------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 20 03:38:33 UTC 2017 - sflees@suse.de - Update to 0.7.7 * support. Iterables of dicts. ``latex_booktabs`` format. * ```fancy_grid`` and ``html`` formats. Command line utility. * ``--float`` format option for the command line utility. * New table formats (``psql``, ``jira``, ``moinmoin``, ``textile``). * Wide character support. * Printing from database cursors. * Option to print row indices. * Boolean columns. Ragged rows. * Option to disable number parsing. * Bug Fixes - Convert to single spec ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 6 15:52:35 UTC 2016 - tbechtold@suse.com - Add LICENSE and README ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 24 08:58:20 UTC 2014 - fcastelli@suse.com - Remove python-setuptools requirement ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 23 10:37:31 UTC 2014 - fcastelli@suse.com - Initial version of the package (0.7.2)