not want to follow documentation
Mon Sep 30 22:07:37 UTC 2019 - Jimmy Berry <jberry@suse.com>
- Update to 0.12.2
- Temporarily remove sending of SQL parameters (as part of
breadcrumbs or spans for APM) to Sentry to avoid memory
consumption issues.
- Fix a crash with ASGI (Django Channels) when the ASGI request
type is neither HTTP nor Websockets.
Thu Sep 19 13:34:03 UTC 2019 - Jimmy Berry <jberry@suse.com>
- Update to 0.12.0
- Fix a bug where the response object for httplib (or requests)
was held onto for an unnecessarily long amount of time.
- APM: Add spans for more methods on subprocess.Popen objects.
- APM: Add spans for Django middlewares.
- APM: Add spans for ASGI requests.
Fri Aug 30 15:36:40 UTC 2019 - Jimmy Berry <jberry@suse.com>
- Update to 0.11.2
- fixed shutdown bug while runnign under eventlet
- added missing data to Redis breadcrumbs
- Include build requirement on python eventlet module for the tests
while exclusing a subset of new tests
Sat Aug 24 06:02:01 UTC 2019 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Trim time-dependent wording from description.
Mon Aug 19 20:18:33 UTC 2019 - Jimmy Berry <jberry@suse.com>
- Update to 0.11.1
- Remove a faulty assertion (observed in environment with
Django Channels and ASGI).
Fri Aug 16 21:37:16 UTC 2019 - Jimmy Berry <jberry@suse.com>
- Update to 0.11.0
- mostly bug fixes
- integration with SQLAlchemy and Apache Beam
Mon Aug 12 14:19:52 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <tchvatal@suse.com>
- Format with spec-cleaner
- Run tests
Fri Aug 9 22:36:25 UTC 2019 - Jimmy Berry <jberry@suse.com>
- Set BuildArch to noarch.
Fri Aug 9 22:30:15 UTC 2019 - Jimmy Berry <jberry@suse.com>
- Update to 0.10.2.
Fri Jun 7 10:19:06 UTC 2019 - ecsos@opensuse.org
- initial version 0.9.0