------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 9 12:40:36 UTC 2023 - ecsos - Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 1 09:15:57 UTC 2022 - Michael Vetter - Update to 0.5.1: * ENH: Unselectable text is now also not highlighted when you manually highlight a code cell. Exclude unselectable text from being copied (update) #178 * ENH: After copying, the copybutton will disappear before the icon changes back if you are no longer hovering on the code cell. FIX: Make copybutton remain for a second during success #176 * MAINT: Add support for Python 3.10 #174 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 4 14:25:02 UTC 2022 - Scott Bradnick - 0.5.0 - Initial version from upstream via py2pack.