------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 9 20:14:07 UTC 2021 - Arun Persaud - specfile: * update copyright year * remove python2 * skip six - update to version 5.0.5: * Support deprecated literals for sets, tuples on the command-line: nbconvert --TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_cell_tags='{"tag"}' * Fix from_string_list for Tuples in general * Fix support for List(default_value=None, allow_none=True) and other Container traits * Fix help output for nested aliases and tuple traits - changes from version 5.0.4: * Support deprecated use of byte-literals for bytes on the command-line: ipython kernel --Session.key="b'abc'". The b prefix is no longer needed in traitlets 5.0, but is supported for backward-compatibility * Improve output of configuration errors, especially when help output would make it hard to find the helpful error message - changes from version 5.0.3: * Fix regression in handling –opt=None on the CLI for configurable traits with allow_none=True - changes from version 5.0.2: * Fix casting bytes to unicode - changes from version 5.0.0: * Major changes are: + Removal of Python 2 support, + Removal of Python 3.0-3.6 support + we now follow NEP 29, and are thus Python 3.7+ only. + remove six as a dependency + remove funcsig as a dependency. * Here is a list of most Pull requests that went into 5.0 and a short description. + PR #362 , PR #361 introduces: - help for aliases , aliases dict values can now be a tuple with (‘target’, ‘help string’) - subcommands can now be arbitrary callable and do not need to be subclass of Application + PR #306 Add compatibility with the trait package for Dictionaries and add the key_trait parameters allowing to restrict the type of the key of a mapping. The constructor parameters trait and traits are renamed to value_trait and per_key_traits. + PR #319 adds ability to introduce both shot and long version of aliases, allowing for short and long options - and --. + PR #322 rewrite command line argument parsing to use argparse, and allow more flexibility in assigning literals without quoting. + PR #332 Make it easier to redefined default values of parents classes. + PR #333 introduces a Callable trait. + PR #340 Old way of passing containers in the command line is now deprecated, and will emit warning on the command line. + PR #341 introduces --Application.show_config=True which will make by default any application show it configuration, all the files it loaded configuration from, and exit. + PR #349 unify ability to declare default values across traitlets with a singular method default method, and PR #525 adds a warning that Undefined is deprecated. + PR #355 fix a random ordering issues in command lines flags. + PR #356 allow both self and cls in __new__ method for genericity. + PR #360 Simplify overwriting and extending the command line argument parser. + PR #371 introduces a FuzzyEnum trait that allow case insensitive and unique prefix matching. + PR #384 Ass a trait_values method to extra a mapping of trait and their values. + PR #393 Link now have a transform attribute (taking two functions inverse of each other), that affect how a value is mapped between a source and a target. + PR #394 Link now have a link method to re-link object after unlink has been called. + PR #402 rewrite handling of error messages for nested traits. + PR #405 all function that use to print help now have an equivalent that yields the help lines. + PR #413 traits now have a method trait_has_value, returning a boolean to know if a value has been assigned to a trait (excluding the default), in order to help avoiding circular validation at initialisation. + PR #416 Explicitly export traitlets in __all__ to avoid exposing implementation details. + PR #438 introduces .info_rst() to let traitlets overwrite the automatically generated rst documentation. + PR #458 Add a sphinx extension to automatically document options of Application instance in projects using traitlets. + PR #509 remove all base except: meaning traitlets will not catch a number of BaseException s anymore. + PR #515 Add a class decorator to enable tab completion of keyword arguments in signature. + PR #516 a Sentinel Traitlets was made public by mistake and is now deprecated. + PR #517 use parent Logger within logggin configurable when possible. + PR #522 Make loading config files idempotent and expose the list of loaded config files for long running services. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 12 07:59:14 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Fix build without python2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 12 16:31:49 UTC 2019 - Todd R - Update to version 4.3.3 * Adds Application.loaded_config_files property for accessing config files that have been loaded and makes the property idempotent on multiple loads. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 5 14:59:37 UTC 2017 - tbechtold@suse.com - Add missing python-six BuildRequires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 5 13:35:11 UTC 2017 - tbechtold@suse.com - Add missing python-six Requires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 14 17:05:33 UTC 2017 - toddrme2178@gmail.com - Implement single-spec version. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 30 18:54:06 UTC 2017 - toddrme2178@gmail.com - Update to 4.3.2 * using :meth:`_traitname_default()` without the ``@default`` decorator is no longer deprecated. * Passing ``config=True`` in traitlets constructors is no longer deprecated. - Update to 4.3.1 * Compatibility fix for Python 3.6a1 * Fix bug in Application.classes getting extra entries when multiple Applications are instantiated in the same process. - Update to 4.3.0 * Improve the generated config file output. * Allow TRAITLETS_APPLICATION_RAISE_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR env to override :attr:`Application.raise_config_file_errors`, so that config file errors can result in exiting immediately. * Avoid using root logger. If no application logger is registered, the ``'traitlets'`` logger will be used instead of the root logger. * Change/Validation arguments are now Bunch objects, allowing attribute-access, in addition to dictionary access. * Reduce number of common deprecation messages in certain cases. * Ensure command-line options always have higher priority than config files. * Add bounds on numeric traits. * Improves various error messages. - Update to 4.2.2 * Partially revert a change in 4.1 that prevented IPython's command-line options from taking priority over config files. - Update to 4.2.1 * Demotes warning about unused arguments in ``HasTraits.__init__`` introduced in 4.2.0 to DeprecationWarning. - Update to 4.2.0 * :class:`JSONFileConfigLoader` can be used as a context manager for updating configuration. * If a value in config does not map onto a configurable trait, a message is displayed that the value will have no effect. * Unused arguments are passed to ``super()`` in ``HasTraits.__init__``, improving support for multiple inheritance. * Various bugfixes and improvements in the new API introduced in 4.1. * Application subclasses may specify ``raise_config_file_errors = True`` to exit on failure to load config files, instead of the default of logging the failures. - Update to 4.1 * Decorators are used, rather than magic method names, for registering trait-related methods. See :doc:`using_traitlets` and :doc:`migration` for more info. * Deprecate ``Trait(config=True)`` in favor of ``Trait().tag(config=True)``. In general, metadata is added via ``tag`` instead of the constructor. * Trait attributes initialized with ``read_only=True`` can only be set with the ``set_trait`` method. Attempts to directly modify a read-only trait attribute raises a ``TraitError``. * The directional link now takes an optional `transform` attribute allowing the modification of the value. * Various fixes and improvements to config-file generation (fixed ordering, Undefined showing up, etc.) * Warn on unrecognized traits that aren't configurable, to avoid silently ignoring mistyped config. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 30 18:53:09 UTC 2017 - toddrme2178@gmail.com - Update to version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 14 07:48:27 UTC 2015 - toddrme2178@gmail.com - Fix package naming consistency ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 13 13:57:00 UTC 2015 - toddrme2178@gmail.com - Update dependency names ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 21 13:34:20 UTC 2015 - toddrme2178@gmail.com - Initial version